Published at 4th of October 2023 10:24:06 AM

Chapter 94

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Chapter 94: Hollywood's Genius Girl?

"Hello dear, did you sleep well?" The father greeted his daughter as she came downstairs.


"As usual," the daughter shrugged and sat down at the dining table, she looked at the newspapers lying next to her father and picked one up to flip through.


"Darling, you should eat first, your father will take you to the opera later. Today is Saturday, as you agreed with Mr. Ryan, right?" the mother came out of the kitchen with a plate.


"It's okay, Mom, reading is also a form of learning. It can't hurt to read the newspaper," the daughter smiled, but in truth there wasn't much that interested her. After flipping through a few pages, she was about to put it down. But then she noticed a headline in the entertainment section: "A Technical Movie?" 


Next to it were two pictures - one of Mr. Al Pacino, whom she had seen before, and the other of the little girl who had taken her to meet Mr. Pacino, Angela! After being surprised for a few seconds, the girl immediately took out the entertainment section and started reading:


"I have to admire Mr. David Fincher. For his first time directing a movie, he managed to create an eerie and suspenseful atmosphere, guiding the audience's psychology bit by bit, constantly giving them hints, only to reveal at the end that they were all wrong. This technique is very creative, and Miss Angela Mason, the screenwriter, played a significant role in it. But what else does this movie have to offer? I don't know what this story wants to tell us. It has shadows of《The Shining》and mixes characteristics of《Rear Window》and the final scene resembles《The Silence of the Lambs》- I think Ms. Foster has the most to say about that. But compared to these three movies《Hide and Seek》lacks a power that strikes directly at the heart. It's a good story, but it's just a story. Obviously, Miss Mason still has a lot of work to do in this regard, so that《Hide and Seek》is merely a technically well-made movie.


"This is, Angela's new work? It premiered last night?" The girl thought for a moment, put the newspaper neatly to one side and started to look through her father's other newspapers.


"Hey, honey, what are you doing?" Her father asked curiously.


"Angela's new movie is out and I want to see the reviews," the girl said as she took out the《Washington Post》and looked for the entertainment section.


"Is it the one filmed in Woodland Town?" Her mother interrupted.


"Yes, Mom," the girl nodded and found the relevant news in the entertainment section:


"Two-person movie: This is a suspense movie, a thriller. Although director David Fincher has done an excellent job of creating the peculiar atmosphere typical of thrillers, this movie would be at least half as impressive without the performances of Mr. Al Pacino and Miss Angela Mason. As Mr. Pacino's first attempt at thrillers, he undoubtedly uses his seasoned acting skills to drive the entire plot, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that Miss Angela Mason can hold her own perfectly, completely different from her innocent and lovely appearance in《The Parent Trap.》I must say that in《Hide and Seek》Miss Mason's acting has made a qualitative leap. However, it's unfortunate that the whole movie revolves around the father and daughter, and the supporting characters are somewhat two-dimensional, especially Jodie Foster. She's just reprising her role from《The Silence of the Lambs》 so《Hide and Seek》is essentially a two-person movie with Mr. Pacino and Miss Mason.


"All right, dear, eat first and you can read later, okay?" Mom looked at her daughter, who was engrossed in reading and felt a little helpless.


"Okay, Mom, just one more page and that's it." The daughter stuck out her tongue and put down the《Washington Post.》 


She first read《New York Times》leaving only the《Los Angeles Times.》 But when she turned to the entertainment section, she was astonished. Halfway down the first page was a close-up of Angela, lightly brushing her hair and gazing absent-mindedly ahead, giving off a lazy yet adorable vibe. Below it was the bold headline: "Hollywood's Genius Girl?" The question mark stood out prominently.

"Miss Angela Mason, born in 1980 in Los Angeles, California, has golden hair and bright emerald-like eyes. At the age of only 12, she has already appeared in two films: last summer's successful box office hit《The Parent Trap》and yesterday's release,《Hide and Seek.》However, that's not what this headline is about. What I want to say is that as a 12-year-old girl, she wrote the scripts for both of these movies! Unbelievable, right? If you knew that the script for the highly anticipated《Sleepless in Seattle》which premiered on Valentine's Day and is undoubtedly among the top ten box office hits this year, was also written by her, wouldn't you feel dizzy? In fact, all the above content is indeed true. It's hard to imagine that a 12-year-old girl can write blockbuster movie scripts. And if《The Parent Trap》and《Sleepless in Seattle》might be something a female could write, then what about《Hide and Seek》? However, insiders have revealed that these scripts are indeed the work of this girl, so if we were to define genius, Miss Mason would certainly be an epitome of it..."

"Darling!" Her mother emphasized her tone, causing the girl to roll her eyes and reluctantly put down the newspaper. "All right, Mom, I'll eat breakfast now."


Breakfast was simple, with oatmeal, toast, and the like, but no meat, as the girl had become a vegetarian several years ago and had grown accustomed to it. After finishing breakfast quickly, she left the table. She had intended to continue reading the newspapers she hadn't finished yet, but it was almost time to leave and her father had started packing, so she decided to go to the telephone and pick up the receiver to dial a number.


After a few beeps, a calm female voice came from the other end: "Hello, this is the Mason residence. May I ask who's calling?"


"Hello, could you please locate Angela? I'm her friend."


"Sure, please hold. Angela is in bed with an illness. I'll let her take the call there."


"Thank you, ma'am." The girl waited for about ten seconds, and finally a faint and frustrated voice came from the other end, seemingly unhappy.


"You finally decided to call. Do you want to apologize? Oh no, I won't accept it. Just think of what you have done to me! Shameless and despicable, you played with my body and hurt my heart deeply. So, Jesse, if you want my forgiveness, you and Lindsay have to come to my house and apologize to my face..."


The more the girl listened, the more confused she became. Finally, she rolled her eyes dramatically and interrupted, "Angie, it's me."


The other end immediately fell silent. After a while, in an embarrassed and hesitant tone, she asked, "Nat?


"Of course, who else would it be?" Natalie shrugged.


"Oh, damn it!" A pained groan came from the other end, then she asked nervously, "Did you just hear everything?"


"Of course, very clearly. All that shameless, despicable, playing with your body stuff."


"Oh, my goodness!" Another groan came from the other end, but Natalie's next sentence immediately saved her from further distress, "What happened to you? Angie, I don't understand what you're talking about."


"You don't understand?" There was a pause on the other end, followed by a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "This is... great! Okay, okay, forget what I said. Dear Nat, those were just the ramblings of someone who was troubled by your sudden reappearance after almost half a year. I couldn't get my thoughts together, so they came out incoherently. Oh God, I don't even know what I said."


"Neither do I," Natalie stuck out her tongue. "Anyway, I understand. I just wanted to call and check on you, you know, letters aren't as fast as a phone call."


"Thank you, Nat. I'm really glad you called," the voice on the other end replied with a smile.


"By the way, I read an interesting article in the《Los Angeles Times.》 Did you know about it?" Natalie said.


"Oh, Nat, it's not really interesting. I don't know what there is to analyze about me. I'm totally unprepared for this."


"Not prepared? Then why do you write scripts and make movies? You know, there's another movie coming out this year based on your screenplay," Natalie asked curiously.


"No, what I meant was... forget it. Let's not talk about it. Is the release date for《Leon: The Professional》confirmed? I can't wait to see you in it!"


"It's probably before Halloween. To be honest, I'm a little nervous."


"That's okay, dear. You're going to be fantastic, I promise."


Just then her father's voice came in, "Nat, we have to go."


"Okay, Dad, I'm coming," Natalie replied loudly, then spoke into the receiver, "Okay, I have to go now, Angie. I have a part in a play."


"OK, good luck. I really hope you can come to California to see me some time."


"If I get the chance. Well, goodbye."




After hearing the hang-up sound from the receiver, Natalie put it back in its place and quickly went upstairs to pack. However, she was curious about what Angela meant by being played and being deeply hurt. But she decided to ask her about it later.

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