Published at 11th of August 2023 07:45:00 AM

Chapter 58

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People kept a wide berth as we walked towards our destination, making me feel like a celebrity. Doubly so because of the few who would actually rather take a closer look. I gave then some Neigh service, but none seemed to understand what I'm saying. A shame, I had hoped a population like this would be a little more developed.


Arnold came up to me during this time, to apologize for the behavior of his fellows.


"I'm sure you understand why they're acting that way, and it's not really unreasonable… But I'm sure it's unpleasant."


I just shrugged in response to his worries, holding my head up high.


"Why, they are recognizing Jackal's greatness and making way, as the commons should." Jalley corrected her friend.


At least someone gets it.


Arnold sensed it was a losing argument, so he just backed off. Meanwhile I was Identifying everyone I saw which seemed to make some of them even more wary and alert. But it was too late to take it back, and I got the information I was curious for.


Namely, that people right now typically hovered between Levels 30 to 40. At least, the ones that I thought were fighters. The ones who seemed content working a craft or managing stalls were at around Levels 20, and the children running around were below even that. Although curiously, no one dipped below 10. I assumed that was because of the Levels one can gain without actually fighting.


Whether any of that made this settlement impressive or not, it was hard to tell. All the other ones we have visited have all very suddenly gone to shit, and I wasn't able to really get a good look at their population. A shame. I could not fathom why such tragic fates befell them.


Eventually, we made our way to college grounds, and then towards the central building. There was a somewhat constant stream of people coming in and out of it, but it wasn't all that hard to find that there were indeed guards posted out front. Two people in thick plated armor, clearly the work of Orlean. I couldn't help but Identify them back when they did the same to me.


[Warrior - Lvl 42]


[Rogue - Lvl 44]


Their posture immediately stiffened, and they shouted at the streams of people going by. They too were distracted by me, if a little bit less guarded, but they listened to the command nonetheless.


I quickly found myself staring at the other end of a gun barrel yet again, almost giving a sense of Deja Vu. Halbert, Jalley, and Arnold quickly had to play mediator again, just like before.


"So if I got this right…" One of the guards said, clearly not the brightest tool in the shed. She pointed at me. "He was once a human and had become a horse, but retains his mind?"


I tuned out the conversation after that and focused on the other people around, a few of them already back on their way after hearing Halbert's explanation. Most still kept a wide berth from me of course, but there was one little boy that had the courage to come closer, awed at the spectacle of my form.


I neighed loudly to the sky in response, letting my mane flow wildly. Flaze summoned a clone and they both clapped wildly at my display, but the crowd didn't seem quite as receptive except for the one boy that had good taste.


"Hey! Jonathan!" His mother quickly came over to ruin the fun. A woman with long ears and big googly eyes, the telltale signs of an elf. "Don't… Let's not disturb these… people." She looked up at me, and I grinned at her. "Right, sorry about that… Err, I think they mentioned your name's Jackal?"


I nodded, and the elf grabbed her child's arm tightly. "We'll be on our way then. Let's go!"


"But mom! Look at the horse! It looks so cool!" The boy protested rightfully as he was dragged away.


"Jonathan!" She pulled harder on her son's hand.




"Heh. Mothers want to get their children away from you." Flaze laughed. "It's like I'm watching television. And you're the local creep."


Local Creep? I raised an eyebrow, incredulous.


"World-class creep. No mere local creep. Sorry."


Better. I nodded.


We were led inside shortly after, and this time Halbert, Jalley, and Arnold all took the lead to reassure the many people passing by the hallways. They were really laying it on thick.


"Worry not, for he is a human just like you. But trapped in the body of a monster."


"It's true that he's on our side. We have fought together. I've seen him bleed for another. This horse has a righteous heart like no other!"


"Nothing to see here. Move along please."


This was clearly the center of their civilization, and I observed how the old lecture halls have been repurposed for many things such as offices and command posts. There were debates going on in some, efforts to collate information on the land, and the monsters that inhabited them. I thought about that for a second, and promptly decided that I'd like to make use of such knowledge. Solo kills would still likely be the most expedient method of Leveling up, as well as taking on those over Level 100. Not to mention that Orlean mentioned some kind of achievement for such a feat.


But hell, even Halbert could not take on a weakened Level 100+ by himself, no matter that he was so close already to a hundred. And Orlean's own victory only resulted from some massive home field advantages. All this to say, that I should look for something that was a massively positive matchup for myself.


As we kept making our way through the many corridors and stairs, I realized just how cramped the building could be in places. I'm sure it was a fine institution at some point, but the creators clearly did not design it for horse travel. A critical flaw in the architecture. That's the reason why I accidentally knocked over a glass shelf filled with trophies and other memorabilia. It was the fault of the creators of this flawed building.


The situation ended up gathering an audience, so I wasted no time in clearing my name by writing about my innocence on the wall. The people were intrigued by my abilities, awed by the neatness of my writing. The contents garnered some laughs, but some, likely the cleaning staff, look mighty annoyed. I would be annoyed too, at the architects of this building. Truly, inconsiderate. Not just of horses, but of the people who would have to clean up after them. What an oversight.


I was quickly dragged away from the scene by my friends, before I could empathize with the staff about our shared burden. It didn't take long from there, until we finally arrived at the double doors that likely once housed the headmaster of the entire university. It may as well be the oval office for all I knew, considering how deeply fucked the world was. Briella may actually be the highest authority in the country right now.


That'd be funny. She's a brit. History comes full circle.


Regardless of this treason, or reverse treason; I wanted nothing more than to barge inside and greet my friend whom I haven't met for so long, a time that feels even longer given recent events. But there were four guards staying by the door, and they had not yet moved to make way for the both of us. In fact, they might even be actively hindering our progress.


Gasp! I gasp very hard!


One of them looked particularly menacing. A man dressed just like the others, in full plate armor that I presumed was made by Orlean. I Identified them all, confirming that three of the four were over the Level of 50, but what gave me pause was the Level of he who felt very ominous. The pressure palpable, even as a horse.


[Mage - Lvl 100+]


It was like my mind lurched, just in the effort of trying to Identify his Level. I was surprised that someone else had even managed to climb this far already.


"Jackal is my friend, and he has become a horse through forces unknown." Halbert's voice brought me back to the present moment, and the guards too listened. They seemed a lot calmer and more competent than the other ones patrolling this area. "It is our hope to investigate this matter further, and perhaps find a way to help the people of Friendom. There are so many possibilities."


Uh. That's what we're doing? Somehow, things have gotten so much grander than simply visiting a friend. Halbert had not mentioned it specifically, but I think he's grown to hold out hope that perhaps more people could yet be saved, even after turning to a monster. Something that cannot be true, for we had already killed a close friend in Darkvoid. We wouldn't have killed him, if there was even the slightest chance of that.


The guards nodded along as Halbert kept on delivering a heartening speech. One of them stepped forward towards the end, the man whom I'd Identified earlier as being over Level 100.


Our eyes met, his target was clearly me. There was an incomprehensible glimmer in his eyes as he spoke. "A monster that had retained their life before. That is… unheard of."


I swallowed my nerves and tilted my horse head. How would you know? The apocalypse is still young.


He laughed and turned away. "You're right. The apocalypse is indeed young."


What a weirdo. I thought as he went back to his post after those precious few comments. The guards then opened the door, and we were finally let inside.


We entered the large office, filled with many wooden furniture and stacked shelves. At the end of it was Briella, silently working, going over various reports and paperwork that I cared not to understand. I cared only for the person behind it.


Briella! I neighed at her, and the woman raised her head for the first time.


I was surprised by the face that greeted me, one that wore an expression like the apocalypse had never happened. Briella looked so vibrant, her skin was practically shining. My friend's eyes glittered like jewels of the sea, and long locks of blonde hair spilled over her shoulders, curled to perfection, bouncing lightly against the stale wind.


Briella smiled brightly at us, not even flinching at the sight of my horse self.


No immediate hostility. No judgment. No unreasonable actions.


Finally, a friend who isn't racist.


"Briella…" Flaze too was taken aback. By how not racist Briella was. She took off her knightly helmet to reveal her face, and Briella promptly disappeared.


She promptly… WHAT!?


"Flaze!!" Briella's voice came along with a well-hidden side door opening. The same woman that was sitting behind the desk appeared from within an adjacent room, only she looked a lot more tired and disheveled. A slightly crumpled dress, heavy bags under the eyes, and hair messily tied in a ponytail. Briella didn't let any of her obvious fatigue distract from jumping on Flaze's armored body, locking her in an embrace.


"Flaze! Flaze! I'm so glad you're here!"


Flaze looked at the woman, and where she disappeared from. "I have some questions… but I'm happy to see you too." Flaze returned the hug.


My mind finally caught up to what was hapoening, and I joined in the pile as well. Briella looked confused for a second, before just rolling with the punches, as Halbert too joined in the group hug.


"Back together! Yay!" Briella cheered as we separated. "Anyone mind explaining the horse?"


"Oh that's Jackal." Flaze said.


"Ah. No wonder he looked familiar." Briella nodded thoughtfully. "The cheekbones became cheekier."


"The hair is nice." Halbert chimed in, no longer speaking in an overly-sanctimonious manner. "You should tell us your new shampoo later."


"He likes to be petted and rubbed right there." Flaze informed them, before reaching into my mane to do just that. "Specially right… here."


Oh yes, that is nice. I leaned to her hand, before promptly neighing in outrage and snapping my teeth at her offending fingers. No! I mean no! Never!!!


We all had a good laugh at that, until we were just sitting in the middle of the room, atop an ornate rug. Arnold and Jalley were still there, and the former was steadily inching towards the door, clearly finding his own presence in the room awkward at that point. Jalley on the other hand was the opposite of bothered, as she seemed to be taking great pleasure in watching us.


That's not worrying at all!


"Really glad you're here now Flaze." Briella said eventually, so close to falling asleep as she lay atop my mane. I actually hadn't cleaned that yet… "Now I can finally relax…"


"Hmm? You need help with something?" Flaze asked. Halbert was leaning on her shoulder, having finally let his guard down after a long time playing hero. Must be tiring.


"Yeah…" Briella replied, dozing off. "You can take over, now that you're here. And I'm finally free!"


Flaze looked even more confused. "Take over? Take over what? Are you like imprisoned or something?"


Briella laughed. "No, no… I mean, in a way? It's just hard, you know? All these people counting on you, I don't know how you do it. It's been so hard managing Friendom. But now, you can finally take over management! I was just the benchwarmer, the seat-heater. Haha. Finally…"


Flaze blinked. She blinked rapidly. "Uhhh… Excuse me, what?"


"Hmm?" Briella arose from her comfortable position, now the one looking confused. "The leader of this place. The… shit we don't even have a name for the leader. Mayor? President? Head honcho? We really don't know what we're doing. But now that you're here, you can be whatever our leader is and fix this place up!"


"I… I don't think I ever mentioned that?"


"Well, not yet. But come on. This is like, your thing. I'm just a stupid brit that came all the way to the states with dreams of grandeur that would never come true anymore!"


"No, no, no… I don't think I can…"


Briella furrowed her brows. "Eh? But… Why not?"


"I just… I can't…" Flaze stood up, fidgeting.


Briella rose to her feet too. "I don't get it. Isn't this your thing? Our troupe, all those times you dragged us to do volunteer work, the charities, no matter where you go you always took charge, so I just assumed…"


Flaze chuckled mirthlessly. "Yeah… I can see where you get the idea. But, I don't know. I'm not in the mood, I guess."


"But someone has to do it…" Briella weakly protested, before picking up steam. "You can't just not be in the mood for it! That's never happened!"


Flaze frowned. "I can. And I just… Stuff happens Briella. I'm just really not in the mental space for it. I'm not as great as you say. Not anymore. I don't know if I ever was…"


"But you are! You have to!" Briella chewed on her lip. "...If not you, then who?"


Flaze smiled, and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Her eyes bored into Briella's. "I'm looking at her."


Briella just stared as Flaze left, those parting words left hanging in the air.




She took a deep breath.





"Say, Jackal. You want a job? A position?" - was gonna add that gag. But it was too much. It ruined the flow in my head.


Finally, the gang is assembled! Well, Orlean is still working on her super cool thingy. But she'll be done soon, probably.

Tell me what you think. The reunions are finally over. This is the pretty much the main cast.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!