Hunter’s Blade - Chapter 13

Published at 28th of August 2023 08:48:19 AM

Chapter 13

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C13 – Confession

Shire discovered Etienne’s belongings near the fire, including the witch’s ointment and bandages.

Firstly, he needed a drink. The old hunter was a seasoned drinker, and Shire had also learned the habit. He retrieved a bottle of unsealed King’s Wine and took a sip. The taste was strong and fiery, causing his tongue to burn.

It was a tribute to his mentor. Shire compelled himself to take a large gulp.

The effect was immediate. Soon, he began to feel slightly disoriented. His mind started buzzing, and there was a cacophony of bells and drums. However, simultaneously, his pain also diminished. The wound was no longer as agonizing as before.

Following that, he cleansed the wound with saline water. Shire fetched a pottery bottle and poured the saline water onto the injury.

The pain surged from the wound, coursing through his entire body. It was so excruciating that he couldn’t keep a firm grip on the bottle. He hastily placed it on the ground.

“So painful…” He swiftly uncapped the jar containing the witch’s ointment, scooped out the purple paste with his finger, and applied it to the wound. Next, he retrieved a bandage, wound it around his abdomen, and secured it tightly.

Having completed these tasks, he reclined back and succumbed to sleep induced by the effects of alcohol.

When he awoke, it was already daytime, with the sun casting its rays upon the forest. The Dew Camp Stone had stood for thousands of years, witnessing life and death as a part of its existence. However, Shire had not yet… As he rose to his feet, the scars of battle surrounded him. Seven or eight ravens pecked at the lifeless bodies of Waren, Dalton, and Geffany. Shire chased them away, but they lingered on the tree branches, patiently waiting for an opportunity.

Burying them seemed nearly impossible. Shire couldn’t allow their bodies to be exposed in the wilderness, so he made the decision to cremate them instead.

Etienne’s former master suffered the most pitiful fate. When he detonated the Yafen flames, his body had vanished entirely. Every speck of dust on the grass could have been remnants of a hunter. Contemplating this reality brought sorrow to Ciel’s heart.

“Grief? Why does it make you sad?” Gradiu’s voice echoed in Shire’s mind, its tone still rough and hoarse.

“Because I can’t avenge him.”

“Ha, if you seek revenge, you must first end your own life. It’s an intriguing predicament. Instead of grappling with the past and the deceased, it’s wiser to remain calm and live a fulfilling life,” Gradiu chuckled, satisfied with his own reasoning.

Shire collected more branches, going back and forth several times, and built a tall stack of firewood on the ground.

He dragged Dalton’s partially intact corpse and placed it on top of the pile of firewood.

“He was incredibly foolish. He stormed through the forest in anger. How could I have let him escape?”

“Dalton just wants to go home.”

Shire discovered Waren’s lifeless body and proceeded to search through his belongings. Shire didn’t feel any remorse as he appropriated Waren’s possessions since he believed Waren deserved it.

Eventually, he came across a weighty purse of coins and Waren’s sword. Waren had placed great trust in his teleportation spell and had not carried any additional tools or miscellaneous items. Shire lifted Waren’s body and tossed it onto the stack of firewood.

“He wanted to collaborate with me. He’s far more straightforward than you are. He offered to share his power with me from the moment he opened his mouth, aspiring to become the most formidable Devil Hunter. You could learn a thing or two from him,” Gradiu remarked.

“However, working with you didn’t save his life. He’s still dead.”

Shire picked up Frederick’s lifeless form. The Hunter Master’s chest had been impaled, and his expression was one of terror, deepening Shire’s sense of sorrow.

“No one knows about all the accomplishments and aspirations,” Gradiu murmured softly.

“We are all the same.”

The last one was Geffany’s body. The arrow pierced through her throat. She didn’t look calm when she died. Shire picked her body up and slowly put it on the fire.

“She is kind and fragile.”

“Shut up.”

He struck the flint stone, generating sparks that ignited a fire. The flames blazed fiercely, engulfing the pile of branches. The tongues of fire danced and leapt, entwining with the skin and flesh of the Devil Hunters, causing them agony.

Shire felt profound sadness. Among the eight Devil Hunters, he was the sole survivor after seven of them perished in the battle within Twilight Forest.

“I… was terrified,” Shire murmured to himself. “Terrified, utterly terrified. Fear overwhelmed me the moment I set foot in this forest. Later, witnessing Denver’s death, I became paralyzed with fear and couldn’t move. However, upon witnessing the seniors’ battle, my fear dissipated.”

Shire held his heart.

“Now… the devils that we are going to hunt live in my mind. I have betrayed everyone and survived with the devil… I am very sorry…”

He let out a long sigh.

“The only thing I can do is to make up for my sins. I have already resolved myself to become a true Devil Hunter. Rest in peace, seniors…”

Shire clenched his fists.

“I have decided to become the most outstanding Devil Hunter.”

His nails dug into his flesh.

“Banish them from this world, and let them return to where they belong. I will dedicate the rest of my life, utilizing all my strength, to hunt demons and atone for my mistakes.”

“Do you truly think so? My fellow Devil Hunters are exceedingly challenging to deal with,” Gradiu scoffed disdainfully.

“I want you to confess to them.”

“Repent?” Gradiu was confused.

This was the first time in Shire’s life that he had haggled with a devil.

“You must acknowledge your wrongdoing and be determined to correct it,” Shire addressed the Evil Demon in a serious tone. “You must humbly seek forgiveness from the souls of the hunters. Your schemes, enchantments, and illusions…”

“I am a devil, and devils never repent,” Gradiu vehemently refused. “They came after me. Why should I die? Shouldn’t I use all means to resist? You want me to be killed? You want me to be destroyed by those lowly spells that pierce and banish? Forget about it!”

“If you wish to coexist with me, you must make changes,” Shire’s attitude remained firm and decisive. “You have to apologize for your wrongdoings.”

Gradiu let out a hoarse laugh.

“Wrongdoings? Hunters and prey have battled for a thousand years, with mountains of corpses and rivers of blood. Yet, you’re still pondering over who is right and who is wrong.”

“If there is no right or wrong, then what should I be considering?”

“Think about how to transcend this cycle of killing, how to break free. You and I can forge a new path. Alright, to appease your fragile and sensitive mind, I promise you that I will never be an enemy to mortals, and I also regret the killings of your seniors and mentors. How about that?”

Shire compromised with mixed feelings.

“I still have one more matter to settle… How can you guarantee that you won’t devour my soul and control my will?” He inquired.

“Dealing with the present me is a bit complicated,” Gradiu hesitated momentarily before responding. “You don’t understand. It seems like I am trapped within your soul.”

“Stuck? What do you mean?”

“I’m a demon, and I’m despicable. That’s why when I first invaded your body, my first thought was to seize your will.”

“You failed”

“Of course, your incantation… after you used the ‘Aphen Flame’, your soul… wasn’t easy to swallow.”

“Is it the Aphen Flame that protected my soul?”

“Of course, but I have to enter your body. Otherwise, I will be destroyed by this world. Thus, I forced my way into your soul… but I was stuck. Unfortunately, you can’t understand my feelings, I’m constantly suffering. The Blade Demon’s powerful devil soul… It was actually trapped by a tiny mortal’s soul…”

“You even said hunter’s incantations are trash.”

“I didn’t change my opinion.”

“What are those floating blades of yours?”

“A product of demonic magic, but there is a time limit. It can only move for a day or so, or it will be weakened if it is attacked. I made them on the spot. Do you want them? Give me some suitable materials. I can help you forge them.”

” I only need a weapon “

“Very well, gather all the metals you found together, I’ll forge you the most powerful Demon Blade!”

Shire took out Waren’s sword and the fallen blade he had gotten earlier.

“You killed Julius. Use his spine to make this weapon.” Shire looked at the bones on the fallen blade.

“You killed the deer. Take out its tendons and make them into crossbows. Why didn’t you hesitate at that time? There was a limit to the double standard.”

Gradiu, the Blade Demon, slowly displayed its ability. The Devil Substance on the Fallen Blade quickly peeled off and floated in the air, turning into black minerals.

“What exactly is a ‘Devil Substance’?” Shire asked.

“A solidified soul. We demons live on souls, and use souls as fuel and tools.”

“When we cast spells, we also burn souls.”

“Have you never heard of the story of the Hunter Pioneer? Your spell was taught to you by the devil.”

“How much do you know about that devil”

“I’m not sure who it is. I haven’t been to this world much, The first few times I descended were in other countries as well.”

The black Devil Substance clung to Waren’s sword, creating a layer of gray coating. The entire blade slowly extended, emitting a metallic sound as it formed a perfect arc. Its edge was incredibly sharp. Shire had never witnessed a more terrifying weapon; merely looking at it gave the sensation of being cut.

“Can mortals do it? Can mortals do it?!” Gradiu boasted crazily, “Look at me, blade Devil! The owner of the weapon, the Supreme Eviscerator!”

“Good weapon.” Shire nodded.

“Give it a name. I know mortals like to name things.”

“Gradiu, foreign Gray Sword.” Shire raised this dark weapon high. The sunlight shone on the blade, reflecting a dazzling light. “A devil blade used to hunt devils.”

“Alright, I can’t wait any longer.” Gradiu was eager to try. “Hurry up and cut something. Hurry up and cut something. Otherwise, I will feel very uncomfortable…”

… “That’s right.”

“You no longer have a master, but I can teach you many things. The first lesson is this: Learn to swim against the current. Once you possess the power to control everything, whether it be to kill me, seek vengeance for others, or pursue your own ambitions, you can do so. However, until then, weaklings only have the right to endure!” Gradiu declared.

Though his words were harsh, they held truth. Shire acknowledged to himself, “I am currently nothing. I lack the capability to negotiate with it, and I cannot hope to rid myself of this troublesome presence within me.”

As a Demon Lord, Gradiu still possessed numerous secrets to unveil, and the journey ahead promised to be long.

I don’t trust it, but I have to rely on it.

I don’t know if it is reading my thoughts right now. Forget it, as long as it doesn’t bother me.

Shire thought about his next plan.

First of all, his top priority was to leave Twilight Forest and make his way back to Gray Tree Hall, where the Hunter Palace was situated. Gray Tree Hall was a coastal town in the northern region of the Lawman Kingdom, near the border, and part of the Upper Lawman territory.

The entire Lawman Kingdom was divided into four regions based on geography.

The Upper Lawman region was positioned in the northeast of the kingdom, in close proximity to the homeland of the Magus, the swamp. Additionally, it bordered the barbarian kingdom and the land of darkness.

The West Coast served as the capital of the Lawman Kingdom, where the King of the Lawman Kingdom held his rule. The vast territory surrounding the West Coast belonged to the Wang family, making the king the most powerful lord in that area.

The Green River region was situated in the middle of the kingdom, encompassing a vast and flat village with scattered elven homes. It was a forest that possessed the ability to move.

The Lower Romon region resided in the southern part of the kingdom, adjacent to the Southern Peninsula Kingdom and the Shanei Empire in the east.

These hunters hailed from the Upper Lawman region. Although there were Hunter Palaces in other locations, the relationship between the different holy halls was not close, and their interactions were rare. Shire’s first task was to return to Gray Tree Hall and assume control over the Upper Lawman jurisdiction.

There was only one Devil Hunter left in this area.

Shire acknowledged that he might not be fully prepared yet, but he was the only Devil Hunter who could shoulder this responsibility.

Perhaps I need to train a few new recruits for the Hunter Palace, Shire pondered.

Managing the Hunter Palace was a weighty responsibility. Shire had visited the Holy Church together with Etienne, witnessing the multitude of people outside, the piles of documents, and the presence of spies. He had heard rumors about Frederick’s debts, but he wasn’t aware of the exact amount.

Now, all of this was in Shire’s hands—the Holy Church, an organization, and an entire industry.

It was time to set out. Shire gazed northward, ready to return to Gray Tree Hall and rebuild the Hunter Palace. With a determined step, he moved forward. Behind him, amidst the ruins of the Dew Camp Stone, flames relentlessly engulfed both hope and suffering.

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