Published at 4th of January 2023 11:11:47 AM

Chapter 1000

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The reason why Mufeng asked him to talk was because he wanted to hear more news about the tribes of the Dali tribe and the Shaoli tribe.

In this way, if one day he fights against these tribes, he will also have a plan in advance.

Mo Erhan looked at Chang Ning in surprise, not knowing why she was so excited.

But Mu Feng wanted him to say it, but he dared not say it.

He suppressed the doubts and anxiety in his heart, and said: "Those Chenghuangs were captured by the Shaoli tribe on the Western Plains, and we were able to obtain these Chenghuangs because we exchanged them with young and strong men from the tribe every once in a while. "

"How did you exchange it?" Mu Feng interrupted and asked.

It seems that exchanging the population for the mount Ginger is not the first thing that comes to mind.

"Ten for one." Morhan said bitterly.

"Oddly!" Mu Feng exclaimed.

Ten for one, of course, ten people for one yellow!

According to this price, it is really "not expensive".

After all, the trading rule for ginger in the market is to exchange people for horses, and the price released is ten for one—even if it is a guaranteed reserve price, it is eight for one.

As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention Chenghuang itself is far more than an ordinary camel.

So the exchange price of Shaolibu is really a "conscience price"!

At the same time, Mu Feng also had a bold plan in his heart!

It's just that this plan is not only bold, but also risky, and the most important thing is that it may lose money!

But after he heard Mo Erhan said that ten people can exchange for one ride, he couldn't help but want to give it a try!

The so-called "dare to win money", if his plan is realized, Da Jiang can get a lot more to ride the yellow mount.

Because since he got the riding yellow, he has been riding the yellow cavalry to charge forward in several battles, resisting the armored earth dragons in the lower part, and carrying the fierce beast mounts such as the thorn dragon and the Yin beast.

Although it is inevitable that there will be injuries and deaths, several leaders of Da Jiang have already mentioned to him that if Da Jiang's yellow cavalry can increase their numbers, they may not be able to match the burly armored dragon cavalry!

And against the armored dragon cavalry army of the burly army, forming Jiang's unique cavalry army is something that Mu Feng has always been thinking about!

Heavy mounts may not be fast, but they play a decisive role when two armies are at war and face each other head-on.

For example, during the battle against the Dragon Department, Da Jiang's mammoth cavalry played a big role, blocking the gate of the Dragon Department, making their armored earth dragons unable to play their role.

Armored dragons can't play a role, let alone ordinary cattle and horses.

Siege warfare requires cavalry such as mammoths, thorn dragons, and armored dragons, but switching to plains is not only "heavy", but also "fast"!

Mu Feng, who has fought in many battlefields and experienced several types of beast cavalry, feels that Chenghuang is a mount that perfectly combines the dexterity of horses and the thick characteristics of armored dragons.

If Da Jiang has enough yellow mounts, his strength will definitely be able to go further!

This is also one of the reasons why he always wanted Bai Yue to harass the Goshawk Department.

The other is to learn the whereabouts of the copper ore.

Now that both of these things have taken shape, his heart suddenly became hot.

He signaled Morhan to continue, while he was thinking in his heart how to get the yellow cavalry and how to reduce the risk.

Soon, the plan first had a framework in his heart, and then there were details. Finally, he nodded secretly and smiled with satisfaction.

"If you implement it carefully and step by step, the possibility of realizing the plan is very high!"

Thinking of this, he patted Morhan on the shoulder with satisfaction: "Very well, what you said is very useful to me, don't worry, I will do what I say, and I will definitely arrange a leadership position for you!"

"Really, really?" Morhan couldn't believe it.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry!"

Then he waved.

Chi Lei took him away directly.

Bai Yue asked in a low voice: "Great chief, do you really want to arrange a commander for him?"

"En!" Mu Feng nodded, "You must keep your word!"

Bai Yue frowned: "But which department does he put him in? Our military department..."

Mu Feng laughed dumbfounded, and waved his hands: "Don't worry, it's not any of the six works!"

"That is……"

"Give him to Uncle Mingguang, and send hundreds of slaves for him to watch!"


Several people reacted and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Ruler of slaves!

Mu Feng laughed strangely, and thought to himself: "The overlord among beggars is a beggar, but the leader among slaves is still a slave!"

In fact, this is also the best arrangement that Mufeng can give Morhan.

Mu Feng was worried about directly accepting him as a clan member.

Let him become a slave completely, and "sorry" for his "knowledge and words".

"Great Chief, what should we do next?" Bai Yue asked, "Do you want to destroy the Goshawk Department?"

Asuka and Rhinoceros nodded in unison: "Now they are only about 2,000 strong, if they are destroyed, they will be destroyed!"

Xishou even said: "Great Chief, how about letting me lead someone to destroy the Goshawk Department this time? I have joined Da Jiang for so long, and I have never made any contribution to Da Jiang. I am really a little uneasy! "

Mu Feng waved his hand: "No, the Goshawk Department will not be destroyed for the time being!"

"Ah?" Everyone looked at Mu Feng in surprise.

Changning, in particular, was the most surprised.

Mu Feng first patted the back of Chang Ning's hand, signaling her to rest assured and believe in herself.

Then he looked at Bai Yue and the others, and said, "What do you think of us exchanging Cheng Huang with the Shaoli Department?"


"Exchange ride yellow cards with them?"

"If they know about this, don't we want to..."

Several people discussed one after another.

Chang Ning was even more anxious, and said in a low voice: "Don't say that the Blue Bird Department has enmity with them, but just say that Da Jiang exchanged population with them for Chenghuang. Isn't this helping them grow the tribe?"

Several people stopped after hearing what Chang Ning said.

They also have such worries.

After pondering for a while, Bai Yue said: "Great Chief, even if I exchange slaves with them, it will be very bad for me, Da Jiang. They will get more population, and their strength will naturally become stronger.

Regardless of whether they are willing to exchange it or not, even if they are willing, we cannot exchange too many Chenghuang, otherwise it will be easy to be exposed. "

Several people nodded in agreement.

Mu Feng smiled and waved his hands: "Who said that slaves should be exchanged with them?"

"That is……"

"I, Jiang, will not come out alone!" Mu Feng laughed, "Let the Goshawk Department come out!"

"Let Goshawk come out?"

"That's right!" Mu Feng grinned strangely and said, "We'll find a way to negotiate with the Goshawk Department. If they send someone out, we have to take advantage of it!"

"How is this possible!" Bai Yue frowned, "They have nothing to gain, why should they agree?"

Asuka also reacted, thinking of what the chief had taught him not long ago, nodded and said: "Yes, chief, didn't you say that, if you want others to do things according to our wishes, you must benefit them!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Why not! They don't agree, we will destroy the tribe. If we agree, we will not destroy them!"

Several people reacted now, their expressions slightly relieved.

"But," Bai Yue wondered, "their population is only that small, and they can't stand it if they exchange too much. In the end, they will still refuse, and we may even be exposed!"

Mu Feng nodded and smiled: "It is indeed possible! So we should give them more benefits."

"What good?"

"We can let the Eagle Department absorb the surrounding small groups. With their current strength, it must be difficult. At this time, we can use the name of the Goshawk Department to plunder the population of these small groups, and distribute them to the Goshawk each time. some, and let the Goshawk Department exchange the rest for Cheng Huang.

They can get benefits, the tribe's strength can be slowly restored, and we can also get Cheng Huang.

The most important thing is that I, Da Jiang, still only dispatched soldiers to inspect the Changli Department, without any loss to the population or the number of slaves.

It also avoids the risks of plundering slaves and bringing them back to the tribe..."

After Mu Feng said these words, everyone fell into deep thought.

Even Changning is no exception.

In fact, Mu Feng's method is simple and simple, but complicated and complicated.

To put it simply, the wool comes from the sheep. Jiang used the name of the Goshawk Department in Changli to rob the population of other tribes, and then the Goshawk Department came forward to exchange it for Chenghuang in the Shaoli Department.

To put it in a complicated way, Da Jiang was under the banner of the Goshawk Department, and no one was allowed to show up when he was exchanging for Chenghuang—that is to say, the Goshawk Department sometimes faced the Shaoli Department alone.

At this time, the Goshawk Department may "sell" Da Jiang.

This is where the risk in Mufeng's plan lies...

(end of this chapter)

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