Published at 4th of January 2023 11:07:21 AM

Chapter 1266

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Hazai ink was sent tied.

Mu Feng ordered: "Come here, give her a horse, seal the wine jar, and let her carry it away!"

Yu Ximo hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Aren't you going to return my golden eagle?"

Mu Feng shook his head: "The battle is imminent, if I let one more of your golden eagles go back, it may leave me a little more dangerous."

Hawashimo: "But didn't you say that you didn't poison me?"

Mu Feng's sarcasm was not concealed: "Who knows if your chief of the Jinwu tribe will be out of his mind, even if he can prove it, he still insists on fighting with me, Da Jiang?

Don't you still believe Fang Kun's stupid words? "

Yu Saimo asked again: "Then can you give me two more people?"

Mu Feng still shook his head: "There will be no more beasts going east, no need!"

Yu Shimo no longer insisted, nodded and remained silent.

Mu Feng said again: "As for how many of you I kept, how many soldiers you killed my Da Jiang, if you don't mention it, I won't mention it, let's put this matter aside later."

When he said this, he was staring at Hazaimo.

Ha Shimo was stared at uncomfortable.

There was a "thump" in her heart.

She didn't mention the matter that Mufeng left the golden horned eagle, and Mufeng didn't mention the matter of her killing Chuquelang.

On the face of it, the matter was evened out.

But in fact, both sides know that the other is a smart person.

In the face of big right and big wrong, regardless of small faults - this is a tacit understanding between the two.

Yu Saimo packs up and leaves, and Mu Feng kindly confesses her words.

After hearing this, Hanaimo's expression changed, first he was surprised, then angry, then hesitant, and then silent.

At the end, she silently bowed and bowed in salute.

After she left, Asuka and others came up and asked, "Great chief, is it useful?"

Mu Feng looked solemn: "I hope it will be useful!"

"If they believe it and are willing not to fight, what should we do?" Asuka asked.

"What else can we do?" Mu Feng said in a cold voice, "Let's not talk about him from the Jinwu tribe, but this Fang Kun must not stay! I, Da Jiang, treated him well, and dared to have other thoughts, really damn it! "

Xishou said coldly: "He can even abandon his own people, what else can't he do?"

Asuka understood and nodded: "So, Fang Kun is definitely going to die, what about Fang Lei's department?"

"Fang Lei Department?" Mu Feng sneered, "After this incident, there is no need for Fang Lei Department to exist!"

"But if the Jinwu Department disagrees..." Xishou said in a deep voice.

"Disagree?" Mu Feng snorted coldly, "They will agree!"

"But if Jinwubu is determined to fight, what should we do?" Asuka asked with a frown.

Mu Feng nodded: "It's possible, the chief of the Jinwu tribe is also a bad-headed person, so stupid!

The notification goes on, all soldiers and slaves are on standby, and the slaves are ready.

If this battle breaks out, the war slaves can regain their freedom as long as they go into battle and kill two enemies.

Slaves can directly become war slaves without passing the screening! "


Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Mu Feng said in a deep voice: "Extreme means are used in extraordinary times, and there are powerful enemies outside. Heishui City must guarantee an iron bucket!"


Several people nodded in a low voice, and went to make arrangements.

Mu Feng went to the top of the city to inspect, thinking about how to retreat from the enemy.

In his heart, he was ready to fight.

But how to fight this battle is very particular.

Just now, Yu Saimo has revealed that the four parts add up to more than 30,000 people. Once there is a head-on fight, Da Jiang will either defend the city to the death, or win with heads.

He doesn't want to fight this kind of battle.

So he is "subtracting" the other party.

First of all, for the reason of clarifying the facts, the Jinwu tribe gave up seven or eight thousand fighters of the Fanglei tribe, and let them be alienated from their virtues.

At that time, whether they sent Fang Kun here as agreed, or killed Fang Kun in a fit of anger, his first step plan will be considered successful.

The next thing is to have a good chat with the Jinwu Department about the sneak attack on Jiang.

Although it was Fang Kun who was at fault, it is a fact that the Jinwu Department attacked Da Jiang.

People, don't die in vain!


With a heavy heart, Yu Shimo rode eastward with a jar of wine on his back.

The jar is packed in a basket, which is cushioned with thatch.

She kept thinking about what she had seen and heard since she was arrested.

Armor made of gold all over the body - even the face is covered by gold, where did such a defensive weapon break from them?

What's more, the Jinwu Department didn't take advantage of it at all, this was clearly framed by Fang Kun from the Fang Lei Department!

"Damn Fang Kun!" Hazai Mo said angrily from the bottom of his heart.

If it wasn't for Fang Kun, the Jinwu Department wouldn't be running from east to west with great fanfare for such a long time.

The Golden Horned Eagle will not lose so many fighters!

Because now the bottom of her heart is like a mirror, there are nearly 300 Golden Horn Eagle fighters in the Jinwu tribe, and now there are 50 of them, which is not bad!

All the way to the east, she never saw the Golden Horned Eagle Warrior again.

Apparently, Jin Huo didn't dare to let the Golden Horned Eagle fighter have any accidents after repeated heavy losses.

Before she knew it, she had already believed what Mu Feng said in her heart.

After walking for less than half a day, she had already met the Jinwu tribe warriors who were exploring the way ahead.

They were visibly wary when they first saw a strange horse.

Hashimo then shouted: "It's me, Hashimo!"

Pathfinder was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted in surprise, "It's Chief Yu!"
"It's Chief Feather!"

Then they asked again: "Leader Yu, what about the others?"

Yusaimo shook his head: "I'm the only one coming back! Take me to the chief quickly, I have something important to tell him!"


Yu Shimo quickly met Jin Huo.

Jin Huo's first sentence was: "Are you still alive?"

Hanaimo frowned and said, "The great chief really wants me to die?"

Jin Huo shook his head again and again: "This time you led the Golden Horned Eagle Warriors to suffer heavy losses. Even if you return to the tribe, you will inevitably be punished!"

Yu Saimo snorted coldly: "The great chief seems to have forgotten who caused this war and who is going to fight this battle!"

Without waiting for Jin Huo to speak, Yu Shimo directly took out the wine jar from the back basket, put it on the ground, and ordered the soldier next to him: "Go and call the soldier who said it was poisonous water!"

Jin Huo was puzzled: "What are you?"

Hazaimo said: "The wine brought by Da Jiang!"


"It's what Fang Kun and the Canary Department say is poisonous water." Yu Ximo explained, "But they say it's not poisonous at all, it's a drinkable thing.

And people will feel dizzy after drinking it, sleep deeply, and will be fine when they wake up. "

"This..." Jin Huo frowned, "Is this what they told you?"

Hawashimo nodded: "Yes!

They don't want to fight this battle, not because they can't beat us, but because they don't want to die.

According to their great chief, he felt distressed that Jiang died of a member of his tribe.

The reason why they are willing to let me back is that they let me bring the wine, so that I, Jin Wubu, can understand one thing. "

"What's the matter?" Jin Huo blurted out.

"They didn't poison the young chief of the Golden Crow Tribe, and this isn't some kind of poisonous water!" Yu Shimo emphasized.

She didn't say anything extra.

Although she looked down on Jin Huo, she also believed that Jin Huo could understand the key.

If it was Fang Kun who lied to Jin Huo, then the responsibility and guilt of Jin Huo and Jin Guang would be greater.

Not to mention being cheated, it caused the Jinwu tribe to run all the way from east to west, and it also caused heavy losses to the nearly 300 Golden Horned Eagle fighters of the Jinwu tribe.

It is impossible to say that Jin Huo will be condemned and attacked by the leader if he goes back.

Jin Huo's expression changed, with hesitation on his face.

Hazaimo quietly looked at Hazaimo, with a "thud" in his heart, he said to himself, "He can think of all this!"

Because she was clearly aware of the struggle on Jin Huo's face, and the flash of ruthlessness in her eyes - that was murderous intent!

As long as Yu Saimo is killed, no one will know about it. Jin Huo insists on fighting against Jiang, and if he wins the battle, he will become the hero of the Jinwu tribe!

Only then did Yu Saimo understand why Great Chief Jiang would laugh at him and say, "You may not be safer when you go back than here!

I don't want to kill you, I will discuss it with the Jinwu Department after the war.

But your great chief may not be able to tolerate you! "

When Yusaimo came here, she didn't believe it, but seeing Jin Huo's expression now, she believed it immediately.

"The great chief wants to kill me?" Hashimo sneered, exposed it on the spot, and repeated what Mufeng taught her, "Kill me, and fight directly with Da Jiang, and no one will know that you and the high priest It was the fault of being deceived and of misjudgment.

As long as you can defeat Da Jiang, not only will you not be held accountable for the loss of this battle, but you will also become a hero of the Golden Crow, right? "

Jin Huo's face was incredible.

His expression was fixed in a ruthless manner, and his decision was slowly leaning towards killing Yu Ximo.

Hazai Moyi was not afraid, and raised his voice and said: "But you can guarantee that you can defeat Dajiang? You know, Dajiang has no less than 30,000 fighters here, and all of them have golden swords, and all of them have golden swords. Sharper than the one I showed you earlier!

The people I killed were not fighters at all in Dajiang! "

"What!" Jin Huo was shocked.

Seeing the change in Jin Huo's expression, Yu Saimo believed in what the young chief said more and more in his heart.

One wants to kill her, and the other teaches her how to protect herself. Even a fool knows who to trust!

"Their soldiers are all covered in gold armor, and there is no place where they can stab, and they can't break through the defense at all. If the chief doesn't believe it, you can ask those soldiers who have escaped!

By the way, Chi Ye and the others couldn't come back, they found another city of Da Jiang, the city, and they couldn't sneak attack, so they were all left behind! "

Jinhuo's expression changed again, and the murderous intent in his eyes seemed to be real.

Yu Ximo was on guard all the time, and continued: "The great chief killed me, and then he defeated Da Jiang, all these crimes are naturally absolved, and no one mentions it.

But if you kill me and you can't beat Da Jiang, the Jinwu tribe will suffer heavy losses, the soldiers will suffer heavy losses, and my Jinwu tribe will never recover from the fall.

Even if you managed to escape back to the Golden Crow Department by chance, how would you explain this defeat to the leader?

At that time, I'm afraid that if you want to pursue Fang Kun's responsibility again, you will hardly have a chance! "

Jin Huo was shocked suddenly!

Yu Ximo said again: "But if we find out the truth now, the loss will stop here. Whether it is me or the great chief, the punishment for returning to the tribe is within an acceptable range.

My Golden Crow Department only lost the combat power of the Golden Horned Eagle, and the overall strength did not have much impact.

But if the great chief insists on this, once the battle is defeated, no one will be able to deal with the consequences, and even the entire Jinwu tribe will be doomed! "

Jin Huo was frightened, and the murderous intent faded away like a tide.

What Hazaimo said seemed threatening, but in fact he was always thinking of him.

As the great chief, Jin Huo naturally has his own advantages.

The pain of losing a child is unbearable, but it is still a trivial matter compared to letting the tribe fall into the abyss!

And he has more than one son!

If it is true as what Yu Saimo said, it is still too late to find out the truth of the matter and stop in time.

Even if he returned to the tribe to accept the punishment, it was within the acceptable range.

Even if the position of great chief is abolished, he can still be a member of the leader and participate in tribal decision-making.

Thinking of this, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, waved his hands and said, "Xi Mo, you are too nervous!

We are clansmen, how could I attack you? "

Yu Saimo didn't let it go, nodded and said: "I believe it, that's why I said this, because I don't want the Great Chief to suffer greater losses, and I don't want my Jinwu Department to be severely injured!"

After a pause, she continued, "Before I came, Chief Jiang had already stated that if it turns out that they didn't poison the young chief, they would ask us to give Fang Kun to them."

Jin Huo shook his head: "If Fang Kun lied to me and caused my Jinwu Department to suffer such a loss, how could I spare him!"
Hawashimo reminded: "We might try to exchange them for the Golden Horned Eagle Warrior!"

Jin Huo was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Okay!"

Hawashimo was horrified.

"He actually thought of it!" She exclaimed from the bottom of her heart, "He can know every move of the great chief in advance!"

Before she could say anything else, several soldiers from the Canary Division, as well as Fang Kun who was tied up, were brought by Qiqi.

Seeing Yu Ximo go back and forth, Fang Kun looked terrified and disturbed.

On the contrary, the fighters of the Canary Division were complacent, thinking that it was time for them to make meritorious deeds.

Yu Shimo looked at Jin Huo, and Jin Huo nodded silently.

Only then did she look at the warriors of the Canary Division, and said, "I am Yu Shimo, the leader of the Golden Horned Eagle of the Golden Crow Division!"

Several soldiers of the Canary Division quickly bowed and saluted: "I have met the leader!"

Yu Saimo took it for granted, waved his hand and said, "Which one of you said that you fell to the ground after smelling the poisonous water in the jar?"

Soon a soldier said: "Go back to the top, it's me!"

"Okay!" Yusaimo pointed to the jar on the ground, "Come and smell it, did it smell like this that day!"

"Huh?" The soldier was puzzled and hesitant.

Hazai Mo said in a deep voice: "Just to make sure that it is the same as that day! No one will die!"

Then the soldier gritted his teeth and stepped forward, carefully approaching Yu Shimo.

Yu Shimo reminded: "You can breathe slowly and smell it little by little, so that you won't fall over, just let you make sure if it's a smell!"

The soldier nodded, looking nervous.

Only then did Yu Saimo reach out to take the lid of the altar, frowning slightly, and then motioned for the soldiers to go up to thousands.

The canary war was careful and cautious, squatting down slowly, shutting his mouth tightly, and twitching his nose lightly, like a most cautious beast.

The smell of wine is tangy!

For these people, they have never been exposed to the smell of wine, so they are particularly sensitive to this stimulating smell and are particularly impressed.

In just a moment, the soldier stood up suddenly and quickly backed away, his face horrified: "It's poisonous water, it's poisonous water, exactly the same as that day!"

Jin Huo suddenly opened his eyes angrily: "The feather washes the ink!"

Hashimo calmed down, waved his hands and looked at the warriors of the Canary Division: "Are you sure they are the same!"

The Canary Warrior hurriedly replied: "Sure, it's the same!"

As if he was worried about Yu Shimo, he said again: "They all smelled it too, but they didn't fall down. You can let them smell it too!"

After all, he couldn't hide his excitement.

I have really made great contributions to the Jinwu tribe!

Jin Huo wanted to explode, Yu Saimo reminded: "Great chief, even if you want to kill me, it's not in a hurry!"

This sentence was still taught by Mu Feng.

Jin Huo squinted his eyes, feeling that today's Yu Shimo was extremely difficult to deal with.

Yu Shimo signaled to several other fighters: "You guys also come and smell it!"

Several soldiers did not dare to disobey, and cautiously stepped forward to test, and finally each of them was extremely determined: "It's poisonous water, just like that day!"

Jin Huo shouted angrily: "Xi Mo, what else do you have to say!"

Yu Shimo calmly nodded and said, "Great Chief, they are sure that it is the same thing, right?"

Jin Huo frowned and nodded: "Yes!"

Yu Saimo said again: "It's the same thing for sure, but it's not clear whether it's poisonous water or not?"

As she spoke, she took out a few more wine bowls from the basket, poured herself a bowl, pinched her nose and drank it—this was her decision to revolt temporarily.

But not worried.

Because she first saw the young chief drink it, and now she witnessed that her chief's actions were within the other party's expectations, so she chose to trust Mufeng completely and use her own actions to prove that this is not poisonous water!

After drinking a bowl of wine, the acridness enters the throat, causing Yu Shimo to cough repeatedly.


Yu Shimo's face turned red.

Everyone became nervous, thinking that she was going to vomit blood and die next.

Unexpectedly, after Yu Shimo coughed for a while, his eyes lit up.

Because she remembered the words of the young great chief, she swallowed it with her lips pursed, and then opened her mouth wide, exhaling slowly, a sweet and warm feeling that she had never felt before surged from her throat to her lips and teeth, and then wrapped her whole body from her lips and teeth. People, very comfortable.


Hawashimo groaned unconsciously.

Everyone in the field was taken aback.

What's happening here?

It's not like being poisoned!

Yu Ximo realized it by himself, looked at the wine jar with a strange expression, and then said: "The great chief can rest assured, now that I have drunk it, if it is really poisonous wine, I will die if I don't need you to do it.

Then you can take revenge with confidence, and you can push all the losses on me when you return to the tribe! "

Jin Huo frowned tightly, not daring to make any moves.

Because what Yu Saimo said and did now left him speechless, everything he did was superfluous and wrong!

Hazai Mo pointed at Fang Kun: "This matter happened because of him, so give him a bowl too!"

Fang Kun was silent for a long time, watching with cold eyes, suddenly realized that something happened to him, and immediately shouted in horror: "I won't drink, I won't drink! You want to poison me to death!"

Yu Saimo ignored him, just looked at Jinhuo: "It's not poisonous water, I won't die, he won't die. Then he will be sent to Dajiang.

It is poisonous water, if I die, so will he.

The great chief can push it on me together, so that Fang Lei's department is destroyed, and you can live with it in your heart! "

Jin Huo narrowed his eyes.

What Yu Saimo said was naturally referring to the matter that he asked someone to tell the Giant Bear Department before leaving.

This time, no matter what the result is, the Fang Lei Department will not exist—they have leaked the existence of the Jinwu Department to Da Jiang after all!

With such a formidable opponent, Jinwubu couldn't help worrying.

Feather washes the ink to the end, but Jinhuo already understands it.

She still considers it for Jin Huo, and Jin Huo can't refuse.

He nodded and looked at the soldier beside him, and said in a deep voice, "Give him a bowl!"

(end of this chapter)

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