Published at 4th of January 2023 11:04:17 AM

Chapter 1447

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After the gunpowder was produced, Mufeng began to plan for the island landing.

Autumn is crisp and clear, and it is the harvest season.

Before he set off, he strapped the bomb to the rocket and tested the effect.

Ordinary arrows cannot carry explosives as thick as arms.

Otherwise, the shot will not be far away, and it will be dangerous.

So he improved the arm crossbow and changed it to a half-human high crossbow, and the arrows were changed from one finger thick to two finger thick.

All specially made.

After repeated experiments to ensure that there is no problem, Mu Feng explained the tribe's affairs and set off with Asuka, Da Huyou and others.

All the way east.

Along the way, they pass through Fanglei City and the old land of Jinwu, and finally arrive at the harbor.

The harbor is sheltered from the wind at the back of the old Jinwu land.

He took a look, and it was indeed a natural and excellent harbor.

If Dajiang sails aggressively in the future, there is no need to worry about the construction of the harbor.

He remembered that the archipelago south of the mountains also had a good natural harbor, and he looked forward to Jiang's future voyage in his heart.

Conquering the land and conquering the sea are definitely two different concepts.

Because of the proficiency of the craftsmanship, there are now two large-scale ships in the harbor.

There are many small boats hanging on the upper boat to prevent accidents.

Because this time he was specifically looking for the strange fish in the sea, he deliberately took Qilin Beast and the warriors who had been out to sea before and had seen the strange fish in the sea, and they went out to sea together.

More than 600 people in the two building boats went to sea collectively.

Well equipped and well prepared.

Qilin Beast seems to be very excited about going out to sea, standing on the bow of the boat and facing the wind.

This is the first time Woodwind has gone to sea in this world.

Standing on the deck facing the wind, he immediately felt extremely comfortable.

In the distance, the sea and the sky are the same color.

The nearby bow broke through the waves and moved forward.

Autumn is relatively cool on land, but it is extraordinarily cold on the sea.

After standing for a while, he felt a little cold.

"I don't know how cold it is at sea in winter."

No matter in his previous life or now, he has never gone to sea in winter.

All he knew was that standing by the sea in autumn would freeze a person's ass.

He began to worry about whether it was so cold that sea fish would appear.

It turned out he wanted to read it.

Less than half a day after they went to sea, there was Xiaojing behind their boat.

A visibly unusual wave churned up around their large ship.

Judging by the ups and downs of the waves, this is a small group.

Not many, around ten or so.

But each of these ten or so birds is no less than seven or eight meters long!

This is just Mu Feng judging from their exposed heads to tails.

Coupled with the distance, there is still a certain error.

If you count their big tails, it might be over ten meters!

Dozens of "big fish" measuring more than ten meters appeared behind the boat, and it was still a wooden boat. Whoever put it on would not panic?

Even Asuka, who had been swearing so much, was a little bit drummed.

"Great chief, there weren't so many last about we go back?"

Da Huyou also trembled and said: "Brother, let's forget it, such a big fish, it's okay if you don't eat it.

At least we can't be eaten by them? "

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "Let's see.

And now I am afraid that it will be difficult for us to go back. "

Because he already knew what these big guys were.

Killer Whale!

A large, ferocious toothed whale that lives in groups and can grow to about ten meters.

The news was mixed.

The good news is that killer whales are intelligent, social, and socially complex.

They have likes and dislikes.

Of course, there is also fear.

The bad news is that the lethality and destructive power of killer whales living in groups are the dominant presence in the ocean.

Their prey rarely escapes.

Right now, it's clearly more bad news than good news.

They should have never seen a big ship in the ocean, so they took it for granted as a big prey.

It's normal, but it has brought trouble to Da Jiang's people.

Just when Mu Feng was thinking about whether to act first, the killer whale had already started to attack!

A dozen orcas began to swim around, making noises among themselves.

Immediately, a series of voices like a baby's raving came and went.



"Whoa whoa!"

It was the first time for many people to hear such a business, and their complexions changed drastically.

This must be some kind of monster!

How can there be anything in the water that can make a human voice?
But Mu Feng's eyes lit up.

That's right, killer whales have high IQs and can communicate with each other, so I can use animal taming skills!

He quickly turned on the system: "System, exchange for the vocal vocabulary of the school of fish in front of you."

To be on the safe side, he didn't say it was a killer whale, so don't get it wrong.

Sure enough, the system prompts: "Primitive killer whale, the ancestor of the killer whale.

It has evolved in the ocean for many years, and has social behavior in groups..."

Wooden Wind: "Skip the introduction, and exchange them for their vocal lexicon."

"The system is loading, ding, the loading is successful!

The original killer whale vocal lexicon was detected, and 1,000 achievement points are required to redeem it. Do you want to redeem it? "


"Ding, the exchange was successful!

Now the point of achievement is..."

Mu Feng didn't care about the achievement points, and hurriedly "looked" at the thesaurus.

Right now, this group of orcas were discussing something, but it was an urgent matter.

It is said that killer whales have "strategic deployment" when hunting.

Which killer whale is in charge of playing the striker, which one is in charge of the black hand, and which one is in charge of sitting in the town, all have a division of labor.

Once the division of labor for them is completed, Wood Wind and the others will be in bad luck.

After finding the thesaurus, the voices of the surrounding killer whales suddenly turned into a "deployment in front of the station":

"You, you, and you, go over there!"

"You, you, and you, go this way!"

"I'll bite first!"

"You bite back!"

"Didn't your tooth fall out?"

"Let me take a bite first!"


"Just a sip!"

"The last one was not tasty!"

"I feel bad after eating..."

"I miss my mom!"

"Go away!"

"You're blocking me!"

"you are too slow!"


Mu Feng's brain got bigger when he heard it.

Only then did he realize that this group of killer whales hadn't reached a conclusion yet!

And it sounds like at least five or six of the dozen orcas like to command others.

But they still can't convince their companions.

So a hunting deployment similar to bargaining in the vegetable market began.

Mu Feng looked strange.

No wonder this group of killer whales haven't done anything yet, it turns out that they haven't reached a conclusion yet.

Sure enough, "people make noise", when no one has the right to speak, it is difficult to negotiate the outcome of the matter.

The right to speak is such a good thing!

After thinking for a while, he raised his hand to stop the bird that was about to shoot the bomb, then stood at the bow of the boat, and shouted loudly toward the water: "Oh—————"

The translation is: Quiet, listen to me!

Although his voice is small compared to killer whales.

But his voice was foreign to the orcas.

So they all stopped for a moment, looking at the boat in a humane manner in the water.

"it works!"

Mu Feng was overjoyed in his heart, and continued to shout decisively: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

——I am your king, let me loose!

As a result, the group of killer whales exploded all of a sudden.

"Hoo-chirp, chirp!"

"Hoo hoo, chirp chirp, chi chi!"

"Wheeze——Puff Chirp—"

A series of strange sounds sounded.

Mu Feng couldn't hold back anymore.

Because these killer whales are mocking and cursing.

He asked the system with a dark face: "These words can be said by killer whales?"

System: "This is a relatively civilized language translated by the system!"

Woodwind was speechless.

Because these killer whales are spraying him!

"You idiot!"

"Who are you!"



The rumors are true, killer whales will not only spray teammates, but also others.

They are a bunch of trolls!

(end of this chapter)

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