Published at 4th of January 2023 11:25:51 AM

Chapter 188

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The red deer is very up-to-date, but the red deer's stomach is not up-to-date.

One by one, they stuck their necks and refused to eat grass dumplings, but they had been hungry for several days.

Although Mingguang gave them water to drink during this period, drinking water alone could not solve the problem of hunger.

There used to be dry grass in the cave, but it was already taken away by the wood wind.

Hearing the sound of the red deer's hunger, Mu Feng couldn't help grinning: "See how long you can last!"

As he spoke, he threw another grass dumpling into it, and the "fragrance" overflowed, and the stomachs of the red deer made louder noises.

Finally, a red deer moved a bit, sniffed it with its probe, and sniffed its nose violently, as if it could get full just by smelling it.

Mu Feng looked at it, and it seemed that it was the injured and limping one.

It's just a pity, the harder it sniffs, the more its stomach growls.

Not only that, but when its belly growled, other red deer's stomachs also groaned, as if they were infected.




A muffled drum-like sound continued to sound.

The red deer that poked its head before couldn't bear it anymore, and while the other red deer were not paying attention, it opened its mouth and gnawed at the grass dumpling.

The other red deer didn't know whether they were envious of the red deer eating first, or angry at its "running away", they all poked their heads and pushed it aside!

But the red deer had already bitten the grass, and even though it was pushed to the side, it was still reluctant to let go, and it still gnawed on the grass and chewed.

The red deer were not calm at all. Several red deer immediately realized that there was another grass ball on the ground, and forgot their original purpose. They lowered their heads and rushed to another grass ball together.

Soon, twelve red deer made a mess, looting the two grass balls, making "moo moo" calls from time to time.

At this time, the advantage of the stag is manifested. The real thing is that "a man is taller than a red deer is big". With a bow of the head and a push of the buttocks, the female deer is directly pushed aside and grabs the grass.

"Haha!" Mu Feng grinned, "It's done!"

As he spoke, Mufeng asked Mingguang to hand him all the wrapped grass balls, and he threw them at the red deer one by one. He quietly reduced his strength, deliberately threw the grass balls into a line, and finally came to the bamboo where he was. Near the ladder.

The red deer no longer care about the slightest "dignity". After eating the first bite, there will be a second and third bite. They also go from huddling together to acting independently.

They followed the "route" of the grass balls to the vicinity of Mufeng, but found that Mufeng stopped throwing the grass balls.

But they were obviously not full, and looked up at Mufeng one by one, with anxious and expectant eyes.

Only then did Mu Feng laugh out loud, and continued throwing grass balls until the red deer ate more and more slowly, and finally stopped eating grass and called out to Mu Feng, "Moo Moo Moo".

Mu Feng clenched his fist and waved excitedly at Ming Guang: "It's done!"

Ming Guang was also overjoyed: "That's great!"

So Mufeng quickly got down from the bamboo ladder, signaled Mingguang to open the fences, and went to pull out a red deer by himself. All four doe are bullying it.

If Mu Feng didn't throw enough grass balls, this guy would definitely not be able to eat enough.

Of course, the red deer still resisted a little. When Mu Feng pulled the animal tendon rope around its neck, it still stuck its neck and pulled it back.

"I've eaten all the grass dumplings, and you're still here to pretend to be noble!" Mu Feng grinned strangely, "Come here for me!"

As he said that, he pulled it directly with such force, and grabbed the rein with one hand to reach its neck, and grabbed a bunch of hair on its neck with the rein, so that it could not move.

The other hand stretched out to cover its head, and said with a strange smile: "Come, I will give you some benefits!"

As he spoke, Mu Feng narrowed his eyes, and silently recited the incantation.
Zhu Youshu--Wood Dao Derivation Technique!

Just as the red deer was about to resist, it suddenly felt a very comfortable breath escaping from the top of its head. It calmed down in an instant, and looked at Mufeng curiously with wide eyes.

After a while, Mu Feng opened his eyes, let go of his hand slowly, even holding the rein in his hand, smiled and said: "Okay, now your hoof should not be lame, you can go back!"

Surprisingly, the red deer was no longer agitated and resisted at this time, but sniffed the wood wind with its probe, and cried out "moo moo moo".

Mu Feng listened roughly, it was roughly an expression of gratitude.

He let go of the rein, reached out to touch its neck, and tickled him a few times. The red deer didn't resist, but tilted its head and narrowed its eyes, enjoying it.

Seeing this, Mu Feng felt relieved, and said with a smile: "Okay, now you can get the benefits, so you have to be obedient. Are you

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