Published at 4th of January 2023 11:22:37 AM

Chapter 369

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Mu Feng originally thought that it would take five or six days to dry the fermented koji, but it is summer now, and the drying was completed in less than four days.

This has nothing to do with the temperature in summer.

Now that the distiller's koji has been made in advance, he can also make wine in advance.

Li Hu was very excited to be able to make wine in advance, and he couldn't wait to know what kind of wine it was, and it was as important as salt to be called by the chief.

Sugar cane wine is divided into pure sugar cane wine and sugar cane grain mixed wine.

The difference is that the wine produced from pure sugarcane wine has a low degree of alcohol and a low yield.

After adding food, it will be much higher.

Mu Feng thought for a while and divided into two kinds of grains, corn and wheat, and mixed them with sugarcane to ferment them respectively, and then looked at the yield rate of wine.

The specific method is to wash the wheat and corn separately and steam them in a pot.

Because it was the first time to make wine, Mu Feng was also afraid of wasting food, so he each took a hundred catties of grain to try to make wine.

During the process of steaming grain, Li Hu couldn't help but be puzzled: "Chief, aren't we making wine? Why do we still use corn and wheat?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Wheat and corn are what you need to make wine."

Li Hu was still puzzled, but he was embarrassed to ask again.

After the grain was steamed, he asked Li Hu to chop the sugar cane into fine pieces with a knife, then mixed them with corn and wheat separately, and stirred them evenly.

Then crush the previously made koji balls into powder, and evenly mix them into the two fermented materials.

All kinds of ratios are in accordance with the "recipe" given by the system, and the wine yield can reach the highest level of self-brewed wine.

After stirring, the distiller's grains were placed in large clay pots again by Mufeng, and sealed well for secondary fermentation.

The system reminds Mufeng that the mixed fermentation of sugar cane and grain takes the longest time in winter, about 20 days, and the shortest in summer, ranging from one week to 10 days.

When the specific situation comes, he can gently open the sealed fur and smell it by himself.

Considering that the temperature in early summer was a bit high, Mufeng moved these clay pots to a cool and ventilated place to reduce the impact of high temperature and allow the distiller's grains to fully ferment.

Even so, on the eighth day, Mu Feng approached the clay pot and was able to inquire about a faint smell of "wine".

Mu Feng first opened the animal skin on a clay pot, and suddenly a strong "wine smell" came to his face, the smell was so strong that he almost suffocated!

Li Hu, Bai Ya and the others, who smelled this smell for the first time, almost fell down and backed away one by one, covering their noses.

Li Hu turned pale with shock: "Chief, this can't be the real poison, right?"

Mu Feng took a deep breath, calmed down and said, "Don't worry, it's definitely not poison!"

He was also surprised in his heart, it turned out that the fermented distiller's grains tasted so strong!

It seems that not only the koji fermentation is fast in summer here, but also the distiller's grains are fermenting fast.

Now that the distiller's grains were well fermented, he naturally began to steam the wine.

Steaming wine requires at least two large pots, the lower pot is used to steam distiller's grains, and the upper pot is used to hold cold water for "cooling" wine steam.

In the middle, there needs to be a wooden retort connected up and down, with a round hole in the middle, a bit like a wooden barrel, and the wooden retort is connected by a wine guide tube.

The specific method is to pour water into the large pot below, put the steaming tray, put a layer of clean linen on the steaming tray, and put fermented sugar cane and grain distiller's grains on the linen.

Then buckle the wooden steamer on top of the cauldron, and seal the surrounding wooden wind that connects with the pot with animal skins, linen, etc. to ensure that there will be no air leakage.
A small wooden stick is inserted in the middle of the wooden retort, and a split bamboo tube is placed on the wooden stick, and the bamboo tube is connected to the wine guide tube and stretched out.

Of course, the connection between the wine guide tube and the wooden retort is also sealed.

Put a flat-bottomed cauldron on the top, pour cold water into the cauldron in the open air, and completely seal the place where it connects with the wooden steamer.

After finishing all the preparations, Mu Feng ordered Li Hu: "Fire!"

Li Hu excitedly lit the fire.

Only then did Mu Feng leisurely take a cleaned jar and put it under the wine guide tube, waiting for the result.

Because the pot is too big and there is a lot of water, it takes a long time to boil the pot.

It took almost half an hour for Lihu to simmer on the fire until there was the sound of boiling water in the big clay pot.

Mu Feng excitedly shouted: "Come, come, coming out!"

As he yelled, White Fang on the side also nervously stared at the wine tube, expecting something to come out of it.

The others dared not breathe out, for fear that their heavy breathing would affect the great chief's brewing.

Li Hu, who was burning his head, also raised his head at this time, wiped his face, and stared at the wine guide tube.

After a while, the drinking tube finally moved.

A stream of transparent liquid, as thin as rainwater from a thatched eaves in spring, flowed out and landed in the clay pot tick-tock.

Almost at the same time, a special fragrance also wafted out.

Li Hu couldn't help but twitched his nose, took two deep breaths, and then said: "Great Chief, is this wine? It smells so good!"

Mu Feng couldn't help being excited, and said with a smile: "Yes, this is wine!"

On the contrary, Chang Ning frowned after smelling it: "Is this wine? It doesn't smell very good. Besides the fragrance, there is another smell!"

Mu Feng laughed and said: "This is the unique taste of wine brewed from grain. For those who are used to the taste of wine, it is full of fragrance. If they are not used to it, they will feel uncomfortable."

Li Hu said strangely: "But I've never smelled this smell before!"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Some people are born able to drink and are used to the taste of wine, but some people are not necessarily so!"

As he spoke, Mu Feng quickly stopped and motioned them to look at the wine guide.

At this time, the wine pipe is no longer dripping out of the wine pipe, but it is flowing into the clay pot into a water line!

Looking at the speed of the wine, and smelling the taste, Mu Feng was overjoyed: "It seems that this

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