Published at 4th of January 2023 11:22:30 AM

Chapter 376

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Wooden wind was a little lucky.

If Bai Yue hadn't captured these women and mentioned the matter of getting married, he might not have realized that there was a problem with the integration of the tribe.

Li Hu and Ming Guang obviously didn't like Bai Yue, a "foreign surname", otherwise they wouldn't have said such things.

Fortunately, he discovered it in time, otherwise one day the problem would accumulate seriously, and if it erupted all of a sudden, it might cause the entire Jiang family to be in turmoil, or even be wiped out.

The reason why he let Bai Yue let go of the preparations was, on the one hand, to stabilize people's hearts, and on the other hand, to let Bai Yue and his group really take root in the Jiang family.

Once they have descendants in the Jiang family, their fate will be closely linked with the Jiang family.

Judging from Bai Yue's current situation, as long as he can remain loyal to Jiang Shi, he will definitely be a great help to Jiang Shi in the future!

As for Li Hu and Ming Guang, these two people were really stubborn and conservative in their thinking, so Mu Feng naturally didn't hesitate to beat them up.

"It seems that the long-term high position brought by the growth of the tribe gave the two of them a feeling of superiority!" Mu Feng snorted coldly.

So after sending the two away just now, Mu Feng asked Li Hu and Ming Guang to work and water the fields with their clansmen, just like everyone else, no longer specialization.

This can be regarded as Mufeng's "reform through labor" for them.

The two who knew that something bad happened almost didn't dare to complain, they left Mufeng's room resentfully, and went their separate ways.

Mu Feng was left alone thinking about the first method Bai Yue said.

"Tribes like the Chijiao tribe..." Mu Feng thought in his heart, "Last time, the big fool said that most of Changli is formed by alliances with tribes like the Chijiao tribe. Could it be that these tribes are also mostly related to the Chijiao tribe? Or is it mainly about looting?"

Mu Feng's heart moved.

If this is the case, he can basically be sure that Jiang's population expansion is on the horizon.

As long as there is such an existence as the Chijiao tribe in the Changli Major Alliance, it will be an opportunity for him.

He can crusade against these tribes under the banner of "delivering justice", and then act as a savior to rescue those captured people who are in "dire straits".

On the one hand, it is justice, and on the other hand, it is the grace of saving lives.

Mu Feng grinned: "This is really a good idea!"

But here comes the problem: In this way, the Jiang family will have to fight non-stop, which will inevitably cause damage, and will even be accompanied by the death of the clansmen.

This question is something he can't get around.

If you lose most of your original clansmen simply to expand the population, then this kind of expansion is actually not very meaningful.

If you want to expand, you must first consider the problem of personnel loss.

In a long-term foreign war, it may be possible to control casualties against small tribes, but not necessarily against large tribes.

"Casualties are inevitable, so it depends on who the casualties are..." Mu Feng was thinking, and he already had a plan in his heart.

He went to Mingguang to check the number of slaves, and counting the people captured by Bai Yue from the Black Fang Department this time, there were a total of 422 people.

Among them, fifty-four were women, one hundred and seven were neither hunters nor warriors, and the remaining 261 were warriors and hunters from the previous ministries.

Mu Feng called Bai Yue, Han Shu and other younger people over again, and told them his plan.

Mu Feng said directly: "What Bai Yue said today, I think it's a good idea to expand the population of the Jiang clan!"
Except for Han Shu and Bai Yue, everyone else was a little strange, not knowing what Mu Feng was going to say.

Mu Feng saw their doubts and motioned for Bai Yue to introduce them.

After Bai Yue's introduction, all the young people's eyes lit up, and they were eager to try - now the atmosphere and morale of the entire Jiang family is dominated by these young people, and they are the ones who most want Jiang's ability to fight and plunder abroad!

Seeing the expressions of these people, Mu Feng nodded, and then expressed his thoughts: "Everyone knows what Bai Yue said, not to mention which tribes to attack outside, there is a very important issue here is how to reduce our The problem of the injury of the members of the Jiang clan. My plan is to draw some of the current slaves as slave fighters to fight abroad!"

"Ah? Slave Army?"

"Why would a slave be willing to fight for our Jiang family?"

"If the slave has a weapon, will he turn around and attack our Jiang family?"

The most surprising thing was Bai Yue, after hearing Mu Feng's words, he didn't rush to express his opinion, but frowned and thought carefully.

After a while, he looked at Mu Feng and asked, "Great chief, what kind of weapons will the slaves give when they go out to fight, are they the same as ours?"

Mu Feng shook his head: "Slave's weapons are limited to bone knives, sticks, and bamboo spears, and gold and mounts will not be given to them!"

Bai Yue's eyes lit up, she thought for a while and asked again: "Then how can we ensure that these people will be willing to fight for Jiang?"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "I'm going to implement the 'Military Merit System' among the slaves!"

"Military merit system?" Everyone was surprised.

Mu Feng nodded: "The military merit system is to tell these slaves that as long as they can kill or capture a certain number of slaves of the other tribe for my Jiang family, they can gain military merit, so that they can get rid of the shackles of slaves and become the leader among them!"

Everyone was taken aback.

Han Shu frowned and thought for a while, then asked: "How do you calculate military merit? What if their military merit is not enough?"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "It's simple. You can get one military merit for beheading an opponent, and three military merit points for capturing a warrior of the opponent. If you accumulate ten or twenty military merit points, you can free them from the shackles of slaves. Fifty points can become the leader of a group of slaves and decide the life and death of this group of people. How about it?"

Bai Yue's eyes lit up, and she murmured: "This is tantamount to giving these slaves a hope of getting rid of their shackles and gaining freedom. They will naturally fight for my Jiang family willingly!"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "That's right! This is to let them live with hope. After continuous hard work, they can gradually live a life close to that of normal clansmen!"

Bai Yue thought for a while and asked again: "But if a soldier has accumulated enough military merits, what should he do?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "If there is such a person, then he can marry a wife and have children in the Jiang family, and then he will be taught by my Jiang family and become a member of my Jiang family. I believe that he will not refuse such a condition. !"

Bai Fang was taken aback for a moment, and then knelt down on one knee: "White Fang is ashamed of the great chief's heart!"

Mu Feng smiled and waved his hands, then turned to look at the others: "What do you think?"

Han Shu said at this time: "What if he has accumulated enough military merits, but still has a grudge against our Jiang family?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "One point of military merit is to kill one person, and at least fifty people are needed to become a leader. After killing so many people from other tribes, even if he hates our Jiang family, he dare not separate from Jiang family! "

Han Shu's eyes also lit up at this moment: "I understand, Great Chief, at that time he was already inseparable from our Jiang family. Whether he is willing to admit it or not, in the eyes of others, he is a member of the Jiang family! "

"That's right!" Mu Feng laughed. "At that time, I will give him a status in the Jiang family. He can become a hunting team member or a warrior, but he won't become a new leader like you. Besides, he can marry His wife gave birth to a son, and his descendants will be raised by my Jiang family and become members of my Jiang family!"

Han Shu no longer had any doubts, and knelt down on one knee, looking at Mu Feng: "Great Chief, Great Sage!"

Others also knelt on one knee at this time: "Great Chief, Great Sage!"

(end of this chapter)

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