Published at 4th of January 2023 11:19:18 AM

Chapter 558

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Seeing that Mouse Mustache has been tempted, the next thing Mu Feng has to do is to strengthen his mind.

He took Mousebeard to the horse farm, and he saw more than a thousand horses raised together on the horse farm that had been expanded more than ten times.

Of course, Mousebeard also saw a dozen mammoths.

Now Mousebeard was completely conquered, when he looked at Mu Feng again, he couldn't look up at all, only a low-browed and pleasing submission.

He knew that after seeing so many livestock and mounts of Da Jiang, whether he wanted to or not, it was impossible for him to leave Da Jiang again!

Because he was in Da Jiang's tribe, he also saw Da Jiang's true strength.

If he went out to run around and talk nonsense, he would definitely bring trouble to Da Jiang.

Needless to say, Mu Feng, Mouse Xu knew his fate!

At this time, he saluted Mu Feng respectfully: "Great chief, what do you need me to do, just ask!"

Mu Feng nodded: "Don't worry, I will do what I say, I won't kill you, and I won't embarrass you, as long as you stay honest and do things in peace!"

Mouse must nod obediently: "Yes!"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "Okay then, I'll ask you something, just tell the truth!"


"You have joined the Changli tribe before, and you have also fought against other tribes. So how many tribes do they have, how many people are there, and how many fighters are there?" Mu Feng asked.

"Why do you ask this?" Mouse must be puzzled.

But he immediately reacted, bowed his head and said: "The Changli tribe is not a tribe, but an alliance, there is no fixed number, but several big tribes must be in it.

They have six larger tribes, the number of which is between six and seven thousand, seven or eight thousand! As for the number of fighters, there are as few as two thousand and as many as three thousand. "

Mu Feng nodded. This was similar to what he had learned from Da Huyou before. He estimated in his heart that the number of fighters in these big tribes alone should be between 12,000 and 20,000.

"What about their subordinate tribes?" Mu Feng asked.

"Almost every tribe has one or two subordinate tribes. I don't know the situation of these tribes very well, but our Mo... Moxiong tribe's subordinate Kui Beast tribe has more than 2,000 people. There are six to seven hundred warriors! "

"The Kui Beast Department?" Mu Feng was surprised, he didn't expect that the tribe that the Moxiong Department belonged to was actually the Kui Beast Department.

It was this Kui Beast Department that Bai Yue was planning to deal with next time on credit!

At the same time, he calculated in his heart that if the six major tribes all had one or two subordinate tribes, then the number of fighters should be in the tens of thousands.

Counting the six tribes, there are 20,000 to 30,000 fighters - this number has already exceeded the population of the Blue Birds!

If you count the two to three hundred fighters of the cannon fodder tribes like the Moxiong tribe and the Huangniao tribe, the number of warriors in the entire Changli tribe will be even greater!

Seeing Mu Feng's expression, Mouse Mustache was also surprised: "Have you heard of it?"

Mu Feng nodded, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "Why did their tribe with so many warriors fail in successive wars with the Blue Birds?"

Mouse must sigh: "There are many tribes, and there are many warriors. But those big tribes will never let all the warriors of their own tribes be sent out, even their subordinate tribes are not willing. They will only send out small tribes like the Moxiong tribe. Warrior, and then fight with the Blue Bird Department.

In the past, we were able to win and lose against the Blue Birds, but then I don’t know where the Blue Birds got the new weapons, which can shoot our soldiers from a long distance, causing more than half of the soldiers in the small tribe to be killed or injured. The big tribes also suffered a lot of casualties, and gradually there were fewer large-scale battles, and they turned into small-scale conflicts!

However, in the small conflicts, the small tribes gathered people to fight temporarily. After a few times, the small tribe's fighters were almost exhausted. "

Mouse must speak with a look of shock and anger.

It's just that he never imagined that the new weapon used by the Blue Bird Department that caused them heavy losses was taught by the young chief in front of him.
"Then do you know why they didn't gather together to fight the Jade Bird tribe?" Mu Feng asked with a smile, "If all your tribes were gathered together, the number of fighters alone would far exceed the number of Jade Bird tribe members Already!"

Mouse Mustache shook his head and said: "No, they don't want their tribe to be consumed in the battle with the Blue Bird Division, so they only send out a small number of fighters from their own tribe each time. And it seems that their big tribes also Not very united."

Mu Feng knew it in his heart, it was thanks to the fact that the leaders of these tribes were not in the same mind.

If they were really united, one Jade Bird Division would definitely not be enough to watch.

But even though they are different tribes, they should all know that their enemy is the Jade Bird Tribe. They unite to conquer the Jade Bird Tribe. Isn't the entire salt mine theirs?

At that time, whether it is more points or less points, won't it be better than now?

He frowned and asked tentatively: "Then do you know why they can't unite and conquer the Blue Bird Department?"

Mouse Beard showed jealousy on his face: "It's not that the big tribes have their own ideas, and everyone will be able to annex the other tribes one day, and then become a real big tribe."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Be on guard against the big tribes, you can attack the small tribes, annex the small tribes, and grow yourself!"

Unexpectedly, Mouse Xu shook his head: "No, some people will not agree!"

"Why?" Mu Feng frowned, "Isn't it normal for the Changli tribe to conquer each other, and the big tribes are not allowed to conquer the small tribes?"

Mouse must nod: "Behind these six big tribes there are other tribes. These six big tribes, even their subordinate tribes, cannot fully decide the affairs of their own tribe."

"Huh?" Mu Feng was surprised, "How do you say?"

Mouse Xu sighed and said, "From the eyes of others, the Changli tribe is a huge tribal alliance, but in fact, the big tribes headed by them also depend on other people's faces. Just like the Lilong tribe, one of the six tribes, it is actually the same as the Gengxi tribe. It has something to do with the Dali tribe in the land. The Jujiao tribe is from the Shaoli tribe..."

"Da Li, Shao Li!" Mu Feng shouted.

He suddenly understood why the Changli tribe hid from the tribe so much and had so many people, but they still couldn't really defeat the blue birds—someone didn't want them to be truly unified and powerful!

Just like in the previous life, the United States supported some small ethnic groups in the Middle East to establish a so-called "regime"-only by making the regional situation more turbulent can they profit from it.

And once the local area is unified and united, it will have a great impact on the hegemony of the old United States.

That is to say, once the alliance of the Changli tribe is really united, the first thing to dislike is not the Jade Bird, but the Dali tribe and the Shaoli tribe!

But at this time Mu Feng thought of another problem.

That is Dali, Shaoli, and Changli. All three tribes have the word "Li" in their names. Does it mean that there is some connection between the three tribes?

You must know that in ancient and modern China and abroad, from ancient times to the present, countries and bloodlines will pay attention to tracing their roots.

For example, the Chinese people retrospectively called "Tang people", "Han people", "Yanhuang" and so on, all of which are related to the political power and region.

Many countries in West Asia, such as Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhs, will have the suffix "Stan". It is not difficult to find out that their regions and ancestors are related!

The same is true for tribes belonging to the country, so there will be inextricably linked when naming.

So when he thought of the name of the third part, he suddenly thought of this possibility.

And if this conjecture is true, then it may not only be the loose tribes like the Changli tribe that blocked the blue bird—there may also be the shadows of the Dali tribe and the Shaoli tribe!

And the reason why Mu Feng was willing to intervene in the affairs of the Changli tribe was because he learned from the old chief's memory that there might be a tribe of Jiang's enemy in a certain tribe in the alliance of the Changli tribe!

And this enemy tribe has a high probability of becoming one of the six big tribes—at worst, they have to be two or three thousand subordinate tribes.

In other words, Da Jiang was forced to migrate from the far west to the east, and there may be "claw marks" of the Dali and Shaoli tribes!

For a while, Mu Feng was silent, only feeling that he seemed to have uncovered a corner of a secret.

(end of this chapter)

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