Published at 4th of January 2023 11:27:36 AM

Chapter 87

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Kiln firing is both technical and physical work.

Because it takes a day or two to open the kiln, or even ten days or a month.

Fortunately, Mu Feng was just trying his hand this time, and only made a dozen or so pieces, the big ones were no more than the size of a washbasin, and the small ones were only as big as a rice bowl.

According to his estimation, about three days will be enough.

But he basically had to stay here for these three days to prevent accidents.

After all, he is the only one who can make pottery in the tribe right now.

But as long as the pottery making is successful for the first time, they can let go and hand over these things to Li Hu, Bai Ya and the others in the future.

Because Mufeng couldn't leave easily, Mingguang chose the hunting team's bow and arrow practice near Mufeng.

This is convenient for Mufeng to guide them to practice arrows while guarding the cave dwelling.

Not only that, in order to keep his promise, Mu Feng also moved all the bow makers to him and made three bows for Han Shu and the others.

The charcoal fire in the cave lasts for a long time, so you only need to look at it once or twice.

Practicing arrows only needs Mu Feng's verbal guidance.

So what really takes effort is making bows.

Originally, Mu Feng had explained to Li Hu and Ming Guang in detail how to make the three-piece bow, but no matter how he explained, they didn't understand how to stick the three bamboo pieces together.

With no other choice, Mu Feng had to do it himself.

Three-piece bows are different from two-piece bows, which are one thick and one thin. The requirements are two long and one short, and the "two long" are one hard and one soft.

The so-called two lengths mean that there are two pieces of bamboo that need to be of the same length, and one short is the bamboo piece that is placed between the two lengths as a sandwich.

As for the "one hard and one soft" of the two lengths, the bamboo slices placed on the inner layer must be relatively thick. When the bamboo slices are roasted, only the ends are roasted soft, and the middle part is normal.

The outermost layer of bamboo slices is relatively thinner, and the whole is baked soft, so that it can be bent to fit the bamboo slices inside with a short interlayer in the middle.

These requirements are rather cumbersome for Mu Feng to talk about, and more points need to be paid attention to when they are implemented. It is no wonder that Li Hu and Ming Guang are confused when they hear it.

This is what Mu Feng said in person, leaving aside others, like Chang Ning, who have never heard of these details, and want to make a double-piece bow or even a three-piece bow, I am afraid it is a fantasy.

The thickness of the hard and soft bamboo slices is relatively uniform, but the short bamboo slice in the middle is required to present a very narrow and long arc to the outside, which requires extremely high craftsmanship and accuracy of the wood wind.

This one piece of bamboo alone wasted six pieces of bamboo from Mu Feng, and this was on the premise of having a ruler and a plane.

Without these, I'm afraid even Mu Feng couldn't do it.

Fortunately, the effort was not in vain, the three pieces of bamboo had already been sliced ​​and baked, and they were placed on the side for molding, and then he sat upright at the side, and the old god was watching the people practicing arrows.

Right now the hunting team only has about forty people, and the other ten people were sent out by Mingguang to hunt.

Because they have mastered the fishing skills, and there is a sheep trap not far from the tribe, now the hunting team only needs to send a few people out to guard it every day.

In the middle, under Mu Feng's instruction, Ming Guang led people to dig traps on the other side and caught many wild sheep.

Now the daily food of the tribe includes sheep, fish, and occasionally boiled eggs, butchered pigs, chickens and other foods.

Coupled with vegetables such as bamboo shoots, shepherd's purse, mushrooms, and cress, the food for the people in the tribe is already quite rich.

Except for wild boars, which are killed one by one, other animals such as sheep and chickens are growing in twos and threes every day except for the food of the tribe.

This is also the reason why Mu Feng can rest assured to start training the archer army.

The stomach is full, and there is still food left, of course you have to strengthen yourself!

Right now, the forty or so people are divided into four groups, and each group stands side by side with bows and arrows, and a simple round wooden bullseye is erected 30 meters away from them.

This is what Mu Feng pulled Ming Guang and Li Hu and the others to do overnight, and it just came in handy right now.

A dozen or so people stood in a row, and following Ming Guang's command to "shoot the arrow", there were endless "swish" sounds, and the sound was obviously fast and slow.

As for the arrows that hit the target two to three out of ten, let alone the ones that can hit the bull's-eye.

After a round of shots, Ming Guang looked at Mu Feng: "Great chief, how do you think they shot?"

Everyone subconsciously tensed up.

Mu Feng smiled lightly and shook his head: "You are all new to bows and arrows, it's normal to be inaccurate. This has a lot to do with being unskilled!"

"But remember the archery essentials I taught you yesterday. When holding the bow in the left hand, the left side should be in front. When holding the bow in the right hand, the right shoulder should be in front. The distance between the two feet should be widened. When shooting, the eyes, the arrow and the bull's-eye must be on the same line!"

As he said that, Mu Feng picked up a bow and started a demonstration: "After drawing the bow, the hand that draws the string should be steady, and the breathing should be gentle. After seeing the target, lift it up a little, and then shoot!"


The bamboo arrow fell in response, hitting the bull's-eye.

The people around were amazed.

Mu Feng looked at the arrow not far away that missed the bull's-eye, and felt a little ashamed.

"The distance of 30 meters is still a bit crooked. If you put this kind of technique in your previous life, you might be sprayed to death by your coach!"

The hunting team members who were corrected by Mu Feng seemed to be enlightened, and the next few rounds of ten arrows were able to hit five or six arrows, and two of them even hit within the sixth ring.

You know, this is just the beginning of practice, and there are already such good results!

"It seems that the bow and arrow army has a lot to do!" Mu Feng secretly said.

(end of this chapter)

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