Published at 5th of June 2023 08:16:07 AM

Chapter 70

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“Various Confirmations and the Boss of the Second Level.”

Translated by Dawn

Edited by Dawn

“Various Confirmations and the Boss of the Second Level.”

“I’m full. Monster meat tastes good, after all.”

As I said that, I patted my slightly swollen belly. It might seem a little unbecoming, but no one else was watching, so this much was fine.

The meat of the magically dismantled horned rabbit was of fairly high quality, as it had been perfectly drained of blood. It could be enjoyed with only a simple salt and pepper seasoning.

Having said that, I would like to continue my exploration of the second level, but the meat was so delicious that I ate a little more than I should have. Therefore, it will have to wait for a while.

“Phew, come to think of it, Appraisal has evolved into Analysis. Now I might be able to see the information I couldn’t see before……”

Before resuming the dungeon exploration, I decided to use [Analysis] to check the analysis itself in order to confirm the newly evolved skills.

[Analysis]: A higher level version of the [Appraisal] skill, which allows the user to learn details about non-living things. As the level increases, the probability of being able to detect rare objects and concealment skills increases.

……Hohoho, isn’t this a pretty useful skill? As I examined the analysis skill in more detail, I found out a number of things.

First, compared to when it was an Appraisal, it was now possible to know the health status of the person being appraised. When I tried to appraise myself, the words “healthy” and “full stomach” appeared in the “condition” section.

From this result, it became possible to detect the other person’s chronic disease or illness that even he/she was unaware of at an early stage, which slightly increased the safety of living in this world. However, since the only means of recovery are currently potions and other magical medicines, it is best to learn recovery magic as soon as possible. That is if I can learn it…….

Next, in order to examine magic-related skills, I analyzed light magic and dark magic and found the following information.

[Light Magic]: Able to use magic with the attribute of light.

Light, Light Arrow

[Dark Magic]: Able to use magic with the attribute of darkness.

Dark, Dark Arrow

That is all the information about light magic, but here I would like to add a few explanations about magic.

It is common knowledge that in this world, magic is invoked by chanting a specific spell, but this is not actually the case. For example, the fire magic spell to hit an opponent with a ball of fire is [Fireball], but you can use the magic that creates a ball of fire even without chanting [Fireball].

Even if one chanted “Flame Ball,” the result of the spell would be the same as if one had chanted “Fireball,” i.e., a ball of fire would be released.

As is often said in fantasy novels, “Imagination is the key to magic.” Magic is the art of reproducing what you imagine in your mind as a physical phenomenon by consuming magical power.

In other words, whether it is the magic of shooting a ball of fire or the magic of turning an entire area into a world of ice, the important thing is to imagine it in your mind, and as long as you can do that, the name of the spell is of little importance.

And the Light Magic: Light and Light Arrow that were displayed earlier are general-purpose magic names that are commonly used in this world, and to put it bluntly, [Shine] or [Shine Arrow] would work just fine.

What is important is the power of imagery, not a specific fixed chant or spell, but how well you can envision it in your mind.

I only became aware of this rule some time after I left the city of Rendark, but I never felt inconvenienced by the spells I had been using, so I didn’t pay any particular attention to it.

“It might be possible, so let’s just try it……”

Once I learned Light and Dark Magic, there was something I wanted to do. In MMORPGs, there are cases where magic related to time and space is learned from the two attributes of light and dark. I came to the conclusion that it might be possible to learn such a kind of composite magic by increasing the level of these two attributes.

“First of all, let’s try to raise the level of Light Magic. So, [Light].”

I started to use the magic I had already learned in order to raise the level of each of the Light and Dark magic to level 6. Fortunately, no other adventurers were in sight while I was using magic, so I was able to level up without anyone noticing.

After about an hour of training, I had reached level 6 in two attribute magic skills and, as I had expected, I easily learned [Space-time Magic]. I was so impressed with how easily I learned Space-time Magic that I couldn’t help but ask myself, “Is this really okay, Space-time Magic?”

It was a happy miscalculation for me that I could learn it, so I went over the details of [Space-time Magic] without worrying about it.

[Space-time magic]: Able to use magic with the attributes of space-time.

Quick, Slow, Storage.

At level 1, I had learned three spells, and while I omitted the Quick and Slow spells because I somehow understood their effects, it was the remaining spell, Storage, that was problematic. After using my Analysis skill to further investigate the details of the spell Storage, I was astonished at its capabilities.

[Storage]: It is possible to store non-living things in the subspace. While it is stored, it does not deteriorate over time. The storage capacity is determined by the following formula.

Space-time magic level x (magic power of the magician / 1000) x 10 tons.

*However, once the level of space-time magic is maxed out, the storage capacity is unlimited.

“Seriously……looks like I no longer need to buy a new magic bag now.”

Thanks to the Storage spell, I could hunt without worrying about the capacity of my magic bag, which had been something I had been struggling with. When I tried storing the magic bag in Storage, something like a black hole appeared, and when I inserted the bag into the hole, I was able to store it without any problem. There was no problem taking it out, and now I could move around empty-handed except for my equipment.

At the moment, the capacity that could be stored in the Storage is about 100 tons, according to the formula. This is still enough capacity, but if the level of space-time magic is eventually maxed out, the capacity limit will be eliminated, so I would like to max it out as soon as possible.

After starting the dungeon exploration, although I had the urge to shout inwardly at the fact that I had been able to learn quite a few useful abilities, I managed to suppress that feeling and decided to resume the second level of the dungeon exploration.

More than an hour had already passed since I had entered the safety zone where the transfer portal was located. I had already eaten and completed most of the things I wanted to check, so I hurried a bit to the third level.

Now that I had solved one of the problems I had been facing, my motivation to conquer the dungeon was rising and I was full of enthusiasm. I couldn’t help but feel pity for the monsters I had to deal with, but I hope they will overlook that.

On the way to the Second Level boss room, I tried out the [Separate Dismantling] skill, which I had not yet confirmed, and it turned out to be a very useful skill. I used to dismantle monsters manually with a dismantling knife and then switch to using magic to dismantle them, but with this skill, it takes only a few seconds from dismantling to obtaining materials.

Thanks to this skill, the time between killing the monster and dismantling and storing the materials has been shortened, allowing for more efficient hunting.

My rapid march continued, turning the monsters that came my way into materials. In no time at all, I had broken through the second level and found myself at the large door I had seen at the first level.

This time, there were no adventurers waiting in line, so I was able to take on the boss right away. At the end of the door were a group of about 20 goblins and three goblins that were about one size larger than the goblins. Analysis revealed that the larger goblin was named Goblin Leader and had a higher ability value and level of skills possessed than the ordinary goblins.

“Let’s try fighting using Hand-to-hand Combat once in a while. Ah right. Let’s also use this opportunity to raise the level of Space-time Magic. [Quick], [Slow].”

Since I always used magic to kill with a single blow, I decided to try a physical battle in the sense of moving my body. In order to train my Space-Time Magic, I used Quick and Slow to make my movement quick and slow theirs, and as a result, it was an impressive victory.

The devastation was nothing more than bullying of the weak, and by the time they caught sight of me, the victory was already decided. I felt sorry for the goblins who couldn’t even put up a decent fight, but such is the world of the weak and the strong.

After collecting materials from the corpses of the goblins, I went through the door leading to the third level. Just as in the second level, there was a transfer portal and a staircase to go down to the third level.

“Today is just a wait-and-see, so let’s just call it a day.”

Since there was no hurry to attack, I decided to leave it at this for this dungeon exploration. After touching and registering at the transfer portal, I decided to end my exploration and return to the surface.

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