Published at 11th of October 2021 10:40:50 AM

Chapter 1022: 1022

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After the daughter of the sword emperor met Zhou Xuanji, he stayed quietly for another hundred years.

In the past 100 years, he has obtained the most advanced divine sword, only the British yuan court, not a 10000 flower source court divine sword, let alone the cause and effect Ding Zun divine sword.

The divine sword has no substantive breakthrough, but his soul has been strengthening.

This day.

The battle of heart and lung finally came.

The first master of Qingsong appeared in front of Zhou Xuanji with an emperor's palm cage in his hand.

With a smile on his face, he said with satisfaction, "you have become much stronger. It seems that I have a good chance to win this heart lung battle."

With a wave of his right hand, he directly collected Zhou Xuanji into the emperor's palm cage.

Zhou Xuanji did not resist.

Now he can feel the power of the founder of Qingsong. If he wants to resist, it is not so easy for the founder of Qingsong to accept him.

"Laugh, your death is coming."

Zhou Xuanji's face was expressionless and he disdained to smile.

There will be only one beginning.

Whether the sword emperor wins or the founder, most of the founders will fall.

In front of him, the founder of the green pine doesn't look like he can live.

That's stupid!

Qingsong first master took the emperor's palm cage and quickly flew out of the world.

Zhou Xuanji's eyes flashed. When he opened his eyes again, there was still a blue sky outside the cage, with layers of clouds and boundless grandeur.

There is a huge round platform in front. Around the round platform, there are many divine birds, emitting all kinds of brilliance.

When Qingsong first came to Taiwan, a burst of laughter came.

"This heart lung battle, it must be my baby who can win."

"Just your long worm, No."

"The strongest thing is my starting pet. Do you know how much effort I spent?"

"When you look at your pet, you know that you are weak."

"Don't argue for the benefit of words. Dare you gamble?"

Zhou Xuanji shook his head as he listened to the laughter of the founders.

Not to mention the originator, these guys are not even worthy of earthly God.

It's not taboo to use creatures as playthings.

It seems that these founders do not understand that water can carry a boat and overturn it.

The sword emperor created them to manage all the creatures in the world. They thought they were blessed by nature.

Zhou Xuanji saw other emperors holding cages, in which different creatures were imprisoned. Only he kept human shape.

Other creatures looked ferocious. Some were roaring, some were dozing, and some looked quietly.

Zhou Xuanji soon attracted the attention of other initiators.

When he saw the man in black, he was expressionless and didn't look at him.

A lord gathered around and began to watch Zhou Xuanji.

In a corner of the stage, Yuan Xin observed other initiators silently.

He shook his head quietly and sighed in his heart, "it's hopeless."

He didn't carry the emperor's palm cage because he didn't want to fight.

The great beginning Lord clapped his hands and said, "now that everyone is here, we are ready to release their starting pets for battle."

"Like the previous rules, if you want to compete for the beginning of the heart and lung, directly release the beginning pet, scuffle, and finally act, the beginning pet will be the winner."

Hearing the speech, the founders turned around and walked to the edge of the round platform.

They opened the emperor's palm cage in turn and released the first pet.

Those ferocious first pets rushed out first and began to fight in the air.

Strangely, these guys didn't restore their body size and looked as big as sparrows.

In this way, it really feels like a pet fight.

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and said, "I can't think so. I'm in the same situation as them."

He suddenly understood the minds of the founders.

They are not cunning and evil, but too simple.

Just as children like to tease ants, they don't care about the feelings of ants, just want to make fun of themselves.

Because Zhou Xuanji found that these initiators did not mean to collude, their initiators were indeed fighting in disorder and had no goal.

"Don't you get out!"

Qingsong's founder frowned and urged him. He didn't want to be gossip by other founders.

Zhou Xuanji had to fly out.


A cold hum came. Zhou Xuanji looked up and saw the daughter of the sword emperor standing in the air.

Beside her, there was a man in white, who was rich and handsome, with neat hair and long hair behind her, just like a pretty childe coming out of the picture.

The founders knelt down and saluted with fists.

Their faces jumped with joy. In the past, they often invited the children of the sword emperor to watch the heart and lung dispute, but they were always rejected. Unexpectedly, they came this time.

The first master smiled and said, "Why are you here? Where's the sword emperor?"

At present, only kneeling down is the etiquette, and there is no specific differentiation in terms of address.

"Hum, you don't know the crime!"

The daughter of the sword emperor shouted in a deep voice, and a great pressure came, startling the first masters' faces.

The great founder's face sank and asked loudly, "what are our sins?"

The man in white raised his right hand and a long sword appeared in his hand.

"The evidence is on the stage!"

The man in White said coldly, grasping with his left hand, put all his first favorites into his sleeve, except Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows. He noticed the eyes of the daughter of the sword emperor and knew that he was deliberately left behind.

Next, he's going to be a witness.


The round table shook violently. Zhou Xuanji suddenly felt a pressure, and his legs began to tremble. He almost knelt down. He immediately took out the pressure sword and absorbed the pressure.

The other initiators could not bear it and knelt down directly.

The round platform produces cracks and may collapse at any time.


A majestic voice sounded, and even Zhou Xuanji was frightened.

He subconsciously looked up and saw a figure shining with strong light in the air, as if against the bright sun, he couldn't see his real body.

Sword emperor

Zhou Xuanji noticed that other founders showed a look of fear.

"Father God, you can see that they make fun of creatures. Compared with your great kindness to us, they are selfish and have no benevolence." the daughter of the sword emperor said in a deep voice.

The founders were terrified and some didn't know why.

They did the same before. The sword emperor didn't say anything. Why do they start asking questions now?

"I let you control the world in the hope that you can treat all sentient beings well and lead them to the right path, but what have you done?"

The sword emperor's voice fell with him. His tone was cold and could not hear his happiness and anger.

The great founder took the lead in answering: "the world of all parties is very stable, and the human race is not extinct, but those mixed animals have no reason, but you said that they also have the meaning of existence. We have let the human race and mixed animals coexist. Is it wrong?"

The other founders echoed, one by one filled with righteous indignation.

The original master of Yuanxin was silent.

The daughter of the sword emperor hummed: "no rational bastards can understand, but the Terrans are hoodwinked by you, kept in captivity in tribes, and warned them not to go out. This is coexistence?"

"Does the father restrict you to stay in your own world and forbid you to come and go?"

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