Published at 11th of October 2021 11:03:42 AM

Chapter 131: 131

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The old man who stole the cliff also gathered around and said, "Yo? This boy has finally practiced sword. I almost forgot that he is a sword repairman."

He could not deny Zhou Xuanji's attitude of desperately accepting Qi.

But that doesn't mean he agrees.

Just thinking of Lin Guanyu's threat outside, he acquiesced.

Zhao Congjian said proudly, "my master can practice any sword technique very quickly, so he doesn't need to practice sword at ordinary times."

So good?


The old man stole the cliff and looked at Zhou Xuanji practicing his sword.

The sun, moon and stars have a total of 72 sword moves. The moves are tricky. After practicing one set, Zhou Xuanji spent 22 hours.

From the second time, his sword speed increased sharply.

Ten times later, his speed increased again, which moved the old man who stole the cliff.

"This boy..."

After a hundred times, the sun, moon and stars become small.

After two hundred times, the sun, moon and stars will become great.

After 400 times, Zhou Xuanji realized the meaning of the sword!

I saw him holding a soft sword, the sword Qi flowing all over him, and the virtual shadow of the sun, moon and stars appeared behind him, which was very spectacular.

Even Jiang Xue, little black snake and Han Shenbo came to watch.

"What sword is this?"

Zhao Congjian tried to resist his excitement and asked, I really want to learn!

Zhou Xuanji looked calm and said, "the sword produces the world, the sword produces the small thousand world, the sword produces the big thousand world, and the sun, moon and stars are the foundation of the world."

"This sword technique is the sun, moon and stars."

Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian, Huang Lianxin and Wang Jian were all in a trance, repeating Zhou Xuanji's words.

The old man who stole the cliff also frowned and fell into thinking.

The boy's words are mysterious.

It's not easy.

Zhou Xuanji took back his sword, hid his skills and fame, and then went to Jiang Xue and asked her about her cultivation.

North owl Wang Jian patted Zhao Congjian on the shoulder, shook his head and said, "don't think about it. There will be opportunities in the future."

Zhao Congjian took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

His eyes lit up again.

The old man who stole the cliff suddenly covered his chest and his face changed slightly.

He raised his eyes to Zhou Xuanji and murmured, "why is this son's Kendo talent so strange? Did something go wrong when I changed his life?"

Good fortune depends on evil, and evil depends on good fortune.

This matter must be vigilant.

People continue to practice in this underground space.

A month later.

Zhou Xuanji finally broke through the Lingquan realm!

In the realm of Lingquan, mana is transformed into Lingquan, which flows through the eight meridians and meets on the inner alchemy.

The speed of spiritual power operation and birth will be much faster than before, and the generated spiritual power will be more powerful than before.

In short, Zhou Xuanji felt that his spiritual power had increased more than a hundred times.

"It is detected that the sword master has reached the Lingquan realm. Start the random lottery!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the sword master for winning the [Amethyst] Phoenix emperor sword!"

Amethyst sword!

Zhou Xuanji was ecstatic. Now, the golden sword is not in his eyes, and the Amethyst sword is his threshold!

Although it is not as good as Jinyao divine sword, the side effects of Jinyao divine sword are too great. It is completely manipulated with life.

He immediately took out the Phoenix sword.

The sword is red and one meter long. The blade is as wide as an adult's palm. The case is carved into the shape of a Phoenix. The wings are facing down and powerful. The end of the hilt is connected with three Phoenix wings.

As soon as the Phoenix emperor sword comes out, the fire shines on the whole underground space.

Everyone felt a heat coming from behind.

They subconsciously turned around and saw Zhou Xuanji holding the Phoenix emperor's sword.

Flames burst out from the blade and condensed into a fire phoenix behind Zhou Xuanji. It has a wingspan of five feet and is extremely powerful.

"What a handsome Firebird!"

The old man who stole the cliff exclaimed, this sword is not simple!

Xiao Jinghong and Zhao Congjian looked straight.

Another magic sword!

The little black snake muttered, "where did this boy get so many swords?"

Zhou Xuanji waved the Phoenix emperor's sword, so powerful.

If you use the fire sword technique, you will be absolutely strong!

At this time, three lines of small characters appeared in front of him:

Sword Name: Phoenix emperor sword

Grade: Amethyst

Description: thousands of Phoenix, the birth of a Phoenix, Phoenix bone made Phoenix sword, contains Phoenix flame, burning all things!


Although there was no ancient sword emperor's power like the split empty emperor's sword, Zhou Xuanji felt that the Phoenix emperor's sword was stronger.

He can control all the power of the Phoenix emperor's sword at will.

Maybe it's because he reached the Lingquan realm.

Holding the Phoenix sword, he felt that everything was so fragile.


Use two Amethyst divine swords and use the double sword style. Do you have the power to fight with the sword emperor of the Zhou Dynasty?

There is a long way to go, and there is no wave!

Zhou Xuanji took a deep breath, collected the Phoenix emperor sword into the supreme library, and then continued to practice.

He walked to the lake and continued to take gas.

Xiao Jinghong breathed out and his eyes fell on the sword in his hand. He suddenly felt that his sword was not so handsome.

The old man who stole the cliff touched his chin and fell into thinking.

After breaking through the Lingquan realm, Zhou Xuanji's cultivation speed did not slow down, but remained fierce.

In three months, he broke through the second floor of Lingquan.

Others are also breaking through quickly.

The old man who stole the cliff used his magic to cultivate the aura in the surrounding veins, which made them thousands of miles a day.

The whole team had the worst cultivation and reached the fifth floor of kaiguangjing.

The little black snake was stolen from the cliff. The old man took special care of it. From time to time, he was thrown into the Dan stove and used the natural materials and earth treasures to help it harden its flesh.

Therefore, this underground space will be filled with the smell of snake meat soup every few days.

This also caused a DA and Xiao er's eyes to look at the little black snake to become wrong.

Now, little black snakes dare not approach them for fear of being eaten by them.

Four months later.

Zhou Xuanji broke through to the third floor of Lingquan.

On this day, the old man who stole the cliff went out to explore the situation.

Lin Guanyu should be far away. He can't walk around all the time unless he is found.

Three days later.

The old man who stole the cliff came back.

"Crazy! Crazy! Lin Guanyu broke into the big business alone and claimed to catch Zhou Jianshen, forcing the angry Buddha of the big business to take action. Both sides lost the war. Lin Guanyu has seriously left."

As soon as the old man who stole the cliff flew out of the lake, he shouted, looking very excited.

Lin Guanyu seriously injured?

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows. Has Lin Guanyu lost his intelligence?

The old man who stole the cliff came to Zhou Xuanji, grabbed his shoulder and said, "Dashang will hold a meeting of heroes under the dome recently. The top ten can get different rewards in turn, and the first one can get three ten thousand year thunder heart grass. You must get it."

Zhou Xuanji resisted and said, "why? Can't you let me practice at ease?"

"Ten thousand year thunder heart grass is a holy thing for body refining. It is very suitable for you, and..."

Suddenly, the old man's face was red. He said, "when I was hurt by Lin Guan Yu, his knife breath remained in my body. It could not be eliminated. It led me to be unable to practice, and for a long time, it would be a great trouble."

i see.

The faces of the people became strange.

The old man who stole the cliff felt ashamed. He coughed falsely and said righteously: "the road of cultivation can't only rely on hard work. It also needs opportunity. This is opportunity. Once you can win, your sword Qi golden body formula will be great. Two ten thousand year thunder heart herbs can make you directly reach Yuanying territory in a month! It's equivalent to years of hard cultivation. Are you sure you won't go?"

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