Published at 11th of October 2021 11:01:12 AM

Chapter 237: 237

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The old man who stole the cliff flew behind Zhou Xuanji with emotion on his face.

"In those days, the fairy wanted to spend flowers, which was the best in the world. Now she has become the fourth in the world. How can she be willing? In addition, she has absorbed the soul of the evil king, so she naturally has to find the field."

He said leisurely. Then he laughed first.

In his life, the most powerful woman he has ever seen is xianxianghua.

Although the old witch loved Zhou Xuanji, what hung in her heart was still her ambition.

He even suspected that Xianxiang flower was actually a man and gave up for his daughter.

Zhou Xuanji frowned and asked, "is emperor Yang really that strong?"

the best in all the land!

These four words are enough to make people think.

However, in the northern wasteland, the fame of emperor Yang is not high.

It belongs to that strange existence. I will remember it when I think about it carefully, but if I don't think about it, I won't remember him.

Since he reached the top of the world, Emperor Yang has disappeared.

According to the rumor of the northern wasteland, Emperor Yang belongs to the existence of hard cultivation.

So he can be re elected first in the world.

So far, Emperor Yang has won the first place in the world three times in a row, that is to say, since he became famous, xianxianghua has never defeated him again.

To be exact, no one can beat him in the world.

"Qiang, I even think he will become the emperor of the world and the sword emperor."

"Although the immortal wants to spend his strength now, but the talent of emperor Yang is more terrible. Coupled with the hard work day after day, the gap between them is still too big."

The old man who stole the cliff said seriously that he had seen a world Millennium decision. The strength of emperor Yang made him remember deeply and unforgettable forever.

The great emperor!

Zhou Xuanji fell silent.

The old man who stole the cliff patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "don't think too much. Even if the immortal wants to spend, he can escape. Practice well. I'm looking forward to your fight with emperor Yang."

At the thought that Zhou Xuanji could compete for the first place in the world, his eyes showed a look of expectation.

If only Zhao Xuan could see it.

Zhou Xuanji nodded and said, "you're right. The top priority is to practice well."

At this time, Ning Zifeng came.

"Master, how to cultivate the meaning of double swords? I can use both hands to perform different sword techniques, but the artistic conception needs full attention. It is impossible to perform the meaning of double swords."

Ning Zifeng asked in distress. Since Zhou Xuanji taught him the meaning of double swords, the boy no longer tried to escape.

In the sky, no one made trouble for him. He could learn more advanced kendo. He had no reason to run away.

Zhou Xuanji didn't tell the news that Xian wanted to leave. He turned and looked at Ning Zifeng and said, "you and I will try some swordsmanship and let you feel it in the competition. Remember, you don't need spiritual power, only swordsmanship."

Ning Zifeng looked excited and hurriedly took out two golden swords.

They began to exchange swordsmanship at the edge of the sky.

In the distance, Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian, Beixiao Wang Jian and Huang Lianxin saw this scene. They practiced side by side and didn't get up.

Since Ning Zifeng joined, they have become more hardworking.

But Ning Zifeng is a Mahayana cultivation. How do they pursue it?

After xianxianghua left, everyone's life did not change and continued to practice.

Everyone's accomplishments are growing.

Jiang Xue, Huang Lianxin and North owl Wang Jian have begun to attack Yuanying territory.

The little black snake recovers its peak. With five levels of cultivation, it can be transformed into a hundred feet long bully scale black Jiao at any time. It is very powerful.

A small and medium-sized two also reached the fifth level, with a wingspan of ten feet, like two hills, but they couldn't speak, let alone change shape.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

Eight months later.

Zhou Xuanji broke through to the eighth floor of the exit boundary!

This speed is fast enough. In addition to the strong aura of the sky falling on the top, it is also thanks to the help of the world map.

However, his world Fu Tu holy skill has not broken through the second level, and the world reincarnation is too difficult.

Fortunately, Ning Zifeng didn't practice double sword, which made him feel relieved.

He gave everything to Ning Zifeng. However, this guy's Kendo is deep-rooted and difficult to change.

This day.

Red Qilin suddenly roared like crazy and ran around on the top of the mountain.

Now it is as big as an adult tiger. When it roars, it is fierce and powerful.

"Little guy, be quiet!"

Chongming demon emperor rushed over and punched it to the ground.


Paralyzed on the ground, it still made a low roar and was extremely irritable.

The others gathered around.

"What happened to it?"

Jiang Xue asked anxiously. The three eyed dry mouse lay on her shoulder and looked at the red Qilin carefully.

At first, they were almost big. Now in its eyes, the red unicorn is already a behemoth.

"Maybe I've grown up and need a spouse."

The little black snake vomited the snake letter and heard that the demon emperor Chongming pumped it away with an ox tail.

The old man who stole the cliff was surprised and said, "it seems to be awakening. Let it go and let it act recklessly."

Hearing the speech, the demon emperor of Chongming raised his right foot, and then red Qilin got up and ran away.

Everyone looked at each other and could see the worry in each other's eyes.

Not far away, Ning Zifeng, who was practicing his sword, was secretly frightened.

Kylin awakening?

He once saw the power of a unicorn in the chaotic tide sea. He felt a little palpitating when he thought about it.

He couldn't help looking back at Zhou Xuanji. Where did this guy get Kirin?

After a year together, he has a certain understanding of the team.

Except for the North owl king sword and the little black snake, all people and demons have outstanding talents.

Zhao Congjian's Kendo talent is even more terrible than him. You know, Zhao Congjian is only 34 years old now.

At the age of 34, his cultivation is worse than Zhao Congjian.

Although Xiao Jinghong's talent is worse than Zhao Congjian's, it's not much worse.

Han Shenbo, not to mention, ranked first in the list of heroes in Zhou Dynasty, and was the first to sit firmly.

The ghost eyes of Huang Lianxin can penetrate everything. It's hard to imagine how powerful it is if she achieves great accomplishments.

Jiang Xue is a descendant of the Jiang family. She has excellent talent in the five element spell and will become a great weapon.

Chongming demon emperor, a big and small two, three eyed dry mouse and red Unicorn are not ordinary things.

He shook his head, stopped thinking and continued to practice his sword.

"Purple Maple, come here."

Just then, Zhou Xuanji's voice came.

Hearing the speech, Ning Zifeng hurried over.

"Master, what can I do for you?"

He asked expectantly, thinking that Zhou Xuanji was going to teach him his skills.

"Two reptiles came and hid under the sky. Go and kill them."

Zhou Xuanji ordered, and Ning Zifeng was stunned.

He asked, "what does the other person look like?"

There are many monsters in the sky. How can he know who to kill.

"They are two demons, named huangquan double demons."

Zhou Xuanji said casually that there were only these two people near the sky, and the others were demons.


Ning Zifeng immediately jumped down the mountain. Zhou Xuanji had no doubt about his strength.

This boy is a cultivation achievement at the first level of Mahayana. He is also the first arrogant in the chaotic tide sea. He has the ability to fight beyond his level, which is enough to make the two demons of the yellow spring suffer.

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