Published at 11th of October 2021 10:56:57 AM

Chapter 395: 395

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"Zhou Xuanji! Get out of here!"

Yan lingzun roared. As soon as he heard the voice, he knew who the other party was, but he couldn't catch Zhou Xuanji's breath. I don't know where this guy is.

Xuanyuan Shenhao frowned, and he couldn't find each other. Could it be that this man was a mortal who succeeded in emperor Zheng not long ago?

Kilometers away, on a mountain, Zhou Xuanji appeared out of thin air.

He holds two swords, one is swallow day dog sword, the other is swallow dream true Wu Dang devil.

The dream devouring real Wu Dang devil is a broad sword with a bright red blade, which seems to be cast by blood.

His Sanyang Yanqi robe is no longer there. He wears a white dress with black hair scattered at will. Under the thunder clouds, the white dress floats. The spirit of the great emperor of Kendo startles the wind and cloud.

Feeling his eyes, Yan lingzun suddenly turned and looked.

When he saw Zhou Xuanji clearly, he said angrily with a smile: "boy, you're not dead, very good, you send it to the door again!"

Angry, he directly ordered to send a hundred heavenly puppets headed by the four spirits war god to kill.

Hundreds of prospective emperors and great emperors moved together, setting off a strong wind of terror and shaking the mountains.

Zhou Xuanji's black hair danced disorderly. He raised his eyelids. His purple eyes were so flirtatious. A purple Taiji picture of nine swords appeared on his forehead, and an aggressive spirit broke out.

"Yan lingzun, I will let you taste the fear and despair of all sentient beings."

He said softly, but his voice was like Hong Lei, ringing through Jue Di cliff.

The four spirits, the God of war, hit with a fist, and the air exploded, enlightening the deaf.

Nine swords appeared behind Zhou Xuanji.

Batian divine sword, soul devouring and demon killing, gale hitting the dome, hundred mile flying sword, falling rain colorful sword, wind dancing sword under the moon, Wanji, Sanyuan Jue pulse sword, 36 way Yuxiao sword.

The nine sword spirits have their own posture and momentum. One of them disappears out of thin air and condenses again.

Puff times——

The four spirits and war gods were directly cut in half and turned into countless light stars, which disappeared.

Zhou Xuanji walked down the mountain. He walked slowly and stared at Yan lingzun.

This scene made Yan lingzun's heart jump.

How strong!

A statue of the prospective emperor and the great emperor came, and the sword spirit behind Zhou Xuanji shot out one after another, and the sword light shone one after another, cold through the world.

He never carried the sword with both hands, but only by his sword spirit, one sword and one emperor.

No heavenly puppet can carry his sword.

After ten steps, all the hundred heavenly puppets were killed.


The world is silent!

Yan lingzun and Xuanyuan Shenhao were frightened and looked at Zhou Xuanji with dull eyes.

Especially Xuanyuan Shenhao, he knows the power of the four spirits war god and those heavenly puppets.

He was defeated when he fought 30 heavenly puppets alone.

This man killed hundreds of people in ten steps!

"How could it be... How could there be such a powerful existence on earth? Was he a real God?"

He swallowed his saliva and set off a terrible wave in his heart.

If he is full of cultivation, he can do it easily.

The key here is mortal!

Heaven will suppress cultivation!

"Children! Don't be rampant!"

Yan lingzun roared, and 300 heavenly puppets stopped in front of him.

In the distance, Bai Hao hid behind the hill and watched carefully.

"That's ridiculous..."

He was so frightened that he couldn't believe his eyes.

Zhou Xuanji walked towards the foot of the mountain without changing his face.

With double swords in hand, he hunts in white. His eyes are so indifferent, with absolute self-confidence and domineering contempt for all enemies.

The sun swallowing Tiangou sword and the dream swallowing Zhenwu Dang devil are immortal shaking swords. Under the infusion of the power of heaven and earth, there is no great disaster scattered immortal to resist.

After he became the great emperor, he has been reborn. His speed and reaction are far better than before. It's not worth mentioning that he will kill the puppet of heaven with the fierce attack of sword spirit.

Eighteen heavenly puppets appeared in all directions of Zhou Xuanji at the same time, and showed their magic powers one after another, ready to kill him.

The corner of his mouth was raised and he laughed with great contempt.

Countless sword shadows appeared out of thin air, tearing up the 18 heavenly puppets and turning them into fly ash.

Honghuang sword shadow!

The desolate sword shadow of sword spirit has a large coverage and its lethality is still terrible!

The nine kings of Kendo followed, and countless sword Qi came from all directions, crushing the mountains under his feet.

But his steps did not hesitate.

The nine swords were still walking in the air step by step, which blocked all the sword Qi of the Nine Emperors and killed them with a more overbearing momentum.


Kendo Nine Emperors, scattered!

A statue of heavenly puppet was killed and exploded directly, just like fireworks blooming, so spectacular.

Zhou Xuanji hunted in his robe. In the strong wind, he moved forward naturally. His swords were not raised and his sharp eyes were not blinked. The killing opportunity locked Yan lingzun.

"How could it be... How could he be so powerful..."

Yan lingzun's face was gloomy, his body trembled slightly, and there was fear in his heart.

Xuanyuan Shenhao looked complex and his head was blank.

This person is so powerful in the world. If he reaches the upper world

He can't imagine.

Zhou Xuanji

He remembered the name. At this time, he will never forget it.

In front of a cliff in the East, a figure is also watching the war silently.

It was Emperor Yang.

Emperor Yang's face was blue and his fists were clenched in his sleeves.

The coir raincoat man appeared beside him and sighed: "this son has soared to the sky. He and you are no longer the same level of existence."

The heart piercing words made emperor Yang tremble.

"Can you become so strong after proving the Emperor..."

He muttered to himself in a tone of discontent.

How could he defeat Zhou Xuanji like this?

The man in coir raincoat shook his head and wanted to say that even if you were emperor Zheng, you could not be so strong.

Because that guy is a great emperor.

There are only a few first-class emperors of the Terran since ancient times.

Even the first-class emperor should not have such combat effectiveness.

"Zhou Xuanji, who are you?"

Yan lingzun gnashed his teeth and roared. His face was ferocious and extremely angry.

He doesn't believe that mortals can have such strength.

Even the emperor can't be so strong!

Is this guy the reincarnation of the upper world?

Although Bai Hao's heart is so embarrassed, there are a lot more powerful than Bai Hao's heart in the upper world.

Is it the reincarnation of the true God

The thought of this made his fear stronger.

"My name is Zhou Xuanji, the unique sword emperor."

Zhou Xuanji sneered that the killing in words condensed heaven and earth.

After a hundred steps, all 300 heavenly puppets were destroyed.

Tiantu crazily provided him with mana. The power of heaven and earth wrapped around him to form a strong wind visible to the naked eye.

Nine swords still stand proudly behind him, domineering and powerful.

Yan lingzun was so angry that he sent Xia Huang to lead 50 heavenly puppets to kill him. Xuanyuan Shenhao got out of danger and collapsed to the ground.

Xia Huang raised his right arm. Haori appeared on the palm with a diameter of thousands of feet. With a wave of his right hand, the magnificent Haori smashed into Zhou Xuanji.

The sword flashed.

The bright sun disappeared, and the Xia emperor was beheaded.

cannot withstand a single blow!

Zhou Xuanji smiled contemptuously, getting closer and closer to Yan lingzun.

He is not in a hurry to kill Yan lingzun. He also wants Yan lingzun to experience the fear of death approaching and powerlessness.

"Why... Why..."

Yan lingzun was completely flustered. Even the Xia emperor was defeated by Zhou Xuanji. There were not many heavenly puppets he could rely on.


Fifth watch!

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