Published at 11th of October 2021 10:53:09 AM

Chapter 547: 547

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Don't mess in the face of danger.

In this extreme environment, Zhou Xuanji was attracted by his Tao sound.

He thought of what xianxianghua said.

If you fail, it is life.

Xianxiang Huadu said so. What reason does he have to stop it.

Everyone has his own way and choice.

After figuring this out, Zhou Xuanji's heart was completely quiet.

He entered a mysterious and mysterious state, and his mouth never stopped.

The circling speed of more than 500 divine swords increased sharply, and strange characters flashed in the white light, which was strange and difficult to understand.


The earth wall above suddenly broke open, and the statue of Yuanzu came and fell on the heart of the demon God.

The two eyes on the monkey's face suddenly flew out and drilled into the heart of the demon world.

The other two eyes stared at Zhou Xuanji.


The statue of Yuanzu said, with a loud voice, which surprised Zhou Xuanji to open his eyes.

When he saw the statue of Yuanzu, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

Why is the statue of Yuanzu here?

The most important thing is that the eyes of the statue of Yuanzu are really staring at him.

"Under the way of heaven, someone can understand the meaning of the Tao, and you have been promoted to me. Where are you from? Are you from Yuanting?"

The statue of Yuanzu stared at Zhou Xuanji and asked.

Zhou Xuanji asked, "who are you? Why are you pretending to be an ancestral God for ordinary people to use?"

The statue of Yuanzu replied, "it came here before the birth of the heavenly way. I was waiting for the real heavenly way demon king to appear. She was the heavenly way demon king, but she touched the heart of the demon world in advance and would suffer a backlash, so I came to support. I didn't expect you to take the lead and use the voice of the avenue to stabilize her will."

The devil of heaven?

Zhou Xuanji was more confused.

The statue of Yuanzu stared at him and said, "the devil of the heavenly way is designed to eradicate the generation with deep karma for the heavenly way, but she is easy to get lost because of her power. You are the only one who can suppress her existence. I will divide my eyes into you. From now on, your eyes are connected and can call each other's original heart."

The voice fell, and the two eyes on the monkey's face suddenly shot at Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji subconsciously avoided, and tianwu demon God followed him. Unfortunately, he still couldn't stop it. His eyes directly hit his eyes.

His consciousness plunged into darkness.


Deep in the starry sky, there was a sarcophagus standing upright, covered with various runes on the surface, and a black dragon coiled around it.

The sarcophagus suddenly trembled violently, and the black dragon was startled and roared.

Then the black dragon was burned to ashes by the invisible flame, as was the rune on the surface of the sarcophagus.


The lid of the sarcophagus suddenly bounced off, and a figure appeared.

This is a man with three heads and six arms. He has gray hair and worn armor. His face is expressionless and his eyes are golden.

His three heads are as like as two peas, and they have black and sharp angles.

"Yuanzu, you are finally willing to show up. It's not worth waiting for you for an era of heaven."

The man with golden eyes spoke slowly. His voice was strange, which made waves in the starry sky all day.

He suddenly disappeared into the coffin, and the sarcophagus was shattered.


I don't know how long it's been.

Zhou Xuanji's consciousness finally recovered. He opened his eyes and his pupils turned purple.

He looked at the statue of Yuanzu on the top of the heart of the demon world.

The monkey face only had four sunken eyes, which looked very scary.

"Who the hell are you?"

Zhou Xuanji inquired. He could feel a steady stream of immortal power pouring out of his eyes.

His eyes absorbed the aura of heaven and earth uncontrollably. The most strange thing was that he didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he was very comfortable and his eyes were cool.

With these eyes, his cultivation will grow faster.

"I'm the original ancestor from the yuan court of Kunlun. I came here because of the pursuit of my enemies. In order to avoid it, I catalyzed the birth of the heavenly way and accelerated the formation of the heavenly way universe. Until today, I don't have much time. In order to make the heavenly way more perfect, I want to create the devil king of the heavenly way, so I met you today."

The statue of Yuanzu replied, his voice is calm, neither happy nor sad.

Zhou Xuanji's mood surged.

The birth of the way of heaven is a contribution of our ancestors?

The statue of Yuanzu suddenly rose and disappeared with a word:

"Everything has reincarnation, cause and effect have reincarnation, life and death have reincarnation, and the way of heaven also has reincarnation."

Is there reincarnation in the way of heaven?

Zhou Xuanji instantly understood the meaning of this sentence.

The way of heaven will be broken and rebuilt.

The reason why heavenly saints make all sentient beings crazy is that they coexist with the way of heaven.

If the way of heaven is destroyed, the heavenly saint will fall.

To be exact, all creatures and the world under the heaven will be destroyed.

Why did Yuanzu suddenly say this?

Is it time for the destruction of the way of heaven?

Zhou Xuanji thought of Taoist Jing again. Why was he in such a hurry to find the opportunity of super saint? Did he predict that the way of heaven would be destroyed?

Otherwise, it is normal to wait for tens of thousands of years and make comprehensive preparations before going.

While thinking, he waited for the fairy to successfully integrate the heart of the demon world.

At this time, a pair of huge eyes suddenly lit up in the heart of the demon world. Like Zhou Xuanji, they were purple eyes.

Fairy wants to spend.

Her voice came out: "I have integrated with the heart of the demon world and rebuilt my body. When I come out, I will control the demon world. This time may be a long time. Go back first. I will hide myself well and won't let the demon ancestor notice."

Zhou Xuanji asked, "how long is it?"

The fairy wanted to spend youyou and asked, "how long can you wait for me?"

Zhou Xuanji replied without hesitation, "wait until the Tao of heaven is destroyed."

At that time, he will take people around him to find the way to Kunlun Yuanting.

Xian Xianghua smiled and thought the boy was glib.

Zhou Xuanji turned and was ready to leave.

Since xianxianghua said that he would not let the devil find out, he would believe it.

"When I come out, I'll help you find the purple Qi of heaven and help you become holy."

Xian Xianghua said again, listening to Zhou Xuanji shaking his head and laughing.

He glanced back at the eyes in the heart of the demon world and asked, "don't you want to be holy?"

In order to become holy, how many brothers and Taoists kill each other.

The fairy wanted to spend her reply: "if you become holy, what is the difference between you and me?"

Zhou Xuanji smiled and disappeared.

The purple eyes of the heart of the demon world disappeared.

Everything returned to calm.

Zhou Xuanji escaped into the five elements, left the demon world, and fled from the dark void between the world to the thousand gods.

Along the way, he was studying his eyes.

When he focuses his mind on his eyes, his eyes become hot.

It seemed as if a terrible force was about to burst out of my eyes.

He didn't try to make his eyes explode, because he had a hunch that if he used the power of his eyes without permission, it would lead to bad consequences.

This hunch comes from instinct.

Six months later.

Before he returned to the Taoist temple of the old fairy, he had not yet opened his mouth. The voice of the old fairy came: "you have a big deal."

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