Published at 11th of October 2021 10:49:04 AM

Chapter 709: 709

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Zhou Xuanji looked at Ying Zhuge from a distance and was not moved.

After all, before he came, he learned that Ying Zhuge was also involved in the mission.

Ying Zhuge's task is to suppress him without guessing.

"What do you want?"

Nangong Jiayin asked in a deep voice. She knew Ying Zhuge, the most powerful presence of superstar St. Biri this year.

Her strength with Zhou Xuanji cannot be compared with that of Ying Zhuge.

The gap is too big.

Without the help of others, they are by no means opponents to win Zhuge.

"You can leave. I just want to find him."

Ying Zhuge Pingjing said that from beginning to end, his eyes had been locked on Zhou Xuanji.

At the end of superstar shengbi, he also told Zhou Xuanji that he expected the boy to grow up quickly.

Zhou Xuanji flew straight to him without fear.

"You take him aside first."

Zhou Xuanji said without looking back.

Nangong Jiayin wanted to dissuade him, but the words fell to his lips and stopped again.

Ying Zhuge has blocked them. They can't escape.

Zhou Xuanji directly performed the technique of melting swordsmanship and the formula of nine gods returning to the yuan. In his right hand, he took out the snake sword that controls the road.

This sword needs the medium-term cultivation of the Taoist priest. It's just enough.

The Yudao Wanqiong divine snake sword is very large, like a python. It is dark, reflects the metal texture, and the sword tip is forked, like a snake's mouth.

Ying Zhuge glanced at his sword and soon withdrew his eyes.

Zhou Xuanji used the xuandao sword for the first time.

Wanggu, shie, Qianyuan, Tianfu, Tongtian, Jiuji, Honghuang, xuandao, zunhou, Guangtian, rongwansheng, dianyuanting!

The snake sword can devour the road, and I don't know whether it can devour the Taoist power of jiuhongtian.

At this moment, Zhou Xuanji's momentum has been strong enough to surpass those who step on the road. Seeing Nangong Jiayin's beautiful eyes, his heart is full of shock.

This boy

Can you have such momentum by stepping on the path of the venerable?

Nangong Jiayin feels that Zhou Xuanji is not much weaker than himself.

"No wonder you can be detected with 18 star qualification. Fight with me. I'll fight with you with the cultivation of the same level."

Ying Zhuge stared at Zhou Xuanji and said, immediately stepping into the air towards Zhou Xuanji.


His momentum erupted, and he was incomparably powerful.

Zhou Xuanji took the lead and fought with Ying Zhuge. A layer of blue light appeared, like armor, to block the God snake sword of Yudao Wanqiong.

In an instant, the snake sword of the God governing the road began to absorb the Taoist power of Ying Zhuge.

Ying Zhuge frowned and was not flustered. The silver armor exploded and directly blew Zhou Xuanji out.

Zhou Xuanji showed his boundless sword shadow. Tens of billions of sword shadow killed Ying Zhuge from different directions, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Cosmic space fluctuates, setting off bursts of space-time Yin wind.

Eighty one sword spirits gathered behind him. Centered on him, the sword tip faces outward, like the immortal ghost of the sword sect crying.

This is the sword light body protection formula, which was displayed by him in the way of sword spirit.

His black hair fluttered constantly, his purple eyes glittered with cold awn, and the spirit of the sword emperor was displayed incisively and vividly.

Ying Zhuge stepped forward. The shadow of Honghuang sword could not touch him at all. It was all offset by his Taoist power, like nothing.

"Very good! Zhou Xuanji, you really didn't disappoint me!"

Ying Zhuge said proudly with a smile. When facing Chu Mochen, he didn't say so.

He is very excited.

Although there is still an insurmountable gap between Zhou Xuanji and him, Zhou Xuanji's qualification has been recognized by him.

What kind of strength will this boy show if he is in the same state with him?

Zhou Xuanji didn't answer, rushed to him, and the thunder sword appeared in his left hand.

The double swords were like the wind. He launched a violent attack on Ying Zhuge.

However, Ying Zhuge did not even lift his hand, so he easily blocked all his attacks.

Only Taoist power can block his double swords!

Although this guy didn't use jiuhongtian's great power, his Taoist strength and physical quality were there. It's not easy for him to hurt Ying Zhuge.

Even so, he has to do his best.

If he loses, Ying Zhuge will probably catch him back to the emperor's divine vein.

After that, it must not be friendly to meet him.

Zhou Xuanji used all kinds of sword skills, which were changeable. Ying Zhuge waved his palm. This palm contains infinite luck.

Facing this palm, Zhou Xuanji only felt that colorful visions of heaven and earth flashed in front of him. Then, he was blown to vomit blood and fly upside down.

He gnashed his teeth and felt that his body was about to burst.


Zhou Xuanji was furious and his face became cold.

The more angry he is, the calmer he is.

He tried to calm his mood. In such a state, his momentum became stronger.

His magical powers are boundless and boundless, causing the universe to collapse and produce cracks in space.

Ying Zhuge began to exert himself. He waved it with one hand, as if he were painting with an invisible pen, pointing rivers and mountains and squandering Taoist power.

Behind him appeared layers of virtual shadows of heaven and earth, which was the Dharma phase of Jiuhong heaven.

He stared at Zhou Xuanji as if he were looking at prey.

Seeing the distance between them getting closer and closer, Zhou Xuanji's momentum was gradually suppressed.

It will not help even if the snake sword of the God governing the road keeps swallowing Ying Zhuge's Taoist power.

The difference between the two is too big. When can mole ants drink the ocean?

Nangong Jiayin was anxious, but she didn't know what to do.

Xie Huoli frowned. Unexpectedly, Zhou Xuanji was so powerful.

His cultivation realm has already reached the realm of Taoist ancestors, but later offended the emperor's divine pulse, resulting in his cultivation being sealed. Even without Taoist power, his vision is still there.

"Worthy of eighteen star qualification."

Xie Huoli sighed and looked lonely.

He could have enjoyed the treatment of Zhou Xuanji, but his qualification woke up too late. After he caused a great disaster, the emperor's divine vein could not allow him to grow up and would only use him as a weapon.

The more he thought about it, the more bitter he became.

Fate is really unfair to him.


Zhou Xuanji was hit and flew out again. As soon as he stabilized his body, Ying Zhuge suddenly raised his hand and said, "enough, that's all!"

Zhou Xuanji was stunned, frowned and asked, "if you want to fight with all your strength, do it!"

He thought Ying Zhuge was tired of playing.

"I don't want to kill you or catch you. I just want to see your strength. By the way, don't go any further."

Ying Zhuge raised his mouth and said calmly.

Then he turned around.

Zhou Xuanji did not loosen his eyebrows and still frowned.

"By the way, when you take the task in the future, you should pick it up in person. Don't trust the virtual realm hall too much, and don't trust the evil dry God vein too much. The demon emperor is really strong, but it hasn't reached the point of one word decision."

Ying Zhuge dropped this sentence and quickly disappeared.

The universe is still in collapse.

Nangong Jiayin flew to him with Xie Huoli and asked with concern, "are you okay?"

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and said, "it's all right. He told us not to go any further. Is there an ambush at the border of Kunlun Yuanting?"

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