Published at 11th of October 2021 10:48:50 AM

Chapter 720: 720

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After hearing Ren's words against life, Xu Jing God still had no expression.

"It's okay. It's not the first time they've leaked people."

He replied that although his tone did not fluctuate, Ren rebelled and heard dissatisfaction.

Ren counter ordered: "in the future, I will devote myself to my predecessors. I am influenced by fate. If you can help me grasp the rules of my destiny, I can quickly enhance and become the strongest virtual world emperor under you!"

His voice was sonorous and powerful, as if he were taking an oath.

The virtual environment God nodded gently and didn't say any more.

Ren rebelled and began to respect his life in Kunlun Yuanting.

He suddenly remembered Zhou Xuanji. If the boy were there, it would be great.

At least they can work together. He still recognizes Zhou Xuanji's talent and mind.

He shook his head.

Unfortunately, the boy is dead.


After defeating kuanjue God, Zhou Xuanji began a new round of cultivation.

Crazy Jue God became a licking dog and took the initiative to teach him how to practice Dali Wansheng Zhenyuan skill and kill God's eyes, which is also his only value.

Although Zhou Xuanji felt funny, he also studied hard.

This day.

Nangong Jiayin found him and proposed to leave.

Although it's good to stay in Qingjian day, she also has her own family and divine pulse. How can she not go back for a long time.

Zhou Xuanji nodded, called Chang Xiyan and said, "you escort her away from the evil dry God vein."

He slowed down in the last four words to prevent Nangong Jiayin from getting lost in the pulse of evil dry God.


Chang Xiyan nodded and looked at Nangong Jiayin.

Nangong Jiayin smiled and asked, "can I see you again in the future?"

Zhou Xuanji smiled and said, "qingjiantian welcomes you at any time. That's the same sentence. If you're willing to go to me, I'll wait for you."

This is a Taoist ancestor, which is superior to the whole imperial sword court. He must win over.

Now he belongs to the evil dry God vein, but the future is not necessarily.

Emperor Jianting accompanied him to grow up and has always been the most important home in his heart.

He invited Nangong Jiayin to join the imperial sword court more than once. Nangong Jiayin didn't refuse and has been considering it.

"OK, I'll come to you as soon as possible."

Nangong Jiayin smiled and felt reluctant to give up in the depths of her eyes.

She turned and left with Chang Xiyan.

Zhou Xuanji looked at her back and suddenly remembered xuanmou.

It seems that Yejun, Xu Huang and others are really cool. There is no news so far.

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and went back to the cliff to continue his cultivation.

His goal has been on Tianjiao ranking war, and he doesn't want to waste time.

The Tianjiao ranking war of the evil dry divine pulse is also rewarded. The most important thing is fame. The first place can visit each divine pulse on behalf of the evil dry divine pulse, which is equivalent to accumulating for the position of the Lord of the pulse.

In a twinkling of an eye, another ten years have passed.

This day.

Zhou Xuanji returned to the galaxy to visit his former parents.

Over the years, the earth has undergone earth shaking changes.

Earth man went to the universe and opened the era of cosmic cultivation. His parents have become the figures at the top of the human pyramid.

They are often asked what is the secret of success.

Yang Dabang, his former father, said with a mysterious smile, "have a good son."

Seeing Zhou Xuanji again, the couple looked very excited.

Zhou Xuanji didn't give them anything, just chatting.

Most of the time, Zhou Xiaoxuan came back to visit them, and their family relationship with Zhou Xuanji has been forged.

After chatting for a day, Zhou Xuanji's state of mind was improved.

Whenever he comes back after experiencing glory, he can always precipitate his heart.

Since he entered the Kunlun Yuanting, his status and accomplishments have been leaping. His state of mind is difficult to stabilize. I'm afraid it would have expanded long ago if he had been other people.

The world is sometimes not weak, but another powerful.

Long life, the pursuit of immortality, the result who can really immortality?

Strong as the Supreme Master of Kunlun yuan court, he also changes from one term to another. No one knows who the last supreme master was.

Back to qingjiantian, as soon as Zhou Xuanji sat down, Chang Xiyan came to him.

"Master, the soul keeper of the soul source pool you want to know finally appeared. Only two people were recruited. Are you going?"

Chang Xiyan whispered that she had been paying attention to this matter for decades and finally waited for the opportunity.

Hearing this, Zhou Xuanji immediately opened his eyes and got up and said, "take me!"

Chang Xiyan was frightened. It was the first time she saw Zhou Xuanji lose her manners.


Chang Xiyan nodded and left qingjiantian with Zhou Xuanji.

They quickly flew out of the evil dry God vein and came to the nearby Yuan City.

In order to reduce trouble, Zhou Xuanji covered his face with Taoist power.

He learned this skill from Chang Xiyan. There are often creatures in Yuancheng near the super divine pulse, especially those Tianjiao, who are afraid of being calculated by the enemy.

They came to the career palace and stopped in front of the deepest side hall.

There are three big characters of soul source pool written on the gate, with dragons flying and Phoenix dancing and heroic atmosphere.

"You go first. I'll wait for you outside."

Chang Xiyan said respectfully. Zhou Xuanji nodded and followed the door.

As soon as he entered, he saw an acquaintance.

Seventeen star Tianjiao, Chu Mochen!

Chu Mochen looked back at him with a startled expression.

Although Zhou Xuanji covered his face, Chu Mochen remembered his breath.

"Why are you here?"

Chu Mochen frowned and asked. He didn't feel well about Zhou Xuanji now.

All along, he took Ying Zhuge as his opponent. As a result, Ying Zhuge came to a miserable end because of Zhou Xuanji. He always got angry when he thought of it.

Zhou Xuanji lifted the spell, revealed his true face and said, "there is still a seat for the soul guard?"

The soul keeper only recruited two people. Chang Xiyan informed him at the first time. Unexpectedly, Chu Mochen was faster.

He glanced, and there was no one in the temple except them.

It seems that he has great hope of becoming a soul keeper.

"It hasn't started yet. The soul guard is still in the future. The competition must be big."

Chu Mo Chen snorted coldly. The more he looked at Zhou Xuanji, the more unhappy he was.

But he didn't say bad words. As a super arrogant, he is still very elegant.

His arrogance is to face the same opponents. Zhou Xuanji's qualification is better than him, but his strength is far from enough.

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows and was about to speak when a thin girl rushed in.

The girl looks only twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a blue robe and a blue bar and white hat, with fair skin, exquisite small face and excited look.

When she saw Zhou Xuanji and Chu Mochen, she exclaimed.

She walked quickly to Zhou Xuanji and said excitedly, "Zhou Xuanji of evil and dry God pulse? Wow, you look better than superstar shengbishi."

Chu Mochen was cold again.

"My name is iron core. Can I make friends with you?"

The girl in blue asked excitedly. She walked around Zhou Xuanji and sniffed constantly. She looked like a dog.

Zhou Xuanji asked, "which divine vein do you come from?"

He can't see through the cultivation of the iron core. It seems that this woman is not simple.

Iron heart replied with a smile: "Feng Tianshen pulse, the soul guard will simply be the two of us!"

She directly ignored Chu Mochen and made Chu Mochen's eyes start to burst into anger.

"Iron heart, you're so old and still argue with our young people?" Chu Mochen gritted his teeth.

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