Published at 11th of October 2021 10:47:38 AM

Chapter 767: 767

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Evil and dry divine veins are besieged by various divine veins?

Zhou Tanhua was so surprised that she opened her eyes. Xian Xianghua also changed her face.

They can practice with peace of mind because of the protection of the evil dry God pulse. They don't want anything to happen to the evil dry God pulse.

Because of the hatred Zhou Xuanji provoked before, he dared to accept him.

"I hope your father is not in danger."

The fairy wanted to spend a soft voice, and her eyes were worried.

The boy has been away for so long and hasn't come back. Don't have an accident?

Even she was so worried, not to mention Jiang Xue.

They dare not find the old man who stole the cliff or hang the fortune teller on the cliff, so they can only worry blindly.

Zhou Tanhua asked curiously, "Mom, the evil dry divine veins can only rank more than a dozen. Why does the demon emperor dare to be enemies with all divine veins? Does he have any cards?"

The fairy wanted to spend a perfunctory way: "where do you know, only the Emperor himself knows, you continue to practice."

With that, she left quickly.

Zhou Tanhua smiled helplessly. He suddenly didn't want to practice.

He got up and went to look for Chang Xiyan.

He believes that Chang Xiyan can let him understand the demon emperor and evil dry God.


Anti Kunlun, in the underground world.

Zhou Xuanji concentrated on his cultivation. Pan Zhen flew back and passed the anti mixed Qi in his body to him.

He noticed that Pan Zhen's right arm was broken, which was very sad.

"Strange, why didn't it recover? Was it the force of some kind of rule?"

He was immersed in cultivation most of the time and didn't always pay attention to pan Zhen. Now he knew that Pan Zhen was injured.

The little Supreme Master said with a smile, "it's also normal. If this strength turns the anti Kunlun world upside down, it's funny."

No matter how strong the pan earthquake is, it doesn't even have the strength of Daozu.

Only by collecting the anti mixed Qi, God knows it will wait until monkey years and horse months.

Zhou Xuanji nodded. He didn't intend to shrink here all the time. He just wanted to practice for a while.

When he reaches the thirty flower of the Taoist ancestor, he will kill it!

Only when he reaches this level can he really use the little supreme sword.

Now he can only communicate with the little supreme, without much practical combat effect.

He took out the Holy Light redemption sword to help pan Zhen heal.

A day later, pan Zhen's right arm began to heal, and Zhou Xuanji didn't send him out again.

Under the sermon of the little supreme, he continued to practice.

He is very close to thirty pin flower.

He learned a lot of Kendo magic powers, and his Avenue was created by himself. Under the sermon of the little supreme, it was not difficult for him to gather Taoist flowers.


Six months later.

Zhou Xuanji finally broke through to the realm of thirty flower products of Daozu. The first thing after the breakthrough was to hold the little supreme sword.

Soon, he felt the surging power of the little supreme sword.

"Boy, the sword I live in is not simple. You have to use it carefully."

The little supreme reminded, looking a little proud.

From now on, he can help Zhou Xuanji fight, and he can show his supreme strength. Although it is far less than his peak strength, it's enough!

Zhou Xuanji stood up and said with a high spirited smile, "well, it's time to go out!"

He collected the Sanfeng Kirin car into the supreme library and quickly escaped from the underground world with a small supreme sword.

He flew towards the anti Kunlun central area.

The power of the little supreme sword is majestic and strong, like the eye of God, which makes him feel inexhaustible.

Under Yuanrong God, no one should be able to defeat him.

As for Yuanrong God, he was not sure.

Some yuan Rong God kings can stay, such as Zhou punishment.

Some can't, such as Wei Yi.

Of course, Zhou's punishment may not have reached the realm of Yuan Rong God King at all, but it has a special magic power to confuse.

At least Zhou Xuanji thinks so.

In his eyes, Zhou penalty is so weak.

"Boy, in the anti Kunlun, you will also encounter the five unique God eyes. You have to be careful. The five unique God eyes grow and conquer each other. You can conquer the black desire God eyes, break the God eyes and conquer the God eyes."

The little Supreme Master reminded him that he was afraid that Zhou Xuanji would capsize proudly.

Zhou Xuanji nodded and said, "don't worry, I know."

He learned a lot about the eyes of the five absolute gods from the crazy absolute God.

Mind killing God's eye, black desire God's eye, Kongtong God's eye, crazy shock God's eye, destroy god's eye!

The five kinds of divine eyes can have different wonderful functions. They all belong to the extreme of the power of the eyes.

Zhou Xuanji didn't really feel the power of other divine eyes for the time being.

Crazy Jue God's eyes are long gone, otherwise he will not be reduced to the elimination of the holy land. It is precisely because crazy Jue God's eyes are gone that he will be humiliated.

For about an hour, he met a group of creatures and flew to the anti Kunlun Yuanting.

It seems that they should belong to a divine vein.

Zhou Xuanji used to suppress the universe, solidified time and space, picked up the little supreme sword and cut it off.

Great chaos!

Countless sword Qi raged violently, killing all these creatures.

Everything happened so fast that these creatures had no time to breed fear.

Wisps of invisible anti mixed Qi drilled into Zhou Xuanji's body and refreshed him.

Not only that, but also huge Taoist power!

He used it together with the unification of the world.

Only in this way can he grow stronger quickly.

He went on and quickly disappeared into the depths of the starry sky.

For some time, a legend spread in the anti Kunlun universe.

A swordsman killed him when he saw the spirit. He was merciless.

If you are not Yuanrong, you can't fight!

Because Zhou Xuanji encountered a yuan Rong God King, he was defeated and fled.

Zhou Xuanji almost died in this war.

Fortunately, the little supreme erupted into great strength and moved Zhou Xuanji away.

After returning to the underground world to rest, Zhou Xuanji directly lay down for three months.

When he recovered, he killed again.

"Don't be reckless this time!"

The little Supreme Master reminded him that he was afraid that Zhou Xuanji would repeat his mistakes.

Zhou Xuanji smiled confidently, "don't worry. After that war, I became stronger again."

At that time, he fought with the Yuanrong God gentleman, but he absorbed a lot of Taoist power from the other party and made him improve.

Until now, his realm has reached the thirty-two Pinhua of the Taoist ancestor.

"That guy's accomplishments must be more than Sanming, the God Jun of Yuanrong. You've lost well and haven't been killed by the second."

The little Supreme Master nodded and said that this sentence was true. He had just severely reprimanded him in order to teach Zhou Xuanji a lesson.

Now that Zhou Xuanji has recovered, the little supreme master should give him confidence so that he will not have a shadow.

Fortunately, Zhou Xuanji was more determined than he thought.

"This time, I'm going to kill the mortal God."

Zhou Xuanji smiled mysteriously.

Upon hearing this, the little Supreme Master opened his eyes and scolded, "are you crazy?"

The mortal divine pulse is the supreme divine pulse!

Its history is older than the little supreme.

Zhou Xuanji increased his speed and whispered, "don't worry, I have a goal."

The little supreme frowned. What's the boy thinking?

He suddenly thought of something and his face changed greatly.

"Are you crazy?"

He scolded angrily, with a panic on his face.

Zhou Xuanji's eyes were firm and said, "didn't you say that the red earth God is very useful for cultivation? I want to try."

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