Published at 11th of October 2021 10:47:23 AM

Chapter 777: 777

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Seeing the panic stricken appearance of the old man who stole the cliff, the fairy thought that the flower turned her eyes and said, "what? What is it?"

This guy always reckons bad fates and bothers them every time.

At first, they were surprised.

But in the back, the guy's calculated danger did not appear, but he had the cheek to say that it was not the time not to report.

"I calculated that the evil dry divine pulse would turn into fly ash. It was a mysterious woman who shot!"

The old man who stole the cliff trembled and woke up like a nightmare with a cold sweat.

However, Xian Xianghua, Jiang Xue and Zhou Xiaoxuan all rolled their eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Seeing that they didn't care, the old man stole the cliff was worried and said, "I've never calculated so clearly. This time it's absolutely true. That woman is too strong. The demon emperor was beheaded by her directly!"

Seeing what he said so seriously, the three women couldn't help looking at each other.

Zhou Xiaoxuan didn't have a good way: "can you show the woman's face?"

The old man who stole the cliff nodded, turned his right hand, and a light mirror appeared in the palm of his hand, in which a woman's beautiful face appeared.

Impressively, it is the God Tang of the world of mortals!

Her mouth is slightly raised, her smile is very domineering, her eyes are arrogant, coupled with her flirtatious dress, she has an invincible monarch and God temperament.

The three women frowned and looked at each other.

Just seeing this woman, they feel very strong. Is it true that the old man who stole the cliff didn't paddle this time?

"See, isn't it scary at first sight?"

The old man who stole the cliff swallowed his saliva and said nervously.

He didn't dare to see the woman.

Jiang Xue, Zhou Xiaoxuan and Xian Xianghua write down the girl's appearance. If they really meet in the future, they have to avoid it.


Inverse mixing space.

Zhou Xuanji, Shentang and shennianxing are still practicing. They stay here without being disturbed.

The two mortal gods provided him with a steady stream of anti mixed Qi and Taoist power, so that his cultivation has been growing.

The speed of his practice has not slowed down or slowed down, but is increasing. However, he has been used to it for so many years.

His accomplishments have reached three Hongtian. He entered one Hongtian only a few years ago. It can be seen how rebellious the mortal God is.

It is a great fortune to have a mortal God. Zhou Xuanji has two. Through the ages, there are only a few people who have this opportunity, and they are all forgotten by history.

Zhou Xuanji didn't stop and continued to practice.

God picked up the star and couldn't help opening her eyes. She turned her eyes to another direction. Her heart beat faster. She glanced at Zhou Xuanji quietly and carefully.

The state of cultivation of the three is really a little awkward. The two women are around Zhou Xuanji, not far from each other. They can feel each other's temperature, coupled with the blending of anti mixing gas. Even if Zhou Xuanji's heart is as calm as water, the two women's heart that looks like a pool of water has already been surging.

"No disrespect, okay?"

Zhou Xuanji opened his mouth and was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes and blushed.

She muttered, "how do you know? Are you thinking with God..."

As soon as he said this, Shentang's pretty face quickly blushed, especially his ears, as red as red jade.

"I'm not so bad. I can feel other people's eyes."

Zhou Xuanji calmly replied that if he had been thousands of years ago, he might not be able to resist the agitation in his heart, but after the vicissitudes of life, he was already calm.

God Nianxing also wanted to ask, and God Tang interrupted her: "practice well, don't make trouble."

God Nianxing depended on God Tang most, and he didn't dare to say it again.

After all, it's really embarrassing for women.

Zhou Xuanji didn't speak any more and concentrated on cultivation.

Another twenty years.

His cultivation reached the realm of five Hongtian. God couldn't stand picking up the star and asked for a rest.

Zhou Xuanji nodded and said, "dress and open your eyes."

He also wants to talk to the little supreme.

After a while, the three dressed.

God picked up the star, stretched his waist and smiled happily.

Since she followed Zhou Xuanji, she was no longer afraid. She just needed to practice well every day.

This feeling made her return to the experience of Miss Shenmai.

Zhou Xuanji opened his eyes, took out the little supreme sword and summoned the little supreme.

Shentang sat next to him and looked at him silently, but his eyes were blurred.

Which woman is not pregnant with spring? Zhou Xuanji's temperament and personality over the years have made her feel deeply.

Unfortunately, Zhou Xuanji didn't pay attention to them at all.

When the little supreme appeared, he looked impatient and said, "how long have I been sleeping? Your boy called me out again to stay with two beautiful women and be naked. Are you unhappy? Or is your hobby me?"

Zhou Xuanji was covered with black lines. He couldn't help but say, "don't be a liar. Is it time for me to leave the anti Kunlun?"

The little Supreme Master couldn't help looking at him and looking at him.

"Wu Hongtian? Not bad. I barely reached the threshold."

The little Supreme Master hesitated. His eyes turned and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhou Xuanji asked, "can you leave?"

The little Supreme Master hesitated for a moment and said, "OK! Get ready to go and fly towards the peak of anti Kunlun!"

Zhou Xuanji was delighted and got up immediately.

Shentang followed.

The little supreme looked at the two mortal gods and said with a smile, "are you ready to follow him? Once you leave, you can't come back unless you die."

Shentang nodded and said, "we have no choice."

Her eyes could not help falling on Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji noticed her eyes and was surprised. Was this woman attracted by his style?

Then he left the counter mixed space with two mortal gods.

When he came to the Kunlun universe, Zhou Xuanji took out the Sanfeng Qilin car and sat in it with two women.

The two women were amazed by the Sanfeng Qilin car. After entering the car, they felt like entering the attic. It was richly decorated and antique.

The Sanfeng Qilin car flew up, very fast.

The little supreme suspended on the little supreme sword and said with a smile, "don't be surprised when you reach the top."


Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows and couldn't help thinking.

Shentang and shennianxing sat beside them without saying a word and watched them chat curiously.

Zhou Xuanji continued to chat with the little supreme, talking about the supreme.

About two hours later.

Sanfeng Qilin car still hasn't reached its peak.

At this time, a murderous spirit locked Sanfeng Qilin car.

As soon as Zhou Xuanji's face changed, he immediately appeared on the pedal outside the carriage, and a divine sword appeared in his hand.

This sword is like a silver moon. It is four fingers wide and nearly two meters long. It glitters with crystal light.

Yu tianmingyue!

His eyes stared at the front, and the demon emperor looked at him murderously.

"Smelly boy, you finally show up! Dare to lie to me, you will die today!"

The demon emperor respected the cold voice and stepped towards Zhou Xuanji.

If the two mortal gods were not in the carriage, he would have done it directly.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!