Published at 11th of October 2021 10:42:37 AM

Chapter 949: 949

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"What's in there?"

Chiyu devil pointed to the superstar and asked curiously.

Zhou Xuanji glanced and said with a smile, "a trapped beast. Someone deliberately put it here to show off as a victory."

"What accomplishments?" the red Yu devil asked.

Zhou Xuanji replied, "better than you."

The red Yu devil suddenly disappeared.

The night moon covered her mouth and smiled.

They moved on to enjoy the magnificent scenery.


A figure suddenly appeared above the Xinghe ladder. He was wearing a powerful silver armor and holding a axe. He burst out with silver light and an angry face. He was extremely dignified.

Without stopping, Zhou Xuanji asked, "can you introduce this field to me?"

Silver armour angrily shouted, "presumptuous!"

He directly waved his axe to cut Zhou Xuanji, and the supreme divine power turned into a curved moon, which was unstoppable and shook the Star River ladder.

Zhou Xuanji's eyes coagulated, and the curved moon exploded directly.

A silver light and shadow swept out of his body and came to the silver armor figure in the blink of an eye.

Big separation!

Wield a sword and cut!

The silver armor was broken and he was directly cut off by Dali.

Chiyu devil was excited and shouted, "well done!"

Just be so overbearing!

If the other party makes a direct move and doesn't give face at all, it should be killed!

"Now there's a good play to see."

The night moon Zun whispered, and the voice fell. A terrible breath gathered from all directions to block the universe.

One aperture appeared out of thin air, and a figure came out of each aperture.

Everyone exudes great authority, and their accomplishments are all above the supreme of the three courts.

Headed by a three eyed man in green armor, wearing a heavy helmet, his face was expressionless, and his eyes stared at Zhou Xuanji coldly.

"Dare to make trouble in the field of stars. Do you know what you're doing?"

The three eyed man snorted coldly. The third eye on his forehead kept turning, as if it were another person's eye observing the universe independently.

Star field?

Zhou Xuanji looked around the universe and thought deeply.

The aura here is abundant, and there are so many court circles that it is suitable to settle down.

He can't always run on the endless universe.

Why don't you stay here?

Zhou Xuanji had such an idea in his mind, which immediately took root.

"I'm asking you something!"

The three eyed man shouted, clapping his palm, and the space around Zhou Xuanji suddenly distorted.

In an instant, Zhou Xuanji felt himself squeezed by space, but in terms of his physical strength, it was not a problem at all.

He shook his shoulder and directly dissipated the invisible pressure.

He smiled and said, "are you the Lord of the stars?"

The pupil of the three eyed man shrank and startled himself.

Who the hell is this guy?

In the face of his magic power, it was so easy to crack it.

It's horrible!

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" the man with three eyes asked in a deep voice, nervous.

The other side is by no means good. This may be a big crisis in their star field.

The other supreme masters were also nervous. They could see that Zhou Xuanji was very strong.

"Just passing by, I suddenly think it's very good here. Do you lack masters?"

Zhou Xuanji asked with a smile and said his thoughts directly.

Chiyu devil was more excited.


Worthy of his master!

Night moon Zun couldn't help observing the field of stars carefully. The environment here is really good and worth settling down.

The great lords nearby were furious.

"Presumptuous! Too arrogant!"

"Kill him!"

"What the hell is this guy? He speaks so loudly!"

"Let's line up!"

"Is he the man of the supreme heaven?"

Listening to the words of the supreme masters, Zhou Xuanji captured the three words of the supreme heaven.

He immediately asked, "supreme God? Have you seen him?"

When the three eyed man heard the speech, he immediately understood what he meant. He was a little relieved and replied, "the Supreme God has been resurrected for some time. He is wantonly recruiting troops and horses. He wants to swallow the North endless. All his men are strong. We met one before."

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows. He knew that the supreme heaven wanted to unify the endless universe, but he didn't expect such a great momentum.

It seems that the bodies he met before were not the work of the Supreme God himself.

That's right.

With the appeal of the Supreme God, I don't know how many strong people will rush to worship.

"Now that you have understood the situation in the endless universe, do you think you have the ability to resist the supreme heaven?" Zhou Xuanji asked meaningfully, staring at the man with three eyes.

The man with three eyes immediately moved.

He gritted his teeth and asked, "I can't. can you?"

"Yes! I can!"

Zhou Xuanji waved his sleeve and said with a domineering smile.

He wielded the fusion sword technique to make his momentum reach the peak and shock the stars.

The three eyed man was not deterred, but became more angry. He waved and said, "make fun of your mother! Kill him! Line up!"


Hundreds of the supreme masters responded in unison, turning into stars and circling Zhou Xuanji at high speed.

Chiyu demon Zun and night moon Zun were whirling around, looking left and right.

One after another, the pressure of different degrees fell and rose one after another. This feeling is very strange.

Soon, Chiyu demon and night moon felt uncomfortable.

They feel that their souls will be stripped at any time.

"What's going on?"

Chiyu devil shouted in horror. He couldn't control his supreme power and was very suffering.

Zhou Xuanji's eyes were cold, and the Holy Ghost curse sword appeared on his head.

Countless sword shadows appear out of thin air and are distributed around the three people. The sword tip faces outward to form a huge shadow ball.


The sword shadow broke out and collided with the high-speed circling stars, which startled countless lights and shone in the field of stars.

Zhou Xuanji suddenly jumped up, leaving a residual shadow in place, as if he had never left.

He rushed directly into the explosion, held up the ghost curse sword and cut it with his sword.

Great chaos!

The three eyed man's face changed greatly. He immediately raised his hand to resist. The supreme divine power created a mask to resist Zhou Xuanji's sword Qi.

The sword Qi hit the high-speed meteor, but it didn't break.

Hundreds of supreme masters still hover at high speed without any influence.


The three eyed man roared with a ferocious face. His arms vibrated open. A green light and shadow rose up, holding two big knives, and cut forward.

The two broadswords expanded rapidly, huge and boundless, and cut at Zhou Xuanji.

If Zhou Xuanji dodges, Chiyu devil and night moon will be either dead or injured.

He suddenly raised his head. His black hair was dancing wildly by the strong wind. The thousand handed sword Buddha rose with him and blocked the big knife with his shoulders.

Zhou Xuanji's eyes followed Yilin, and a silver light burst out along his eyes and swept away.

After the silver light dispersed, countless sword shadows hung, thousands of sword shapes, each with its own merits.

Delusion sword sea!

The three eyed man stared wide. He felt that the time around him slowed down.

Time source!

This guy!

He was irritated by Zhou Xuanji. He was the leader of the star field!

How can we fail?

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