Published at 6th of July 2022 05:42:46 AM

Chapter 59

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“Claudia-sama, how can I help you here?”

“Oh, there’s…”

The two of them are talking in a friendly manner with each other, and they look so comfortable with each other. Seeing two good looking people talking with themselves seems so romantic. Because of their good looks, the scene looks like a prince and princess cuddling together in a fairy tale.

For Violette, it is a scene she is already familiar with.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x

It goes back to the morning before.

It was the same family reunion as usual, with only one person left behind. All of their senses were devoted to enjoying a delicious breakfast, leaving Violette like an abandoned kitten.

“By the way sister, is it true that you have study sessions after school?”

“……, yeah, well…”

The risotto she was about to swallow seemed to stuck on her windpipe when she was suddenly asked. Swallowing the risotto without chewing is not a problem for Violette. But the fact that Marijune is talking to her is probably what is upsettling her.

More than that, the is problem what she asked.

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