Published at 6th of July 2022 05:42:44 AM

Chapter 61

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“…… hmm?”

Apology, the feeling of apologizing for something. She knows why she wants to apologize, but Yulan has no idea what she is talking about.

From the way she’s hesitating to say it, it seems that Violette herself is not thinking straight. Her gaze wanders around, her clenched fist and biting lips. This is unusual for her, who rarely loses her resolute attitude.

“Well, …… Why are you apologizing for?’

“I mean, …….”

Unable to explain well, Violette regretted her statement the moment it left her mouth.

What Violette wanted to apologize for was about Marijune joining the study session …… and also, her father’s comments the other day.

What she felt that day was anger. She was angry that father wanted her to help Marijune to join the study session, even though it was Yulan who planned for her.

Knowing the relationship between Yulan and Claudia, it is easy to imagine how uncomfortable Yulan must feel. No matter how much it was for Violette, there must have been a lot of conflict between them for him to ask Claudia for a favor. That is why she was happy and wanted to reward him for his thought.

Violette wondered if that man would think Yulan’s feelings and Violette’s gratitude as nothing but childish emotion, and scorned them without a shred of consideration.

She could have kept her mouth shut if he had said those words to me, but she couldn’t forgive him entirely. She felt as if he had disrespected not only herself, but also Yulan.

The anger she felt at that time transformed into guilt in front of Yulan.

Violette wanted to apologize. She wanted to apologize for making her father say those things, for involving him in my position with her sister, and for trampling on his heart.

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