Published at 11th of October 2022 11:08:16 AM

Chapter 94

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Violette felt her breathing getting easier and lighter than before. The mind and body are closely connected and influenced by each other. When the body breaks down, the mind also weakens, and there is even a saying that all illness begins with the mind. Since everything is connected with each other, when the mind is affected, there is no place in the body that feels good.

“Violette-sama, are you coming?”

“Yes, I’m coming.”

It was lunchtime, Violette got up from her seat at the sound of a voice calling her. At first, both Violette and Rosette were uncomfortable by the stare of other people around them. Now, they didn’t feel uncomfortable at all and were completely at ease, they could also ignore the classmates who still looked at her with curiosity. Rosette seemed to feel the same way too. Her eyes, which were swimming around everywhere at first, looked at Violette the moment she appeared.

“I have had the salon prepare it for you. I am sorry, I should have told you before.”

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