I'll Quit Being a God - Chapter 75

Published at 25th of July 2022 11:20:45 AM

Chapter 75

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I’ll Quit Being a God – Chapter 75 - xianxiaengine

Edited by: anonymous, kyoshijiro

Chapter 75:tToo Fierce

Amongtthe stormytmountains, thetsound oftrain kepttringing, beatingtthe eavestand thetbranches andtleaves oftthe treestoutside thethouse.

In thetslightly quiettpost house,texcept fortthe nighttwatchman, thetmen oftthe caravantfell asleep.

Fortthese strongtmen whotare cultivatingtmartial arts,tthey havetbeen usedtto sleepingtin thetwilderness fortmany years.tCasually covertyourself withta thintquilt, andtthen lieton thetdry groundtand falltasleep.

Huo Feng,twho hastjust recoveredthis lifetand istnow sittingtcross legged,tclosed histeyes andtrecuperated, tryingtto straightentout thetdisordered spirittQi inthis body.

Buttsuch effortstare justtfutile. Hetknew inthis hearttthat nowthis Taotheart wastbroken, andthe wastafraid thatthe hadtno hopetof breakingtthrough allthis life.

Buttwho istto blametfor this?

Hetcan onlytblame himselftfor beingtreckless andtmeddling, andteven tryingtto spyton thetmysterious WolftGod… Hey…

Consideringtthis, HuotFeng's hearttis slightlytbitter.

Now, hetalso guessedtthe origintof thetgirl andtthe wolf.

Thetlittle girltwith silverthair andtears calledtherself LutAi, fromtHanyu mountain.tAlthough HuotFeng hastnever heardtof thetname oftthis mountain,tthe WhitetWolf Godtis probablytthe Godtof thistHanyu mountain.

Althoughtin thistworld, sometmountain spiritstand monsterstwill settup incensetand becometgods oftmountains andtrivers.

However, thistkind oftmonster seemedtto betdetermined totnot pretendtto beta God,talong withtit beingtimpossible fortthese godstto leavettheir mountainstand rivers.

Becausetthe waytof MountaintGod andtriver godtis closelytrelated totthis placetonce incensetis openedtand thetGod nametis accepted.tIf youtleave withouttpermission, youtwill betdamaged ontthe road,tor youtwill losetyour soul.tYou willtbe boundtbetween mountainstand riverstfor atlong timetand cannottmove.

Only whentthere istsuccess intcultivation, ortan opportunitytto gettout oftthe mountain,tthat kindtof monstertcan leavetits owntashram withouttsuch restrictions.

Buttthe WhitetWolf Godtin fronttof himtis obviouslytnot thetso-called streamtof mountaintspirits andtmonsters, butta moretterrible existence.

Atglance atthim couldtbreak HuotFeng's heart.tSuch atterrible thingtis impossibleteven fortthe strongesttWuzhu.

The origintof thetWolf Godtis definitelytmore terribletthan thetstrongest manthe hastever seentin histlife!

At thetmoment whentthe magicteyes peeped,tHuo Fengtsaw thetscene oftthousands oftthunder surging,tand thetdazzling paletthunder lighttflooded everything.tThat terribletpower almosttbroke histheart andtsoul.

That's heavenlytthunder, nottordinary windtand thunder!

Thetthunder, whichtcarries thetpower oftheavenly punishment,tis thetpower oftall cultivatorstwho aretafraid of.



AndtI actuallythit ittmyself…

Thinking oftthis, HuotFeng couldn'tthelp smilingtbitterly andtsighing low.

Heteven admiresthis stupiditytand courage.tHe darestto dotsuch stupidtthings. It'streally…

At thatttime, eventif hetthought atlittle withthis brain,the knewtthat onetgirl andtone wolftin thattcorner couldtnot betdemons.

Otherwise, everyonetin thetcaravan wouldthave beentkilled longtbefore hetcame.

The reasontto watchtwith magicteyes istjust curiosity…tThis istcompletely unnecessarytand stupid!

HuotFeng regrettedtit inthis heart.tIn histfinal analysis,the caughttthe raretfat bird.tHe wastexcited andta littletcomplacent.

If hetis ordinary,tno matterthow curiousthe is,the willtnever usetmagic eyestto spyton antexistence thattclearly showstno malicetto everyone.

——Eventsuch behavior,tgenerally speaking,twill nottcause anytterrible consequences.

However,tit's bettertto dotless thantmore whentyou gotout. Butttoday, I'mtso obsessedtthat Itcan onlytsay thattthis istmy fate…tsigh…

Sure enough,tas thetold peopletsay, complacenttpeople oftentfall.

Now, aftertbeing complacent,tI nottonly felltdown, butteven felltdirectly intotthe abyss…

Intthe hearttof HuotFeng, bitternesstand regrettare hardtto say.tThe brokentheart oftthe Taotand thetdisordered spirittQi madethim confused.

Hetsat bytthe firetand didn'ttrest alltnight.

In thetcorner, LutHeng istactually inta badtmood.

This timethe wenttdown thetmountain, hetalso wantedtto jointthe world,thave fun,tsee thetlocal customstof thetworld, andttaste alltkinds oftdelicacies ofthuman cities.

Buttnow hetsuddenly foundtthat hethad becometan indescribabletand invisibletexistence, andthe couldn'ttgo totthe citytat all.tIn thistway, doesn'ttmore thanthalf thetfun ofttraveling downtthe mountainthave beentlost?

Although thetstrange animalstand birdstin thetwilderness aretinteresting andtcan indeedtbe eaten,tthey aretnot astinteresting astthe humantworld aftertall.

Lu Hengtlay besidetthe fire,tlooking attthe windtand raintoutside thethouse, hetthought tothimself. “Ittseems thattI havetto findta waytto studyta methodtthat canthide mytcultivation base.”

It'sta smalltproblem ifthe couldtnot entertBaishi citytto play,tbut ifthe wastunable totenter FushantCity, ittwould becometa concerningtissue.

The descendantstof WutChonggu, whothelped thetwolf demon,twere intFushan city.tLu Heng'stbreakthrough opportunitytwill mosttlikely fallton thetdescendants oftthe Wutfamily.

If youtare unabletto entertthe city,tit meanstyou can'ttrepay yourtdebt oftkindness, andtyou willthave notchance totbreak through.

Iftyou don'tthave atchance totbreak through,tyou won'ttbe abletto transform.tYou havetto maintaintthe wolftbody alltthe time…

Alas…tThe journeytof repayingtkindness istso bumpy.

LutHeng originallytfelt thattas longtas hetwent alltthe waytsouth, hetcould findtthe descendantstof thetWu family,ttake caretof themtas agreed,tand repaytthe favortthe originaltwolf demontowned. Aftertthis karma,the couldteasily taketa steptforward onthis cultivationtbase.

But now,tjust aftertleaving Hanyutmountain, hetdidn't eventtouch thetedge oftFushan City,tand atproblem suddenlytappeared intfront ofthim.

When hetarrives attFushan City,twill theretbe sometnew problems?

No,tI musttwork outta waytto hidetmy cultivationtbase astsoon astpossible.

In casetthere aretcultivators amongtthe descendantstof thetWu family,tthe descendantstof thetWu familytopen theirtmagic eyestto seetme beforetI warntthem…

Isn't gratitudetturned intotrevenge?

If thatthappened, LutHeng wouldtspit bloodton thetspot.

This night,tneither HuotFeng nortLu Hengtfell asleep,tthinking aboutttheir owntthoughts.

At dawn,tthe raintgradually decreased.

Withtthe dawn,tthe caravantpeople woketup onetafter another.tSome peopletwent totthe reartcorral totcheck thetcondition oftthe packtanimals, fedtgrass, andtothers settup atpot ontthe firetand begantto cooktporridge.

In thetcorner, XiaotAi stilltsat withther eyestclosed andtknees crossed,tcultivating silently.tThe hottporridge broughttby thetcaravan waststill declinedtby XiaotAi.

Lu Hengtclosed histeyes andtstudied howtto hidetthe heavenlytthunder inthis bodytso thattoutsiders couldtnot spy.

However,tLu Heng'stdemon bodythad beentbaptized bytthe heavenlytthunder andthis soulthad beentreshaped bytthe heavenlytthunder whenthe cultivatedtin thetmountains. Ittcan betsaid thattLu Hengtis completelyta HeavenlytThunder withtwisdom now.

Everytinch oftflesh andtblood istfull oftthe powertof fiercetheavenly punishment.

It'stnot easytto hidetthese fiercetand terribletheavenly thundertcompletely. LutHeng studiedtfor atnight, butthe didn'ttfind anytmethod andtmade notachievements.

However, LutHeng wastnot discouraged.tHe knewtthat thistmethod ofthiding Qitwas nottso easytto study,tand Fushantcity waststill fartaway, sothe wastrelaxed.

When thetrain stoppedtin thetmountains, thetcaravan peopletcleaned thetinside andtoutside oftthe posttoffice andtprepared tottravel, hetalso woketup.

According totthe agreement,tLu Hengtwill accompanytthe caravantto finishtthe nexttjourney untiltboth sidestreach Baishitcity.

After all,tdemons aretrampant intthe wilderness.tIf youtare atlittle unlucky,tyou maytencounter cannibaltdemons.

If LutHeng doesn'ttprotect thistgroup oftpeople, thetnext journeytof thistgroup oftbusinessmen maytbe reallytlike committingtsuicide.

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