Published at 30th of May 2023 03:44:58 PM

Chapter 113

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“No way… Did all your subordinates see it too?”

I asked in a trembling voice.

“It’s because I don’t rebel alone no matter how much I do. Well, some demons have come up with the opinion that there is no need to tempt and corrupt humans anymore. If the Saintess is like this, humans have already been corrupted enough…”


I couldn’t stand it and spread the holy power in my hand toward him as if it was a threat.

“Go die! Yeah… When you die, you will forget everything you saw!”

[The God of Knowledge, Hessed, expresses admiration for your bold logic circuit.]

[The God of Justice, Hetuse, clears his throat to hold back his laughter.]

[The God of Benevolence, Oman, is very proud of you.]

[The God of Death, Kairos, can’t understand and looks around.]

[After a while, the Gods try to look serious but they have different eyes.]

After a while, Diego looked at me with a red face and burst into laughter. Suddenly, the handcuffs in his hands popped and disappeared.

“This gift is just a joke. Looking back, it was a really fun scene, but… I have to give you a gift that will really help you.”

After a while, a thick Magi came out of Diego’s hand as he stood up from his seat, and it was shot at the frozen Kyuu.

Startled, I ran up and grabbed him by the shoulder, pushing him away.

His body was pushed against the wall. My face, which had been hot, was cooling.

“What are you doing!”

Ciel’s powerful power flowed through my hands.

His Magi blocked my holy power, then it was in a tense confrontation.

I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, as a pleasant glow flowed from the purple eyes.

“I said it was a gift. It’s because you can’t trust me like this.”

His lips were soft and his breath could be felt just a few inches in front of me.

At that time, a sound was heard.


I turned my gaze away from him and looked at it. And I found Kyuu’s body glowing.

“What did you do to Kyuu!”

I heard Diego’s relaxed voice.

“It takes a long time for the demonic beast Yggdrasil to reveal its true value. I just shortened that time.”

The color of the light surrounding Kyuu was mysterious. A bright light mixed with the purple darkness.

“If things go wrong with Kyuu, I won’t let you go.”

I glared at him like I was going to kill him, then I let go of his hand and went over to Kyuu.


Suddenly, something glowing began to appear on Kyuu’s forehead.

Surprised, I made Kyuu come up on top of my hand.


Soon, the light that had risen from Kyuu’s body disappeared, then its usual cute appearance was revealed. Except for the red jewel embedded in its forehead.

“What is… this?”

At my words while looking at the jewelry, Diego let out a light laugh.

“Holy power is originally the power to heal. Its ability to heal others is strong, but not for obliterating enemies.”

[The God of Destruction, Ciel, growls.]

“Yggdrasil’s powerful mana will supplement your strength in the future. By the way… to think that it’s a rat.”

Diego looked at Kyuu for a moment with a look of incomprehension.

“You have a unique taste of pet. Usually, when one hatches Yggdrasil, they raise it as a dragon.”


[The God of Destruction, Ciel, delivers the words of ‘What do I look like?’ in anger.]

He was looking at Diego with his hair standing up and looking wary.

Diego pursed his lips.

“If you’re done with your business, you can go back.”

I looked at him and said coldly.

“Let’s not meet again, Demon King.”

Diego said with a subtle smile at my words.

“It’s good to hear you calling me Demon King. But I want you to know that if you say you don’t want us to meet again, I’ll want to visit you even more.”

His lips then softened.

“See you again. Saintess.”

Eventually, a thick darkness enveloped him, and after a while, there was nothing in his spot.


I stroked it a few times.

Ugh, I really hope we never meet again.

After a while, I stared at the quiet chat window.

“Really, are the Gods like this? Instead of helping, you say strange things!”

[The God of Knowledge, Hessed, clears his throat.]

[The God of Justice, Hetuse, makes an excuse that Diego had a harmless will to you.]

[The God of Benevolence, Oman, tells you that Hetuse laughed the loudest.]

Seeing the content of the conversation where Hetuse laughed, I remembered what Diego had said earlier.


“Obey the Queen!”

I felt like kicking the blanket with full power. I think I have slept enough tonight.

Afternoon, two days later. I met Cass and headed to Euclipse Academy.

Cass told me he had written an appointment to Professor Draive ahead of time. I was admiring the scenery while riding in the carriage, when Cass, who was sitting across from me, said.

“You didn’t bring it today.”


“I mean the mouse.”

“Ah… Kyuu? It’s at the temple with Daisy today.”

[The God of Destruction, Ciel, feels a little empty.]

“I see.”

Due to Diego’s magic, a red jewel appeared on Kyuul’s forehead.

According to the book I read before, Yggdrasil can grow into either a holy relic or a monster if the owner wishes. And when it becomes an adult, it is said to have magical abilities comparable to that of a high-ranking magician.

Certainly, when I touched Kyuu’s body after Diego had been there, I could feel that there was a certain power in its body that was stronger than before.

However, since it wasn’t Magi that I felt, it doesn’t seem like Diego evolved Kyuu into a monster.

It’s not even holy power, it’s a very ambiguous energy.

“Thanks to the Marquis’ healing last time, it’s doing very well.”

While I was thinking about Kyuu, I looked at him and told him about the other day. However, he seemed uncomfortable with the idea of his divine power, so instead of continuing the topic, I looked outside and changed the topic.

It was deeply busy and crowded with people, and there were more carriages than usual.

“Everyone is busy preparing for the festival that will be held tomorrow.”

“No wonder the view outside was somehow busier. But what kind of festival is it?”

“It’s called the Star Flower Festival, a festival held by the citizens themselves. Didn’t you know?”

I think I’ve seen it in a book. But I didn’t know it was held this time.

“They also call it the Festival of Odyssey. It’s a festival to pray for abundance and fertility.”

[The God of Love, Odyssey, pats his chest twice.]

[The God of Knowledge, Hessed, likes abundance.]

[The God of Benevolence, Oman, likes fertility.]

“Ah, I don’t have time to pay attention these days. In any case, the Marquis must be busy too. Isn’t it a big deal at the Merchant?”

He answered my words.

“I’ve already finished the preparations. So…”

It was when he was about to say something.

“Maybe tomorrow.”

Then suddenly the carriage rattled and stopped for a moment.

[The God of Knowledge, Hessed, throws out the corn snacks he is holding, asking who intervened at such a bad timing.]

“What’s going on?”

I stared out the window. A long procession was passing by.

Dozens of children, who looked to be about fourteen, were walking in a row, and the carriage in front was pushed back as if the road was blocked by them.

“Looks like they’re the students of the Academy.”

At my words, he paused and stared at the children.

Perhaps because of the festive atmosphere, the children’s faces were full of excitement. I remembered someone after looking at the children for a while.

“They’re going to have a parade to celebrate. All the students at Euclipse are participating.”

“I see. Everyone looks excited.”

After a while, the carriage started moving again. We soon arrived at Euclipse Academy.

He got off the carriage first and held out his hand to me.

“Let’s get off.”

I grabbed Cass’ hand and got off the carriage.

The scale of Euclipse Academy was the size of three or four high schools in Korea.

The age range of the students was evenly distributed from around the third grade of elementary school to high school students and college students.

Until the age of twelve, they receive common education through a pre-academy, and from the age of thirteen, they decide on a department for vocational education and receive education.

After going around the complicated structure of the building, I arrived at the door with a sign that said [Professor Draive Lubern’s Laboratory of Theology>]

I knocked. After a while, Cass opened the door.

When the door opened, I saw a small professor’s office. I saw clunky desks and tables, and various theological books were scattered on the bookshelves.

“You’ve arrived. Marquis. And the Saintess.”

Professor Draive appeared to be in his mid-40s.

“Nice to meet you.”

“It’s such an honor for me, Saintess.”

Since he was a professor studying theology, I thought he looked like a priest, but he was very unassuming.

I sat across from Draive’s chair and smiled at him.

We exchanged greetings for a while then got to the point. I could hear Cass talking behind me.

“The Saintess said she enjoyed reading Professor Draive’s book. Contemplation of the God of Lies.”

“Ah. Is that so?”

When the name of the book, [Contemplation of the God of Lies] was mentioned, I could see Draive startle.

I said, looking at him.

“The thing that struck me when I read that book was that it showed aspects of the God of Lies that weren’t found in other books, especially the past of the God of Lies hundreds of years ago. In fact, no other book talks about that.”

The clues in the book I read had quite solid logic and historical evidence.

“I’d also like to know how the professor found out about it.”

That was the reason I came to Draive today.

Thinking that if he knew in advance, he might avoid today’s meeting, I told Cass not to talk about the exact intentions of the meeting in advance.

Draive cleared his throat with a puzzled face, as if it was an unexpected question.

“Ah…Yes… That book is…”

Draive hesitated for a moment, then he looked at me and said,


I could tell he was about to say something difficult.

“Actually, I…”

He coughed again. Cass was seen frowning.

“I looked at and researched various literature in the Temple of Lies. That’s how I found out. I made a list of references related to the book.”

Draive’s words came out one after another.

[The God of Justice, Hetuse, judges Draive’s truth.]

[The God of Justice, Hetuse, judges that Professor Draive isn’t telling the truth.]

And he was sweating profusely, enough to tell that he was nervous.

‘It’s a lie.’

I looked at him with sharp eyes.

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