Published at 3rd of June 2022 03:02:49 AM

Chapter 2669: See Zeng Jin's self

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Qian Yue was very upset when someone used such Versailles words and wanted to go back.

But recalling what Jiang Siming said, they were right.

Jiang Siming does not need this 1%, but he is reluctant to share this 3.6% share, because this 3.6% is his all, it is ***.

Not to mention 3.6%, even 0.00036% he is not willing to throw it away.

As the vice president of Anping Group, he can only admit it in front of Jiang Siming.

"President Jiang, you calm down, I didn't mean that."

Jiang Siming ignored him. Instead, he said to the girl standing on the edge of the rooftop: "If you believe me, follow me."

The girl wiped her tears, resolutely gave up committing suicide, followed Jiang Siming, and went downstairs together.

"Mr. Jiang, if you have something to say, don't let it go." Qian Yue still tried his best to persuade him, his expression almost crying.

Jiang Siming had no sympathy for him. He just said lightly: "If capital can really do whatever it wants, there will be no justice in the world. As the world's largest insurance company, Anping, as the world's largest insurance company, has to feel conscience while making money. Ask yourself if you are ashamed of your customers."

As he said, Jiang Siming sarcastically said: "It's also funny to say. Even if a company as big as Anping doesn't use those nasty methods, the annual revenue is astronomical, but some managers are still unwilling to be satisfied. I have such a big appetite, why don't I'shrink your stomach' for you."

After that, letting Qian Yue dissuade him, Jiang Siming still took Zhang Su downstairs.

Qian Yue saw that things were about to be irreparable, and hurriedly called the president.

As the biggest manager of Anping Renshou, the two followed Jiang Siming and tried their best to dissuade him.

"Mr. Jiang, please speak up if you have any requirements. There is no need to get to this level." Chairman Li Binquan and Qian Yue's attitudes are no different. They are trying their best to stabilize Jiang Siming first.

At this time, summation is the last choice.

In addition, they have nothing to do with Anping Renshou.

Is it possible to be able to wrestle with the Jiang Group? The two groups have no similarities at all, let alone any similar industries.

Li Binquan didn't know how Jiang Siming bought his company's shares, and the stock market lost 1% of the shares.

When he knew that the new shareholder was Jiang Siming at first, he was quite happy, and felt that Anping Renshou could take advantage of the Jiang Group to make it to the next level.

If nothing else, the auto insurance of Jiang’s Group’s auto companies is a huge insurance profit.

If we can cooperate with Jiang's Group to allow all car owners who purchase Falcon Motors to buy Anping Renshou's auto insurance, this will definitely be a big deal.

Li Bin thinks everything is beautiful, and his abacus is very loud.

Who knows that reality is the exact opposite of what he imagined. Instead of cooperating with him, the Jiang Group wanted to stab him.

Li Binquan just wanted to take back his illusions, and first comfort the uncle in front of him.

"Boss Li, I have finished talking to your vice president. There is no room for this matter." Jiang Siming still didn't mean to let go.

Li Bin all gritted his teeth and said: "Or Mr. Jiang, if you open up the Internet, I will give you one more share. Everyone is a business man and makes money with kindness."

Jiang Siming didn't say anything. Instead, he smiled and shook his head, saying: "If you just said that if I open one side, you will completely rectify Anping Renshou, I might consider it, but you are trying to quell this by profit. It proves that you did not realize the seriousness of your company’s problems at all."

"A company that only seeks benefits without conscientiousness, I tell you very clearly that if it doesn't go long, it will stop here, and we will talk again when we have time."

Jiang Siming got in the car and asked Zhang Su to get in the car, and then disappeared into the Anping Building in the blink of an eye.

As the car walked away, Zhang Su, who was sitting in the co-pilot, still did not relax.

These few minutes are like dreaming.

She had already desperately wanted to jump off the building.

Unexpectedly, the situation will reverse.

"Thank you, President Jiang." Zhang Su was grateful for Jiang Siming's help.

"You don't have to thank me for this matter. On the contrary, I should thank you. Without your revelation, it is impossible for me and all the people to know that the water of the insurance company will be so deep and there are so many shady scenes. Everyone should thank you. Yes, you are so brave."

Jiang Siming responded with a smile.

In fact, he really admires Zhang Su, she is a bit like she just came out of society back then.

At that time, Jiang Siming was not afraid of anything, and he would definitely speak out when he saw injustice.

Zhang Su showed him Zeng Jin's self.

On the same day, through the live broadcast platform and Gulu Weibo, Zhang Su once again exposed all the details of Anping Renshou's shady scenes he knew.

Public opinion was in an uproar.

The above attached great importance to it and immediately announced that it would thoroughly investigate the Anping Group.

And Jiang Siming added another fire, he threw away the 1% Anping shares he had acquired directly at a low price.

This has driven a large number of investors in Anping to follow suit and sell off one after another.

Anping's stock price fell again and again, and the losses were painful.

After doing this, Jiang Siming stopped paying attention to the matter.

Because of such a big disturbance, he no longer needs to supervise him. The people all over the country will help him supervise, and there is a thorough investigation from above.

He has also sold Anping's shares, completely becoming an outsider.

It's not that Jiang Siming has an antagonism with the Anping Group, nor is it that he has nothing to do when he is full, and he doesn't make any money.

But Jiang Siming wanted to use this opportunity to vigorously wake up many domestic companies whose consciences have deteriorated.

Capital may be able to do whatever it wants in other countries, but in China, absolutely not.

Jiang Siming has not forgotten his identity. In addition to the world's richest man, he is also a guest of heaven and a general.

He has the responsibility and obligation to remind those capitalists who want to eat human blood, want to **** blood? No doors!

It doesn't matter if you make money honestly, if you dare to do anything, he can always cheat them like the Keng Anping Group.

Not to mention the Anping Group, even if his friend Boss Ma made a community basket before, he unceremoniously lifted the other party's table.

Boss Ma knew that he was at a loss, and soon cancelled the community vegetable basket event.

As for Zhang Su, a brave girl, knowing that she was not working yet, Jiang Siming invited her to work in the finance department of the Jiang Group.

Dare to face the darkness and challenge authority, even if you know that you are quiet, you dare to stand up and speak up.

Such employees may not dare to be sought by other companies that are prone to hide dirt, but Jiang's Group is very suitable for her.

Jiang Siming feels that such an employee is most suitable for her company, so let her stay in the Jiang Group.


Two more~

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