Published at 23rd of April 2024 06:05:13 AM

Chapter 667: Chapter 667: The mages three guards_2

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Chapter 667: The mages three guards_2

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The surging XP seemed to be filling up the remaining space!

With this thought .

Roger couldnt help but fly faster.

Not long after.

The crow that he had transformed into had arrived at the sky corridor !

[ exploration: you have completed a new map (lower edge of the beluga whale:Exploration of more than 60%, your XP pool +1.

on one side, there is an increase in the storage limit and the number of XP pools.

on one side, its the growth rate of XP thats four times the reward

Which one will reach the limit first?

Roger estimated with great interest for a while.

He quickly chose to give up.

Because it was too difficult to calculate!

Think about it carefully.

It was all for nothing anyway.

Whats the point of fussing over so much?

After confirming that Ji Qiu could stabilize the situation below.

Roger was planning to put this battle aside.

300 elites working hard.

And he chose to go in alone.

As the saying goes, to catch the bandits, first catch the king!

He was going to assassinate Menlo!

[ exploration: you are exploring a new map (lower edge of the beluga whale:Empty sky corridor)

[ warning: you are not allowed to fly any higher! ]

[ warning: you have touched a forbidden area:Star passage

A red prompt suddenly flashed on the data bar.


Rogers head, which had been growing all the way up, suddenly hit something like a wall of air!

What the hell?

This is the highest you can fly?

We cant enter the starry sky?

Roger looked at the dark starry sky above his head in great surprise.

The next second.

He transformed into a loner.

His hands and feet seemed to be stuck to the ceiling as he stepped on the edge of the starry sky!

That touch.

It was soft at times.

It was sometimes hard.

It was filled with a strange feeling.

If he was not careful, he might even fall into it!

At this moment.

Roger was surprised to find that .

The space in this world was actually solid!

However, it was completely transparent.

Ordinary people couldnt reach such a high place.

That was why he couldnt tell.

Roger was trying to avoid the enemies near the sky corridor and inspection stations.

That was why he wanted to enter through the sky.

He didnt expect to discover the big secret of the starry sky!

He then wandered around the edge of the stars for a while.

The following information was confirmed.

First place.

The starry sky was indeed made up of a continuous and solid substance.

And most of the places were extremely hard.

It was even harder than rock!

Roger had tried all kinds of methods, but he couldnt get involved in the starry sky.

This included escaping through the earth.


The starry sky pathway was limited in opening.

The system prompted.

Only those with the star entry permit were qualified to step into the star passage.

Roger had seen this thing on a Starship before.

At the time, he had thought it was just an internal standard set by the covanas.

He didnt expect it to be used to enter the starry sky.

Thinking about it this way.

Without permission.

Even if you had a Starship, you wouldnt be able to leave the planet.

The starships, on the other hand, were more like drilling ships when they advanced in space.

This was completely different from the space roaming in Rogers memory from his previous life!

Roger was starting to wonder how the covanas battlecraft combat happened!

Could it be that starships with space entry permits could fire freely in this solid medium?


Roger could sense it.

There was a huge secret hidden in the starry sky.

When he was close to the edge of the starry sky.

He could always hear someone calling his name.

At first, he was still excited for a while.

But very quickly.

Roger noticed the source of the cry.

It was coming from below the planet he was standing on!

But unfortunately

Roger tried his best, but he could only see a waterfall as vast as the Milky Way in the darkness through the blind spot of Mistral s arc of light!

The waterfall was a magnificent sight.

It seemed to be far away from Roger.

It also seemed to be only a few feet away from him.

It was a wonderful feeling.

He was immersed in it for a while.

Until his extraordinary perception took effect!

On the data bar.

[extraordinary perception: you have heard star beast:The call of carsello.

[ you have observed the saliva of carslow. .. ]

Such a long Milky Way waterfall is actually the saliva of an astral beast?

Is this guy trying to eat me?

Roger hurriedly blocked off the annoying listen.

Then, he lowered his flying altitude.

They flew in the direction of the inspection station, almost sticking to the air wall above their heads.

And in the process.

He only noticed it when he was looking through the records.


He had actually dodged another calamity!

[ record: karsilows call has contaminated you. The distorted substance is entering your body ]

[100% magic resistance is in effect ] Resistance to forbidden spells in effect .

[ you are now immune to the invasion of the distorted substance! ]

When he saw this.

Roger couldnt help taking a deep breath.

The starry sky was indeed terrifying and strange.

If nothing unexpected happened.

That carslow should be one of the astral beasts that hedivala had mentioned in the abyss of destruction that looked up at the nine planets!

According to the theory of the movement of the stars.

Mystra had yet to completely escape the range of the abyss of destruction.

The edge of the starry sky was definitely filled with danger.

This was also Rogers first time experiencing the abnormal substance invasion in broad daylight.

However, it was immune to magic resistance.

At this point.

Roger had basically confirmed that the carrier of the distorted substance was


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