Published at 3rd of February 2023 06:34:44 AM

Chapter 1698

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Dali and Xiaochong have evolved to be not afraid of fog, and they have never drunk the moon spring water. There is still mist toxin in their blood. The concentration of the toxin is greatly diluted, which is not enough to kill the fierce beast.

Before, Dali and Xiaochong had bled countless times in the battle, and those blood stained with fierce beasts did not cause clear damage to these primitive fierce beasts.

It means that the toxins in their blood are very weak.

A single primitive ferocious beast is an independent living body, and they don't need to determine how many living bodies are condensed into it.

But that monster must rely on this kind of "self-consciousness".

"Give me the blood!"

Xiang Nan took out a wine jar and poured out the liquor.

Dali and Xiaochong immediately cut their wrists, let the golden blood flow to the wine jar, and finally fill it.

Xiang Nan's eyes flashed a grim cold light, like a small bird. He said with a grim smile: "big insect system! I see how you can break up! "

"Hey, that monster is too big, come again! I need more blood! "

Vigorously and bug recovery, back to blood, and so on almost, Xiang Nan will receive another jar.

It took him two days to collect a hundred jars of golden blood.

At this time, Xiang Nan looked at the monster and said: it must be effective. It took three days here, and only 22 days left.

Don't squander that time.

"Sentient beings, angry eyes!"

With Xiang Nan a burst drink, in the dark, a pair of eyes full of anger, slowly opened.

All of a sudden, Xiang Nan's realm soared!

Wusheng wuchong!

Wusheng Liuzhong!

Wusheng Qizhong!

He burst out with thunder all over his body, and he charged fiercely in the direction of the monster with a huge knife.

One hundred wine jars were entangled by Lei Li and hung behind them.

Xiang Nan overturned all the silver monsters in a straight line, directly in front of the monster.

The monster opened his mouth and aimed at Xiang Nan.

At this moment, Xiang Nan pointed his right hand!

A hundred jars of blood, drawing out a hundred different arcs, flew towards the troll from all directions.

And Xiang Nan himself, is facing the monster's light wave attack.

The impact force of the wine jar is not big, and the fluctuation of the thunder force contained in it is also very small. The monster decides that even if it bumps into the wine jar, it can't hurt it, so it completely ignores those wine jars and attacks them wholeheartedly.

An amazing light burst out.

Xiang Nan immediately summoned annihilation shield.

The monster's light waves hit the annihilation shield and began to counteract each other.

And a hundred wine jars, Pa Pa Pa from all directions, hit on the monster.

Pouring blood covered the whole body of the monster.

Light wave, suddenly stopped!

A large number of silver beasts came up and besieged Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan releases the sword awn and cuts down the fierce beasts one after another, while watching the giant monster's change with fear.

The troll was dyed gold by blood. It froze for a while, and then began to tremble.

There are countless small drums all over its body. These drums move strangely, which should be the phenomenon that a large number of silver ferocious animals want to separate from the polymer.

It's like a lot of insects crawling inside the monster's skin.

But the troll kept struggling, want to separate, but it is inseparable!

"Ha, it's a success!"

Xiang Nan laughs, his right hand is raised high, instantly condenses 500 meters long super big knife awn.

"Jinglong yaori!"

Xiang Nan bullies himself and falls from the sky. The huge sword will split the whole Troll into two!


The giant monster that was split vertically fell to the ground.

Xiang Nan quickly returns to the channel and gasps. He takes away the eyes of all living beings and ushers in a new round of even more terrifying weakness.

According to the duration of the weakness period, Xiang Nan infers that this time, the weakness period of the law will last about 18 hours.

It's much shorter than expected. The original idea was that it would take more than one day and one night to use the eyes of all living beings again.

But in the meantime, Xiang Nan took a two-day and two night rest when he collected blood, which made the accumulation of the weak period of the law slightly decrease.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Xiang Nan excitedly holds the huge knife and roars: "stand up!"

The body of the monster, which was split in two, suddenly trembled, and then merged with a bang!

At the same time, all the silver monsters turn around and aim at the monster!

"Defected." As soon as Xiang Nan's eyes brightened, he knew that he had succeeded.The blade of the dead really controls the troll!

Film after film of the silver beast, toward the monster rushed up.

Xiang Nan snapped his fingers and said, "kill me!"


The troll opened his mouth and roared out a dazzling beam of light!

This beam, like the hands of a clock, rotates clockwise. Where it passes, all the silver monsters hit by the beam are collective vaporization!

"I grass, my holy spirit stone!"

"Come on, reduce the damage of the beam!"

The beam from the monster suddenly became dim.

The troll's body kept spinning, and the beam of light also kept spinning.

It is huge, standing on the ground, slanting downward spray beam, the rotating beam, then to its mouth as the vertex, forming a cone.

No silver beast can break through the cone and hit the troll's body.

Pieces of silver beasts were swept away, their bodies were damaged in a large area, and many holy spirit stones were ejected into the sky.

Xiang Nan was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth and hurriedly picked up the flowers with his fingers.

Five medium level Holy Spirit stones, eight, twelve, thirty

One hundred, one hundred and twenty

Xiang Nan's hands poked out again and again. His hands were as fast as shadow, and he pulled back every spirit stone that had been hit.

The number of Holy Spirit stones is increasing!

150, 170

One hundred nine, two hundred, two hundred two!

Enough! Enough to upgrade to wusheng Wuzhong!

At the same time, the beam of the monster's Jet became lighter.

But Xiang Nan did not give it an order to weaken its attack.

Xiang Nan realized that it was the power in the strange object that was rapidly consuming and was almost bottoming out.

"Come back, quick!"

Xiang Nan issued a new order.

While walking towards the passage, the big monster kept spraying beams of light, flying groups of silver fierce beasts.

At this time, the beam of light is hard to kill the silver fierce beast. Usually, a fierce beast will come back and be hit again after being hit. It will come and go five or six rounds before it is fragmented.

After the monster came to the entrance of the passage, his whole body fell down and climbed into the passage.

In this process, Xiang Nan collected seven middle level Holy Spirit stones.

All in all, 427 medium level Holy Spirit stones are placed in front of Xiang Nan!

"It's earned!" Xiang Nan clapped his hands excitedly.

427 medium level Holy Spirit stones are equivalent to 4270 lower level Holy Spirit stones! That's enough! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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