Published at 29th of January 2024 05:59:06 AM

Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 - Daily Life and What Come After That (part4)

After Yui came and sat next to me, Ikou came back in and brought tea for Yui.

"Thank you, uncle. "

"We have prepared a room for you. "

"We'll be going straight back, Uncle Paolo will be worried if I stay over without telling him first. "

"Ho ho ho... All right if that's the case. At the very least, would you like to eat first? My wife will be happy to see you. "

We accepted his offer and were shown into the house. Ikou lives here with his wife and two children as well as, his son-in-law and 5-year-old grandson. Yui was greeted very warmly by Ikou's wife.

After eating and chatting a bit, we continued on our way home. As I was about to board the carriage, I felt goosebumps all over my skin and felt a very strong sense of presence. However, in contrast to Mana, I felt a massive life energy, and it felt a little similar to Ki energy.

"What's wrong?", Yui who saw the changed facial expression on me, asked me about my condition.

"Ah no... nothing. Maybe I ate too much just now. Hahaha... "

The aura I felt earlier suddenly disappeared, and as I looked around me, Yui and uncle Ikou's family seemed to not feel anything, I wondered if this was just my imagination.

We set off to return to Camellia village and along the way we talked a lot, arriving at the village quite late at night. After taking Yui home, I was surprised to see Ricardo and Paolo waiting for me at home.

"Tell me everything you did today!"

"Heh?! "

This time Paolo looked different from usual, even Ricardo's face looked serious. I told them everything and after hearing the part where Yui said she felt I had the same vibe as her grandfather, they seemed a little calmer.

"Aren't you guys overdoing it? "

"Of course it's important! Miss Yui is like my own granddaughter. "

"That, actually... ", Ricardo while scratching his head seemed confused about what to say.

"I know Yui is very beautiful, sweet and cute. Even like an angel... But we're just getting to know each other, after all, how could I dare to do something out of the ordinary. EH?!!! "

"Stone blash!"

Dust debris forming into several small stones was created in front of Paolo and quickly aimed at me, I managed to avoid it, by jumping to my right side. However, when I looked back at Paolo.


“ Stone blash.. Stone blash... STONE BLASH!! “

That night Paolo chased me all the way into the forest and bombarded me with magic attacks so many times, it was the first time I almost lost my life since arriving in this world.

Ricardo only picked me up when I was already lying helpless, his face looking helpless, as well as my mentor Leo who saw me went inside the house. 

The next day Silvet visited me and burst out laughing at me, and as usual we fought and were separated by Leo and Yugo. 

At that moment I understood what uncle Ikou's facial expression meant when he patted my shoulder with a smile.

‘Paolo is scary! Why do I always meet scary geezer?!!!'

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