In Dying Starlight - Chapter 9.9

Published at 24th of April 2023 05:38:05 AM

Chapter 9.9

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Lex is cooking. 

She says the summers here have long nights and short days. It’s barely evening, still a good few hours to go before I would usually crash for the night. The temperature has dropped significantly. Apparently, it gets quite cold here during the night, as well as during winter. She has both the fireplace in the living room and Zane’s borrowed bedroom lit. I stand in the middle of the living room, thinking I should offer to help in some way now that I’m back, cook or assist with the fire or anything, but it’s rather peaceful. Lex is in the kitchen, Lalia is napping along the side of Zane’s bed along with Bat, and the princesses have settled by the fire playing a card game with brightly colored pieces I’ve never seen.

The cyborg sits in the chair, legs drawn up, not uncomfortable but watching them like Bat watches little critters that get too close to him.

The entire house smells of spices, some familiar, most not. My mouth waters. I don’t think I ate breakfast. I’m not sure any of us did, other than Zane who got some mushy oatmeal dropped into his mouth like a baby bird a few hours ago, much to his annoyance. It’s all so…quiet. Calm. Homey. My chest hurts, which is ridiculous. But for once, I’m not standing in the middle of a house of strangers watching their little families and being uncomfortable. Yes, Lex and the other number are unfamiliar to me, but for once, it’s all my friends in this strange little warm house.

“You okay, Aaron?”

I find Yvonne looking at me from the floor, colorful cards in her hands, expression open and curious. I’ve no idea how my expression looks but it must be odd. 

“Yeah,” I say, and my voice sounds far away. “Everyone okay?”

She nods. “Lex has some nice medicine for burns…well, that’s what Bat says at least, I don’t know much about this stuff.”

I match her nod, unable to stop myself from glancing at the number. There’s definitely the remains of old burns on the scaring on his face, and on his fingers now that I try to notice it. My eyes aren’t cooperating well in the dark room lit mostly by the crackling fire. I look somewhere else so I don’t stare as much at him as people do at me that makes me want to crawl out of my skin.

I wonder how badly that cyborg was hurt that Lex decided stock-piling medical equipment was where she needed to go.

I still haven’t asked his name, but the last time I talked he looked so nervous I just try to crack a smile and escape to the bedroom Zane is occupying.

The fireplace here is smaller but the room is warm. Bat is on his side, mouth open as he sleeps. Lalia is curled with her back to me on the bed, giving a soft little rhythmic snore enough to know she’s actually asleep. I creep up and take a look at Zane without touching him. The bandages look new and he’s not wearing a shirt anymore, just a pile of blankets Lex must have found. Maybe I shouldn’t’ve gone walking. Maybe I should’ve tried to help just for the sake of it. I wasn’t needed, per se, I don’t know much about treating burns save the small ones I’ve had in the past, but now that I’m back, guilt hurts my chest for not being present. 

Humans are funny about people just existing near them, even if they’re not helpful. I suppose I am as well.

I fiddle with the blankets until Zane’s eyes crack open. I freeze. “Sorry, didn’t think that would wake you.”

He shrugs a little with his uninjured shoulder. “I wasn’t really, just dozing.”

“I’ll find you some painkillers that’ll knock you out for the night. Do you want something to eat first?”

He wrinkles his nose. In the dark, with my glitching eyes, it’s difficult to tell his expression. “I don’t want more oatmeal. Never liked oatmeal. Too slimy.”

He sounds a little out of it, if not for the way he’s speaking, then the way his voice sounds. It would be a little funny if it wasn’t because he’s injured. I’m going to take a look at all of Lex’s medicine. I feel better now I know we have an excess of bandages and ointments and such. If nothing else, it’s good to know he’s not going to be in any pain with the supplies she has here. But I want to look through everything. Maybe they missed something I won’t. I doubt it, not with Bat’s thorough nature, but I need to feel useful.

“I’m not sure what Lex is making out there, but it smells spicy and I don’t think you should have that. I’ll see if I can find something decent tasting that won’t kill you.”

“Hey, Aaron?”

He suddenly sounds much more serious and lucid, which can’t be good. I eyeball him. “If this is one of those if I die speeches I will hit you, injuries or not.”

He cracks a smile. “No, not that. I’m not dying.”

“Fine. What do you want?”

“Just uh…sorry about yesterday.”

I pause. “I don’t think you need to apologize for getting nearly blown up.”

“Not that…Well, a little of that. I’m sure it wasn’t fun dragging my ass out of there. I meant…sorry about getting pissed at you.”

Oh. Well. That was unexpected. I hadn’t fully understood why he was so angry at me, but I also didn’t blame him for it. He wanted me to come home after Amerov and was angry at Lee’s crew. Not exactly a terrible offense. 

“You look confused,” he mumbles. “I’d appreciate if you’d say something.”

I nearly laugh. “People aren’t in the habit of apologizing to me, especially not because they got a little pissy. I wasn’t upset about it.”

He frowns, mumbling something I don’t understand. “I’m still sorry. I’m pissed and I took it out on you.”

I stare at my boots, not sure what to do with this information. I suppose it’s just a little apology, but it feels like a lot. “It’s fine, Zane.”

He swallows, staring at the ceiling. He looks about as awkward as I feel, which makes it slightly less terrible. I’m not accustomed to seeing him uncomfortable with stuff like this—he’s usually the first to jump on heart-to-heart conversations. Maybe he really does feel bad for the attitude. I’d like to make a run for it, but Zane’s a good guy, and he’s done nothing but help me. I can bury my stupid embarrassment for a few seconds.

I put my hand on a part of his arm that isn’t bandaged. “It’s really fine.”

He nods, looking a little bit like he wants to cry. Thank the stars he doesn’t.

“Actually,” I say, trying to break the silence. “I was feeling pretty guilty about you nearly getting your ass barbecued in that ship. You and your sister are getting nearly as beat up as me.”

It works. He snickers, grimacing when it shakes his busted ribs. “Well, that is stupid.”

I bite the inside of my cheeks so I don’t laugh and wake up Bat and Lalia. “I have my moments, certainly.”

Zane squeezes my arm back and drops his hand, closing his eyes. I guess that’s all the conversation he’s up for. I let out a breath. If he wasn’t so hurt, I’d probably have to take a lot more of that. 

“Aaron?” he says as I’m making my escape for the door. “Thanks.”

Feels a little strange for him to thank me. My presence has caused a lot of the drama, at least my presence coupled with theirs has caused more chaos than any of us ever could alone. But I suppose I’d thank him too if he dragged me out of a burning ship.

As if he didn’t save my ass yesterday too. These humans are gonna be the death of me.

“You too,” I tell him. “I’ll get you some food.”

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