Published at 21st of December 2022 05:32:48 PM

Chapter 1006

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Rod's tone changed several times, and finally said such words to all the liches in the field.

As rod's voice fell, the scene fell into a dead silence again, and the atmosphere became more dignified. Multi powerful momentum, rising from around the venue, the owner of momentum no longer covers up his own existence.

The content of rod's words sounds like simply showing his attitude to all the creatures in the field, and inviting the Lich to join in the battle. In fact, it is full of irony and ridicule.

All the liches in the field can realize from rod's words that he belittles or even disdains the Lich's seclusion behavior all the year round. Even Steven, who is not far away and perceiving all this, can't help frowning when he hears rod's words.

Next to rod, FeNiS wanted to say something after receiving rod's response. When he heard rod's next words to all the liches, he had only one idea in his heart, that is, rod was finished.

No one can continue to survive after offending so many liches in Dia at the same time. In phines' view, rod is undoubtedly extremely arrogant.

Will see the situation in the field in the eyes, finice in the heart of rapid calculation after a few, then the line of sight on the broad cloak behind rod.

After saying these words, rod did not wait too long, and the abnormality began to appear in front of his eyes.

A large number of black fog emerged from the void and appeared in front of rod out of thin air. There was a very powerful momentum in the fog, and the creatures in it were obviously not easy to deal with.

Deep words, accompanied by the general sound of the wind, came from the black fog

"Necromancer, the existence of artifact seems to make you a little overjoyed. From you, I can't see the respect you should show for creatures whose existence form is much higher than yours."

The signal from his perception made him realize that what existed in the black fog was a real lich, which brought him more pressure than ever Stephen.

Rod thought that according to the Lich's patience, it should not act rashly. No matter how much he said, it was hard to see their reaction.

Especially in this situation, once the battle is really started, it is surrounded by liches. Even if a lich grabs the artifact, it may not be able to save it. On the contrary, it will be attacked by other liches.

Even if the Lich in the black fog is the first one to appear in front of him, rod believes that he will not do it easily. Therefore, rod needs to continue to use words to lead.

In the face of the Lich's question, rod responded calmly without any panic

"Isn't the so-called respect determined by strength? You can't judge by life form. Now, the artifact is in my hand. You should pay homage to it. "

As he said this, rod seemed to think of something. He glanced at the black fog in front of him, then turned his eyes to the field again, and said:

"It seems that the insipid life hidden in Diya for many years has made you lose all your fighting spirit, and you can't even judge the basic situation."

"To tell you the truth, I'm tired of negotiating with you liches. I can put aside the Lich and directly unite with the Necromancers in the territory. Anyway, they all rely on the power of artifact, and the results won't be much different. "

Finally, with the end of rod's words, a cold hum came out of the black fog in front of him, followed by words with obvious anger:

"Although the power of artifact is strong, it also needs the controller to be qualified to use it. A mere necromancer is not qualified to use it."

Without any omen, the black fog began to spread rapidly, and immediately covered rod and his party. Neither North behind him nor phines nearby could escape from the black fog.

The nearby corpse witches transformed by rod, when they are shrouded in the black fog, their perception ability is suppressed to the extreme, and they lose the ability to judge everything around them. If they don't have the mental imprint to give specific instructions, they can't do anything at all, they can only wait in place.

Rod was also covered by the black fog. He noticed that the main effect of the black fog was to block all perception, but it would not directly erode the body like the cloud of death.

Unlike the corpse Witch King, although rod could not see anything in the dark, his perception ability was not suppressed. On the contrary, because he was in the same dark fog with the lich, rod could clearly perceive its position.

At this moment, the control effect of God level soul summoning on the Lich is revealed. Most of the Lich's spells are difficult to have a complete effect on rod.

Rod sensed the abnormal state of his own necromancer kings. Perhaps for other creatures, this kind of black fog in front of them can block their perception to a great extent, but it can't play any role under the effect of God level evocation.

At this time, it was the Lich nags who came to him and covered him with the whole central area with the spread of black fog.

Rod's words, together with the experience of nags, undoubtedly touched him deeply. In addition, he saw that FeNiS was completely unable to control the situation in front of him. On the contrary, rod suppressed him with momentum. Nags was unwilling to continue to wait, so he was the first to come to rod.

Seeing that nags was willing to be the first to test, the other liches did not intervene, but observed everything in the field.

The most special thing about nags is that he is not only a lich, but also a hero, and he is the rarest born hero.

Before he became a lich, nags had an inexplicable love for the darkness. Nags always believed that it was his love of darkness that made him move forward on the road of the necromancer, and finally made use of the endless night ritual to transform himself into a real Lich.

The natural hero identity of nags is also very special. It was not acquired from the birth of human form, but from the completion of the endless night ritual to become a real Lich.

It's not the condensation of will, it's just the completion of this process. With the end of the endless night ceremony, nags becomes a lich hero. In nags' view, becoming a lich is like getting a new life. The identity of natural hero strengthens his mind.

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