Published at 26th of April 2023 05:40:37 AM

Chapter 111: First, about the future.

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You woke up at a strange time. ......

It was evening, and I was sleepy.

He returned home after the sun had risen, and from then until noon, it was sermon time.

There was too much difference between the stamina of the knight Iliad and that of the weak earthlings.

When I was finally released, I fell asleep and woke up in the evening.

I was thirsty, so I went downstairs for a drink of water, and found the inhabitants of the Iliad family relaxing in the living room.

"Good morning, Shisho?

"Good morning, Wolfe. I slept during the day. I'm an early riser.

Shosho, don't you think it's bad for your health to have such a strange lifestyle?

You should talk to the Iliad about that.

He's got it coming. You told me you had nothing to hide, and now you've been hiding the fact that you lied about your name until now.

Mr. Ilias is still in a foul mood.

You can't help it if you say that you can't help it, because with the power of caging, you can't get your real name from us.

Even if you secretly tell Ilias, the Purple Demon King who finds out about it can use the power of Cajoling on Ilias and get his name out of him as much as he wants.

Even though he had given up on the idea of making it his own, it was the nature of a living person to feel greedy again when an opportunity was dangled in front of him.

As I said yesterday, it's not that I've been hiding it. In the first place, I've been using many different names. In this world, I go by one name, Ichiro Satou.

Have you ever considered the feelings of those who have been calling you by a false name?

I'm sorry about that, so I took the sermon in stride. In the first place, none of you call me by the name of Satou Ichiro.

I'm sure you've heard of it.

"That's true, if you ask me. Even though he told me his name, I felt more comfortable calling him Shosho-sama.

"Shosho" is easier for Wolfe too.

My mistress only calls me "My Lord.

Oh, I have a technique for that. There is a way to keep people from calling you by your name by maintaining an appropriate distance.

When I was on Earth, I was conscious of being inconspicuous in my life.

In any case, I was trying to avoid even being remembered by name.

I learned how to maintain a sense of distance so that people would want to call me by pronouns rather than nouns.

"Grandpa Kara is a boy, Maya is a girl, His Majesty is you, and the Mix is your friend. ...... Didn't you do that to everyone you met?


Oh, that's such a sophisticated technique. ......

It's easier for us than swinging a sword. The trick is to make them feel good when they call you by your pronouns.

The trick is to make them feel good when they call you by your pronoun.

If you can't do this, give up and keep your distance.

There are many other tips, but I'll skip them.

When you drink water and sit on a chair in your living room, a golden demon king sits on top of you.

What an uncomfortable flow, but you have to be careful.

"Don't sit on top of people like that.

"Don't you dare sit on top of me like that." "Good, because my mistress played a part in this.

It's a good thing I'm not the only one.

I'm not sure what to do.

I'm telling you to work. You've worked a king.

"Yes, yes.

He takes a comb from his pocket and brushes his tail.

"Huh? You're ready. It's good to be petted, but this is not so bad.

I bought it just in case you need a little something in between.

I had time to do some shopping of my own when I was touring the city with the Purple Demon King.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with this, so why don't you go back to Gagne?

"I'm working, so it's just a matter of whether I leave my body here or in Garn.

I'm sure Mr. Ludwig Fein would have noticed the difference by now.

"That's because he doesn't socialize outside of work. I give him the benefit of the doubt because he looks good.

He seems to be a close associate, but he's not well-liked.

He's recognized for his abilities. You can't help but keep your distance when you're hiding your status as the Demon Lord.

I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it.

I'm sure he's hoping to establish some kind of friendship with her.

"If you ask me to leave, I will.

Marito will smile when you tell him to go home.

Well, I'll stay if that young man says I have to. By the way, what are you going to do about the Purple?

The Purple Demon Lord went back to his lodge for the time being.

If Duvvlei's treatment is completed, there is little danger of him being targeted in Japan.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

I'm sure there's a chance that the Mejis could be involved, and since information is starting to leak out to the knights in the country, there's no guarantee that there won't be an incident where some radicals show unnecessary courage.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

The world in general is still unaware of the Demon Lord's resurrection.

However, the Holy Knights have already been informed of the Demon Lord's resurrection.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

If we just leave the threat at home, there will be people who will feel uneasy.

So we're going now? Then I'll go change into my armor.

Yeah, but we have to make a stop first.

Where's that?

The church, Maja's place. Come with me, Lakra. I have something very important to tell you.

Me too?

Then we got ready and arrived at Maja's church.

It was uncomfortable to take the Demon Lord to a church of the Yugra religion, but Wolfe wanted to go with him, and the Golden Demon Lord came with him because he didn't want to be left alone.

I never thought the day would come when I would actually meet the Demon Lord.

"My position as King of Garn is more important now. Don't worry too much about it.

Well, you'll get old if you worry too much about your son's affairs.

Maja's reaction is not that over the top, it's more of a sense of perspective.

Perhaps I've gotten her used to it because I always report to her after things are done.

"You're a very understanding cleric compared to this young man named Yox.

You're a pretty subhuman and the Iliad doesn't feel threatened by you, so why should I be the only one who feels threatened?

What do you mean, "pretty"? Don't you mean "beautiful"?

"So, my boy, what brings you to me?

I'll tell you why. ...... Ecdysiac, are you there yet?

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I'm here.

He's here, compadre. So, as promised, you will explain to me the secret of Rakhra Sarv's handling of my 'Blind Eye'.

Oh, is that what it's called?

Yes, it is a peculiarity of the Great Satan, given to him by my father, Vegragudo.

Wait a minute. Would you mind explaining the situation to me?

I'll explain the situation to Maja.

I've been surprised that I've settled with the Purple Demon Lord, but I'll leave it at that.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

"It seems you've done a lot right under our noses. But I see, that's how the boy came to me, isn't it?

If I guessed right, I thought you could elaborate.

Well, your guess is as good as mine. And lucky for us, we just got the proof a few days ago.

"Well, I guess ...... does happen.

"Yes, but how did you come up with that assumption? Are you soft-headed?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

While he was talking to Maja, Eckdruk couldn't wait to intervene.

This fact was quite a surprise to him, so I had to explain it to him so that he would not be shocked.

"Ekduik, Lakra is your sister.

Oh, that was a bit rough, wasn't it?

And that problematic statement froze the people around me.

...... I'm sorry, I didn't understand a word you said.

"I found your mother and confirmed her name. Your real name is Ecdysius Sarf.

Eckdruk is losing his mind.

Lakra had an indescribable ...... look on her face.

But I think I like this kind of face quite a bit.

It is because of the blood connection that Lakra was able to use your power that was given to the great demon Beguragud. Some demons as big as the Great Demon have a curse on them even if they are not aware of it. The curse not only affects the person in question, but there are also reports of cases where the curse has affected blood relatives.

It's like those fantasy stories you read in novels and comics where the hero is cursed when he defeats the demon king.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on. Then it's more like a curse.

"Yeah, you're right, kid. That's the closest I can come.

It's the same with Duvraeus, who eventually inherited the idiosyncrasies of many great demons.

If the power can be passed on through the mask of a pawn, then there must be other factors that cause the power to be passed on.

Another possibility is that Lakra was cursed in some way when he defeated Vegragudo, and that contact with Exoik caused the change, but the details are probably beyond the knowledge of even Vegragudo.

...... Let me be alone for a moment.

With that, Exequip disappeared.

You'll be able to find a lot more information on this subject in the following article.

What about you, Lakra?

I'm not sure what to make of the ...... realization. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

The two men, Lakra and Ekuduk, are almost complete opposites.

The two are almost complete opposites. Ekduik is passionate about his goal, while Lakra is happy to just live comfortably.

As siblings, they may have just the right balance.

The only similarity between them is the color of their hair.

The only similarity between the two is their hair color, and the fact that they fight with magic. ...... Or maybe they are slightly different.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

In fact, he attacked his mother's home village and kidnapped his brother.

And he was the enemy who had turned him into a fighting machine that would turn on humanity.

And he was supposed to give Exduk and Lakra the power of the Great Demon.

But you don't remember it, do you?

No, you don't. ......

I don't know what's going to happen to Exoik.

It's hard to say what will happen to Ex-Doik in the future, though I'm sure he'll be deeply moved if he was separated from her at an early age.

I'm sure you're right, but as a human being, Ecdysium is a good guy with no hidden agendas.

"As for me, I'm not the kind of brother who can be pampered. I'd be happy if I could spoil him as much as you.

I'm not trying to spoil you.

If that's what you think, then you can leave it at that.

I think I'm a lot stricter than Wolfe.

But you did tell your mother, didn't you?

Yes, I had a friend in Medicine move in, and she was very happy. I'm very aware that I don't deserve to see her, but I'm also aware that it's enough to hear that both Ekduik and Lakra are alive.

One of them was taken by the devil, and the other was left to others, unable to raise it satisfactorily in a refugee state.

You may be in a position to say that you are not a good parent, but I don't think you really wanted to give them up.

If I had a chance to stop by Medis, I would like to give him a chance to see me.

"By the way, do I have to call you brother, Exoik?

"I think that's your choice. The age difference is not that big and we are both adults. I'm sure it's harder for Exoik to call you by your full name, though.

That would be great.

Then I head for Marith.

Lakra and the Gold Demon King parted ways, saying they were going shopping.

It goes without saying that the Golden Demon King and Marito are compatible, but Lakra also seems to have some difficulty with Marito.

He said that the aura of a great man makes him want to run away.

When the Golden Demon King heard this, he looked at Lakra as if he wanted to say something, but he went along with it.

I'm sure it's difficult to keep a demon lord in the country.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand that.

I'd like to get rid of that one somehow. I don't dislike the Purple Demon Lord's personality, but the Purple Demon Lord is the second most feared demon lord in the Yugra religion.

The first is the Kuro Demon Lord, who declared war on humans first, of course.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

In the event that you're not sure what to do, you'll be able to find out.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm going to try.

I'm sure you're not the only one.

There is no need to do so, or rather, it would be a problem. I'm sure Pope Euphro is of the same opinion.

You want to keep your most dangerous man at arm's length?

That's right.

It is said that the two Demon Lords are collaborating with each other, and that they will have access to the forbidden reanimation magic.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

You can't say that it won't happen because of the strength of women's jealousy.

It's not so much about women as it is about the fact that if you're the only one who has to leave while the Golden Demon can stay in the country as he pleases, you're going to get frustrated.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

I'd like to keep him as close to me as possible, just as I'd like to keep him close to you.

Do you want him to build a villa at the site of the bandits' base?

Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm pretty sure it was settled by Ecdysium, so it might be a good idea.

Ecdysium. ......

What's going on?

I'll tell Marito what just happened.

What a surprise. Some siblings just don't look alike.

I agree, it's probably the most unusual thing that's happened this century.

"Nice of you to join us, Mr. Darkness.

Currently in this room are Marito, Ilias and Wolfe.

It's a good time to join the conversation.

"Shh, I hear someone I don't know!

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wolfe. I'm some kind of invisible person.

Oh, I can't even smell it!

I'm well bathed.

I don't know if that's the problem, but I don't think so.

Wolfe is surprised, but doesn't show any signs of being alarmed.

Ilias, on the other hand, seems to be a little more nervous.

"And yet, Sir Ratzel, Miss Wolfe. You two have grown so strong in such a short time, haven't you?

Yes, I'm stronger!

Yes, I've gotten stronger, but ...... I'm a little embarrassed to discover that I never learned the proper techniques before.

But you're almost at the top of the list.

Ilias and Wolfe have acquired a strength that even Lord Raggedy-doo cannot match.

Ilias and Wulfe are now as strong as Lord Raggedy-doo, which means the gap between them and the Dark Lord has narrowed considerably.

Ilias, by the way, can you take on the Dark Lord in your current state?

"...... can't.


I know because I became stronger in one step, but there is something different about His Majesty's bodyguard. They have a strength that is different from slashing each other with swords.

If you know so much about them, how about you, Mr. Wolfe?

I want to try it!

Well, let's have a little fun here, shall we?

Hey, it's a man's room.

No problem, Your Majesty. Mr. Wolfe, get ready.

With these words, the dark lord's voice fell silent.

Wolfe does as he's told and focuses on his surroundings.

But suddenly, Wolfe spins around and slams into the ground.

It was as if he was being held down by an invisible man.

Wolfe was completely unable to react to the sudden event.

Yes, now you've died once.

The restraints were immediately released and Wolfe got up in a hurry.

The calm look on her face was gone, and her face became that of concentration in battle.

It's one and done. I'm not the type to discipline or train anyone.

"...... Yes.

Wolfe swooned.

You can feel the strength on your skin and know the strength of your opponent on the clouds.

It seems that your stealth is even worse than I thought.

It's a good find, if I do say so myself.

"Of course it was. Your Majesty could have used all the luck in the world for that.

You can't say that much. By the way, which one is stronger, the colorless Demon Lord we met before or Mr. Darkness?

Well, that one didn't seem to be good at direct combat. If it's a direct battle, I'm the stronger, but if it's anything at all, we're even or I'm at a slight disadvantage.

You must be humble about that.

That Demon Lord is stronger than the Blue Demon Lord.

I'm sure you've heard of it.

You can guess that they have a history, but do you know what they are capable of?

Even as a person who has directly encountered the Colorless Demon King, I don't think Ilias and Wolfe would be able to compete with him if they were to challenge him.

There's something different about the dimension in which we live.

How do you feel about The Blue Demon King, Iliad and Wolfe?

The Blue Demon King, for sure. The Scarlet Witch King would be a good match for the two of them.

I've heard that the Kuro Demon King, the Blue Demon King, and the Scarlet Demon King are each skilled at direct combat.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

It's still amazing, though.

A Demon Lord who specializes in combat is absurdly strong, isn't he?

Of course. The 'purple' and 'gold' you put underneath are not battle-oriented Demon Lords. Don't get too carried away.

I'm very curious about the specs of Seiya Yukura, who defeated all of the Demon Lords single-handedly.

I'm not sure if there's something fundamental missing or not.

You can't think you've won the world just because you've got two Demon Lords on your side, it's enough to try to find a safe way to live. I'll just say that I didn't put them under me, I made them my friends.

"But you've done a great job of conquering the Demon Lord in a different way than Yugra. You need to be confident in that. Excessive modesty can be a burden to others.

"Which is it, up or down?


I see. Both. That's true.

Be confident, but don't be proud.

I don't mind taking the good with the bad, I'll keep that in mind.

After that, we proceeded to talk about the new base of the Purple Demon King, and ended the conversation when we had reached a certain level of agreement.

Now it's up to me to talk to him about it, and I hope it goes off peacefully.

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