Published at 26th of April 2023 05:37:52 AM

Chapter 170: And the preparations are ready.

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In the event you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, you can contact us at the following webpage. I was told that there were representatives from various countries in Garne and that Ao should not come with them.

It's a good idea to take a look at the website and see if you can find any useful information.

But still, there are so many knights. He gave me a suspicious look, but thanks to the fact that I met Sir Léanor at the entrance, I was able to enter without any problems.

"Are you there, compatriot?

"Oh, there you are, Ecdysique.

When you open the door, you will find all of your compatriots there, including Marito, Euparo, Zenotta and the Golden Demon King. I'm pretty sure it's ...... the Ghanaian minister, Ludfein.

I'm not sure what to make of it. Is this a strategy meeting?

"That's quite a unique thing for you to say. The strategy meeting has been waiting for you. Until then, we'll chat.

Chit-chat's a topic, isn't it?

I've been debating pickles with Pope Euphro until now. I think King Zenotta is ready to start.

"Remarkable chatter. But you didn't have to wait for me, did you? I think an after-the-fact report would have sufficed.

It'd be twice the work if I didn't include your report. Quama, how many demons are there in the demon world?

Oh, you mean that. It's hard to say how many there are. We're gathering them, but it's much less than when we attacked the barrier. I'm not sure we can get 10,000.

For Ao, who originally fought mainly with undead created by necromancy, demons born in the Quama demon world were not counted as a fighting force. They may look similar, but once a demon dies, it cannot be revived.

If a demon is as high level as Duvraeoris, it may have something that can be called a soul, but low level demons cannot even detect its existence.

I also suggested that it might be possible to revive the great demons controlled by the Purple Demon King, but it seems that it is difficult to use magic to interfere with demons other than those born with their own magic power. It doesn't seem to be a good idea.

How's that for strength?

"A lower level demon is no better than a demon. They can't blend into the shadows, so they're difficult to handle. But they can carry simple weapons. If you give it a bow or a spear, it can be used as a common soldier.

"Not as good as a knight, but about as good as a common soldier. Still, 10,000 units is a lot.

"Tarzan's knights are all about quality and not quantity. The Tarzan knights are all about quality and not quantity, so what do you mean they're not even close to ten thousand?

"One man works at least ten times as hard, a thousand times as hard. I'm not going to be defeated by more than 100,000 men.

You'd scatter them even more with a raid.

That's why it's a raid. It creates cracks in the enemy's line and disrupts their breathing. The knights can charge without hesitation, as no other nation can. And they will come back alive.

The greater the number, the greater the advantage in a large-scale battle. The greater the number, the greater the strength of a straightforward attack. The more people there are, the greater the strength of a straightforward attack.

But the knights of Tarz are highly skilled. There are many adventurers of the highest level.

The holy knights can fight to a certain degree, but they can't be as reckless as the knights of Tarz.

I'm sure you'll be able to handle some of the demons with the Taze knights.

And so the fellow takes out a ring. It's a simple ring with no particular decoration. There are three of them, each of a different color.

"Oh, these are the tools you had Nora make for you.

"Yes. It's a tool that allows normal humans to send their thoughts through this ring and give general instructions to demons like the Demon Lord.

You've been making these things for a while, ......?

The mechanics are simple enough. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but it's a good idea. In other words, it's disposable.

If you look closely, you will see that the ring has the words "attack demons", "collect the wounded", and "remove" engraved on it.

You can't give detailed orders, but you can certainly use it as a fighting tool if you can give them.

What exactly is "recover the wounded"?

"Catching the fallen and transporting them to a set location. Any surplus will be used for the same action as ordering the demons to attack. If a human interferes, it will drop the human and retreat. This ring is registered to Garnets home country.

You can change the setting point.

The ring registers the home country of Garnets. You don't have to worry about that, because you'll be giving a different guy to each of them, one going to Garnets and one going to Mejlis.

"How do you plan to use the withdrawals? It's better to let them fight to the end.

One in case of victory. If we let them retreat, they'll go back to where their respective Demon Lord can direct them. Otherwise, they'll be left alone. The other is when the enemy is strong and retreats faster than expected. Rather than letting them die in vain, it's better to let them retreat once so you can reuse them. The knights will have it, so I don't think there will be a problem, but if you are in a hurry and activate all of them, you can prioritize "attack the demons" first. In the event that you're in a hurry to get all of them activated, you can prioritize attacking the demons first.

It's not that hard to figure out how it works. You can't give it to all the knights, but you can give it only to the captain.

I had thought about using demons, but given Ao's processing power, I thought they could only be used properly in one place. But with this, we can send it to each battlefield.

The ring, by the way, is what I've prepared. Do you think the Scarlet Witch King is going to spread out his army across the land?

Yes, that's what I'm reading. Even a layman can see that, though.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I can understand Zenotta's question. The reason why soldiers are divided into multiple units and deployed on the battlefield is to intercept the enemy in a desirable manner. It's also a way to keep some of your troops hidden so that they can fight more effectively.

However, the policy of the Scarlet Witch King as described by his compatriots ignores this rule. If you're an elite few, you'll still end up being defeated individually if you split up your troops.

There are several factors that suggest that this will work. As for the reason, I can only say that it is the Scarlet Witch King's preference, but I think there is something that can push it through.

So you're saying that there is a way to win?

The Scarlet Witch has the power that Ygranariya gave her. Maybe that's what's going to get us out of this situation.

The Scarlet Witch King's power: ....... The blue has the power of annihilation, the purple has the power of entanglement, and the gold has the power of governance. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not. And of course, that's what the Scarlet Witch King has.

The Scarlet of Struggle, the Scarlet was given the power of Struggle.

You don't know much about it, do you?

Hmm. I've only seen it in use once. But I didn't know the specific effects. Well, the person who used it was Blue.

According to the story, when the Demon Lords were learning their powers as Demon Lords under Yugra, the Blue Demon Lord and the Scarlet Demon Lord had a disagreement and it developed into a battle once.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think it's a good idea.

Maybe it's an improvement in physical ability. But the opponent is bad. But it's a bad opponent. The Blue's strength is in a different dimension. It's in the realm of Yugra, Kuro, and the Colorless.

The Scarlet Witch King doesn't look like much, does he?

That's true, but... When Yugra intervened, Scarlet was crawling around with wounds all over his body, but only Scarlet was staring at Blue. That alone is enough to make him a formidable man.

"You'll have to understand the nature of its power first. Until then, we'll have to rely on Marito's command.

My compatriot summarized the story so far. Yugra's communication technology would be set up at the rear of each battlefield, and Marito and Eupharo would share the information and Marito would give the orders.

Marito and Euparo would share the information and Marito would give the orders.

"But if you are going to use a strategy, wouldn't it be better to have your people with you?

"Personally, I'm good at setting up my opponents. But when it comes to tactics, I'm an amateur. I tried to read the Scarlet Demon King's moves with Marito's tactical advice, but honestly, I don't know enough.

You're right. It's not a bad plot, and if you learn it for another five years, you'll be able to formulate it, but military strategy seems a bit impossible.

It's probably not a good thing to be surprised. One of the strengths of our people is that we specialize in reading the minds of others. But no matter how much you can read minds, it's hard to accomplish anything on your own. It is only with the addition of forces like me and the Iliad that one can become a marvelous being.

Then how will your people act?

"I'll be moving around the battlefield a bit with Ilias. There are some sensations that can only be grasped on the spot.

"So we'll be on the run like the knights of Taze. It is true that the strength of the Iliad and the Wolfe can be said to be for raiding. ......

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out the best way to use it. Gold is to fulfill his duties as King Garne.

That's right. Her powers are useless in a mass battle. There are few demons.

You're here?

Well, I've learned how to make a purple demon. Just for fun, I filled a room in the castle with magic and created a demon.

Oh, one of the treasure rooms that was suddenly forbidden to enter. What is this king doing in Garne Castle?

Rudfein is looking at the Golden Demon King with a blank stare. I'm curious as to why he's not even surprised, but I guess that's to be expected.

"Just for the record, what is your strength?

It's surprisingly unfit for battle. If it wasn't for that, you'd be able to take him on evenly.

That's weak.

They all nod. Are you sure about that, compadre? I nodded.

There are less than ten of them. But they may be of more use than you think. I'll show you later.

"Oh, you can never have too many men and too many demons.

Ao and I will make our preparations in the Quama Realm, how should we move?

The only way to get from the Quama Realm to Mejis or Gane is via Quama or over the mountains, right? The purple demons are currently gathering in the Mejisu demon world near the border of Taze and Garnets. But the blue demons are not suitable for hiding, so please move a certain number of them to the Mejis demon world as soon as possible.

All right. I'll let them know. Oh, and what about communication once the battle starts?

You'll have a Lakra with a crystal for communication. I'll have the mix, so we can communicate as needed.

Does that mean we'll be fighting with Lakra? ...... No, there's no point in being conscious of it. You can expect more from Lakra than you can from me when it comes to destroying demons. I'll just take it as a sign that I've gained a powerful power.

"Ugh, I wish I was with you too ......

"Give it up. The right person for the right job. The third camp's role is to support the war behind the scenes and read the Scarlet Witch King's thoughts. If that's the case, we'll need someone with good observation skills for both Garne and Mejis. You're the one who can see things the best out of all of them.

"Not you, Mixu?

If you take into account the ability to think, then it's Mixu by far, but in this case, the first priority is to notice. I'd estimate that Lakra's is higher in that regard.

Is it my imagination, or am I being exquisitely maligned?

Lakra, it's true that you're not suited to thinking while doing something, but don't forget that I'm already fighting on the side of Mejis, and you're not even aware of whether I'm suited or not.

But that's just the way it is. My powers of observation are good at gauging the strength of my opponents, but I can't read their thoughts. If I could do that, I'd be able to piss off Ao a little less, but I'll have to ask him how to improve.

The invasion is in a month or so. Let's make sure we're ready.

What are you going to do with your people now? Are they going to stay in Gahne?

No, I'm going back to Taze. I want to see how Nora and the others are doing.

Then I'll go with you.

At least send an alter. What king would leave his country so close to war?

Rudofein rebuked the Gold Demon King. He has no expression of anger, but his gaze is very cold. It's a good idea to check out ...... to see if your aide is someone who can kill your emotions to this extent.

You can do politics on your own. But the pleasure of having your tail stroked can only be fully appreciated by the body.

"Then leave it until I finish. Do you mind, my bad friend?

All right.

He knows! Oh, Ludfen!

That's what I'm trying to tell you.

My people don't want to fight with Ludfen. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's wrong with me. .......

"Yes, compatriot. What about Jestaff?

I'm not sure what to make of it. They have recruited many adventurers from Rio de Janeiro and other places, and the speed of their development is remarkable.

However, cleansing the demon world requires many people who specialize in purification magic. As we begin to prepare for the attack of the Scarlet Witch King, it will be difficult to secure new territories. For the time being, the main focus will be on construction.

The adventurers who can fight to some extent will be sent away, but Jestiff himself will work on the construction in the Quama Realm. I don't think they'll invade the Quama Realm, though. In any case, a certain amount of demons will be managed in the Quama Demon Realm, so let's have them fortify the defense while we're at it.

That's right. The landscape will be a bit noisy, but I'll let you put up with that.

Living around demons day and night is going to be mentally tough. I'm sure Jestaff will come up with some sort of countermeasure.

After that, we went over a few details and the discussion proceeded. I was assigned to be the secretary and summarize the contents of the discussion on several pieces of parchment and distribute them to each representative.

There are things you can learn by observing from a distance. When it came to military matters, Marito and Eupharo took the lead, but it was their compatriots who facilitated the discussion.

The representatives of each country understand that they should cooperate with each other and not assert themselves. And the presence of compatriots is very helpful in lubricating the process.

My fellow countrymen also understand this and take the initiative in steering the ship. They do not rely on their skills alone, but also use their own positions. I am reminded that there is still much to be learned from my compatriots.

However, it is not limited to my own people that I can learn a lot from. There are many people whose circumstances are different from mine. What I need to do is to find out what I can learn.

My compatriots are easy to find because they are trying to make me learn. But that's not enough. That's all the growth I'll ever need to be in the hands of my people. I have to be greedy.

Well, I guess that's all we can talk about.

Yeah. Well, that's all we can talk about, right? - Yeah. We'll take it back to our respective countries and check on the progress.

So, to continue what we were saying earlier, using the boiled water from dried mushrooms...

...... Indeed, pickles are delicious. But if you ask me if this is a topic that the head of the Yugra religion or the king of a country would be interested in, I'd like to tilt my head.

But it's also surprisingly useful, I'll make a note of it. I'll make a note of it. There is no limit to the number of ways to eat vegetables well.

I'm not going to lie.

I honestly don't want to even show up at this place. It smells like animals everywhere. I don't expect demons to bathe properly, but I hope they'll take care of their visitors.

"What do you want, you bastard?

What do you want? He's sitting proudly on his throne, staring at me.

The unique class of demons around me have been on high alert since a while ago, and it's been fun to watch.

The war is about to start. Let's just say I'm here to give you a pep talk, shall we?

If you're just here to get in my way, get out.

Don't call me a distraction. You're hurting my feelings.

Well, I'm proud of you.

Oh, I like his sense of humor. It's subtle. Don't think he's serious.

If you delay too long, the small fry might jump on you because they can't stand the tension. I'll get right to the point.

"I don't know anything about combat. But I've come to make a request of you.

A request?

You've heard from Raheit about the people of Yggra, about their identity and appearance, right? If you are able to capture him during the war, will you hand him over to me without killing him?

Do you really want me to let a man who has Blue, Purple, and Gold at his beck and call go?

You can't let him do whatever he wants. The individual's strength is weaker than any of the demons under your control. The only time you can catch him is when you can kill him. All you have to do is stop me from killing it then.

Of course it'll be hard for the Scarlet Witch herself to catch him with those knights and bastards around. But once they're eliminated, they're just people.

It's obvious that those "earthlings" will be involved in the war anyway, and if we leave them alone when we lose, they'll die easily. For the sake of my black sister, I need her to keep her life.

...... I don't see the advantage of doing that.

I don't see the benefit of doing that. - Hey, hey, who are you talking to? I'm the guy who knows the world's reasoning next to Yugra. I'm the second most knowledgeable man in the world after Yugra, so there's no way I'd give you the benefit of the doubt, right?

Oops, the little fish around me are getting even more irritated. You're so low on the boiling point that you get upset just by telling the truth.

"Fine. Let's not go to the trouble of killing him. Give me a description. I'll tell my people.

That'll help.

But only the unique ones. It's no fault of mine if a lesser creature can't resist the urge and eats him.

Of course there is. You should at least discipline yourself. I'm not going to tell you that. I'm not so outrageous as to ask you to do something you can't do. This isn't Yugra, sir. Yugra is.

I'm going to project the image of Earthling into space. That should be enough for these people.

Just so you know, it has no healing magic. It'll kill you if you hurt it too badly.

Yes, sir.

Are you sure about this? I can't take hostile action against anyone except those who've violated the taboo. In other words, I can't intervene in a pinch.

Oh, no, no. There's no way I can trust these animals.

"Well, I'm not lying when I say I came to give you a pep talk. You're the only one fulfilling the role of Demon Lord now. I don't think Yugra will try to stop your invasion now. Bite down on the wish that Yugra granted you, General.

"I don't need to be told. My wish has never wavered in all these hundreds of years.

I'm sure it has. This guy's stubbornness is hard-core. After all, he's the kind of guy who wouldn't give up even if the Blue King beat him half to death in a fight. No matter how strong he is in this world, his heart won't be broken.

But his ambition is insane. Well, I'd better get home or I'll get the stench of animal in me.

Well, enjoy, Scarlet Beast. Enjoy the never-ending struggle.

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