Published at 26th of April 2023 05:42:14 AM

Chapter 72: a short story at the moment.

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"All right, we've reached the end of the line. Let's take a break.

"Oh, I'm so tired. ......

Nora is lying on the desk, limp.  

I've been working on my magic research for a while now, but it's not like I'm going to get any results.

As for the properties of the magic seal stone, we're just testing its effects and observing the results of our experiments.

As for the reproduction of the Earth's civilization, it is a repetition of explanations from us to Nora and explanations of magical knowledge from Nora to us.

We can't just say, "Hey, reproduce this kind of mechanism with magic" or "OK!

Nora has a high level of knowledge about magic, but not so much about other things. She seems to have done a lot of chores under the Great Sage, so she has some general common sense, but she also seems to be age-appropriate.

His concentration is excellent, but he genuinely lacks the energy to work for a long time.

Classes in elementary and junior high schools are 45 minutes long with a 15-minute break, but in high school, the duration increases to 50 minutes to an hour.

In contrast, there is no time limit for this research.

What I'm trying to say is that, whether you are a young girl or not, endless hours of classroom learning is exhausting both physically and mentally.

Luko and Mikus are equally exhausted, and Ilias is prostrate.

...... It's not that my teaching style makes you sleepy or anything.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

You say that, but this is pretty tough. ....... It's a mystery to me how you're able to do so much with your physical strength.

In terms of physical exertion, it's probably just sitting around, except for the stiffness.

I feel a certain amount of guilt when I think of all the pain those in jail went through.

I'm glad you're being so honest in your comparison. In this world, incarceration is rarely a punishment.

There are no prisons in this world. There are prisons in barracks and castles to hold captured bad guys, but they are more like temporary holding facilities for interrogation, like police stations.

The basic rule is that if you commit a crime, you will be confiscated from your position and private property, physically punished, and eventually executed.

Is there such a thing as imprisonment?

Many people on Earth are opposed to the death penalty because of their concern for human life. Instead, imprisonment or imprisonment is given. They are both sentences of imprisonment or imprisonment in a special facility for a certain period of time, a kind of liberty punishment in the sense that they deprive you of your freedom.

You're not punished, you just stay in jail. That's pretty sweet.

Not really, for example, imprisonment requires you to work a certain amount of time and to correct your way of life over a long period of time. If you were to say that a bandit could be imprisoned until he had the same lifestyle as a knight, you would understand how difficult it would be.

"So you're saying the punishment is to reform them. It might be hard for the bad guys.

"Imprisonment is for those who have committed a minor fault, and there's no obligation to work, just life in prison.

That's kinder, isn't it?

You know, I hate human labor, but I hate it even more when I'm not allowed to do anything. Most people who are imprisoned want to work during their sentence. Boredom can kill you.

...... Sure, a day or two, but to have that as a punishment would drive me crazy.

By the way, it's years to decades, and of course some people spend their whole lives in jail. Even a few years is a reinvention from a socially disadvantageous situation, decades is being left behind. It's an act that can cost you your life.

"But, my friend, wouldn't the size of a dedicated facility be significant for such a long incarceration?

"Yes, there are prisons on Earth. It's a synonym for a place where criminals end up.

Huh, I don't really get the idea of an institution for prisoners.

It has also become a synonym for a dystopian worldview, and is used as a backdrop for stories about the thirst for freedom.

Dramas and movies about prison escape are very popular.

By the way, let me tell you an interesting story. The length of a prison sentence, such as imprisonment, depends on the severity of the crime, but what do you think the longest prison sentence is?

Do you think it's ...... until death?

No, you can't put a limit of 'until death' on imprisonment. There is no limit to the length of time you can be imprisoned, and there is no limit to the length of time you can be imprisoned.

"Mmm, in ...... it's ...... fifty years?

The world record is 140,000 years.

What about ......?

"It's rare to see such an extreme case, but there are quite a few cases where people are imprisoned for one to ten thousand years.

No, no, no, they can't live that long. ...... That's the same as the death penalty.

In the past, there have been many indirect death sentences for those who committed serious crimes and were not eligible for the death penalty.

Some people say, "If you're going that far, why don't you give him a life sentence or a life term?

It is a very black joke that I would like to throw them in jail for many lifetimes.

It's a black joke that says, "People on Earth have a long life expectancy of over a hundred years, and the longest people live for twenty years. If you're immortal, you might be able to serve your time relatively normally.

It's kind of a ...... joke.

I've heard that medical science has advanced a lot, but there isn't that much difference in life expectancy.

It's probably the difference in magic power, imagine people with no magic power can live that long.

...... That's amazing.

It's amazing.

Both of them have experienced the body of a modern man, and they don't think that this body can live to be a hundred years old.

Well, I'm not sure if I can live that long myself.

"Hey, I'm going to get some fresh air!

"Oh, don't forget to greet everyone you meet outside.

I'll get you a drink while I'm at it.

With that, Nora and Luko left the room together.

The magic research team has only been around for a short time, and rumors have spread that someone who is a friend of Marito's is taking the lead, so no one is too upset about it.

However, if a young wizard named Nora is doing the research, it is inevitable that she will be looked at strangely.

For this reason, it is necessary to be as polite as possible in socializing with others.

It's not easy to get back to the level of Iliad, but if you're dealing with a child like Nora, you can get along reasonably well as long as you're friendly.

In this regard, the most reliable person is Luko, who has been trained in etiquette, and the maid's mannerisms are very useful.

Ilias is a man who's devoted his life to chivalry, Mixu is an adventurer who gave up her position as a princess to become an adventurer, and Nora is still a child.

I'm sure they'll have a lot of trouble, but I hope they'll do their best.

Immortality, that's a tough one.

Are you remembering the Golden Demon Lord?

"Well, he'll continue to rule as King of Garn until his true identity is discovered. There are many ways for him to reign as a human being, such as changing his appearance or claiming to be his daughter to continue the succession. Even if her true identity comes to light and she is driven out of the country, she will be able to build a new country. But if there is no end, then it will go on and on.

"...... There are those in the world who yearn for immortality. But I certainly don't envy it when I think about the way it is.

I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do that. If this life is hell, he'll be imprisoned for life without end.

If you think about it, it seems like a pretty pathetic life.

If this world is hell, then you will be imprisoned for life without end.

In the event that you've got a lot of money to spend, you'll be able to take advantage of it.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

He's on the top of the list of people I'd rather not meet.

I mean, he's from my hometown and he's a hero.

Personally, I'm grateful that you're not scared of me. ......

"I may be creeped out by your friend, but I'm not terrified of him.

The first half is unnecessary information, but what would you think if you were as versatile with magic as Ygras? I'm sure you're thinking, "Oh, he's going to create reanimation magic or some kind of contraindication too.

It's very possible that ...... you could create even more devastating abominations, given your personality. ...... You'd probably be treated even more harshly than you are now.

The Iliad will not be wrong in its assessment. He has knowledge of various other worlds, but his life is very fragile.

That's why they are easy to control, and can be killed by anyone when the time comes.

If it appears with the same specs as the heroes, you can't help but watch its movements as the second Demon Lord maker.

The human relations you have gained so far will become somewhat awkward.

If you think about it, coming to this world as a weakling is not only a bad thing.

Even if we leave aside the fact that we are looked down upon for our special skills, we can still rely on people from other worlds to be so friendly to us.

Sometimes the kindness of people almost brings tears to my eyes, but it doesn't.

By the way, Mixu, how do you feel about your contact with Luko?

I think he's really nice! It's as if she's a woman that my brother approves of. I've only ever wanted to kill women that come close to my brother, but I've never had anyone pull out their fangs like this before!

"That's a scary thing to hear. I'm sure you'll be able to understand the hardships that come with it.

But ...... is fine for standing by your brother's side, but I feel a little inadequate in the position of supporting him. I would like to see some growth in that area, but I would still like to have a few more queens.

Hmmm... I'm not sure how I feel about that, since I'm not familiar with polygamy.

I guess she feels that one person is not enough to support Marito, who has become a god in Mixu.

He's a bit of a bracero, but the scale of it is quite huge, and I'm really glad that it's not mixed with love and hate.

If Mixu was from a modern society, she would definitely be a yandere, thank you fantasy world.

So your friend must also find a second or third candidate for queen!

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm sure you're aware of that, but the fact that you've been selected as the head of the magic research is also to solidify your position.

"Yes, of course it is! I'm not sure what to make of that.

I will work from morning to morning. ...... I'll set up a pay system.

I don't want to be a dangerous place to work just for the sake of it.

But one of the reasons I can work so hard is because I enjoy working with my friends like this!

That's good, because the Iliad is already about to give up.

"Nuh-uh. ......

Iliad's main job is to guard us, but there's little point in guarding us in the safety of the castle grounds.

Iliad's main job is to guard us, but there is little point in escorting him within the safety of the castle grounds. Inevitably, he will join this magical research, but it is a very taxing job for the brainy Iliad.

He is more promising than Nora in terms of the amount of magic power he possesses, but he is not able to control the details.

Knights are such creatures.

They acquire magic to strengthen their bodies, and then train themselves to reproduce it using only magic power.

And from there, they continue to refine themselves by acquiring their own unique enhancements, similar to the work of an athlete training himself under the guidance of a professional.

In the process, you learn basic magic, but it is not a major, it is a compulsory education in elementary and middle school.

She has learned magic that is useful for survival, so it's not that she has no talent.

By the way, Nora's talent goes without saying, she has been able to use magic at will since she was a child, when her magic power was not stable.

If I had to pick a weakness at this stage, it would be her physical weakness, which will probably be on the same level as Lakra's in the future.

It is said that the maximum amount of magic power is not so great that it is different from others, but it is enough for him to be able to be as good as Ilias if he can improve it from this stage.

"Well, Ilias has a lot of research to do in the future. There's no need to force him to come along, just as long as he can do it. You're good enough.

In the first place, Ilias's efforts went without saying when a knight took part in the exchange of knowledge between Nora, an expert in magic, and a person from another world.

There's also the presence of Mixu, who is unobtrusively following him, but we mustn't forget that she's Marito's sister.

By the way, Luko is learning the outside of the game very carefully, and she understands her role very well.

It's not very nice to be praised when you can't keep up. ......

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out the best way to do this.

"I don't want to be satisfied until I've looked down on ...... others. I'm going to take your compliments in stride.

That's great.

You look great.

He's a serious and hard-headed guy, but when he's clean, he's really nice to look at.

I'll have to maintain a good relationship with the Iliad since we're going to be friends for a long time.

"By the way, my friend, what happened to the matter you mentioned to your brother this morning about wanting another guard?

Oh, now you're telling me.

Wait a minute, give me details.

Hey, wait a minute, tell me more. - Mix, let's think of a way to say this that won't provoke.

Ilias grabbed me firmly by the shoulders, it's been a while since I've felt that pain.

"...... Oh, I'm so sorry! That was certainly an unsettling comment for Lord Ratzel! No, Lord Latzell, your friend was asking about Lord Latzell's holiday.

"My holiday?

The Mixx has been relieved of its guard, and while I understand the need for a domestic escort, it would be inconvenient to leave it to the Iliad alone.

"No, it's not. I'm focusing on protecting you alone, so it's not much of a burden.

There's a noticeable change that I'm trying to deal with.

There's no such thing. Tell me if there is.

First of all, you're spending less time working out and less than half the time in the bath than when we first met.


How many times have you gone out alone since you became an escort, not since that time you went out with Sila? How many times have you turned her down?


It's refreshing to see you sacrifice so much of your time.

That's what I mean when I say that I am aware that I am being protected by the Iliad at all times.

The workload is less than that of a patrolman, but the time commitment is from morning till night.

It is not so bad if you are disappearing like Mr. Dark, but it is quite worrisome if you are always there when you look around.

I asked Marito if it would be possible to give Ilias, who does not value his personal time as such, a day off and have someone who is free take his place as a guard. He agreed, of course.

It's more like why did you ever do it?

...... You promised you wouldn't hide anything from me.

I'm not hiding anything. I'm not hiding anything.

Ilias is sometimes absent when Mixu and Marito are around, and that's when I suddenly told him.

Mixu told me that he wanted us to act as if we were both guards when he was around, and Marito told me that he didn't need any guards at that time because he had Mr. Darkness.

To put it bluntly, Marito is more excited when Ilias is not around, and is more likely to take a more relaxed attitude.

It's not that he dislikes the Iliad, but he thinks that the presence of a woman in a male-on-male interaction is a bad idea.

The Iliad is a knight, not a knight in shadows, and if he doesn't take a break or two, I'll be overwhelmed. You should have a better relationship with Wolfe and Lacla.

From Wolfe and Lacra's point of view, they are already close, but the Iliad rarely gets involved with them.

I think those two are lonely, especially Wolfe.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how to get the most out of it. I'll take it as it comes.

"That would be great, it's hard to see Saira so depressed after every rejection.

Oh, really?

It's crazy that you can't see that after such a clear depression.

Mmm, ......, maybe I'll use my days off for Sila for a while.

Let's not go to such extremes.

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