Published at 15th of December 2022 05:11:54 AM

Chapter 119

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Once upon a time

A rabbit’s ears are short

And the neck of a horse was short

And once upon a time, the snake’s body was short

On the day of the ebb and flow

He brought back many of his animal friends

The rabbit, the horse, and the snake

lined up to visit the land of the gods

The rabbit’s turn came

The god was there

The rabbit’s head and tail are hard to catch, so let’s do it again next time

The rabbit was not taken to the land of the gods

The horse’s turn came

The god was there

The horse has nowhere to hold on and it’s hard to ride, so let’s do it again next time

The horse was not taken to the land of the gods

The snake’s turn came

The god was there

The snake doesn’t have hands and feet, so it’s likely to drop it in the middle of the road, so let’s do it another time

The snake was not taken to the land of the gods

The morning of the last day of the month

The animals that had been taken to the land of the god

came with the new god

It was much warmer and easier to sleep in god’s country,

said the cat

There was lots of soft grass in god’s land and it was delicious,

said the goat

There were many water beaches in god’s land, it’s so easy to live there,

said the lizard

When the rabbit, horse, and snake heard the stories,

they were very envious

Let’s ask the gods to take us to the land of the gods this year when the waters begin to flow! Read the most updated version of this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at Novel Multiverse – “NovelMultiverse dot com”

The three of them decided to take the last round of the trip

The rabbit tried his best to make his tail as long as a cat’s so that it would be easier for the god to catch him!

The horse tried hard to grow its horns like a goat so that it would be easier for the horse to catch.

The snake tried to stretch some legs so that it could be grabbed by the god

But the rabbit’s tail was so round that he could not even pull it!

The horse tried to make a bump by hitting his head, but it did not turn into a bump!

The snake bites the scales and pulls them off, but the legs do not grow!

The worried rabbit and horse and the snake,

consult with Grandpa Owl, the leader of the animal kingdom and the number one

And when Grandpa Owl heard the story of the three animals,

he gave each of them an advice

When a rabbit does the daily washing, he should put his ears between the washing scissors and get them washed together

A horse should plant sunflower seeds and peek through the top every day

A snake should hang from a tree with a stone in its mouth

Listening to the grandfather’s advice,

the rabbit put his ears in the washing machine every day

The horse looked out over the sunflowers at the scenery beyond everyday

The snake was hanging around with the stone in its mouth every day

And what happened?

The rabbit’s ears fluttered and fluttered with the weight of his own body!

The horse’s neck grew longer and longer as it tried to peer over the sunflowers that were getting taller and taller

The snake’s body grew longer and longer as it hung on every day

When this year’s day of migration came,

the rabbit’s ears were caught by the god

The god was pleased that it was easy to grasp

The horse put the god on his back

and the god was delighted to be able to hold on to the neck.

The snake was tightly entwined in the god’s arm

The god was happy that he did not have to worry about dropping the snake

The rabbit, the horse, and the snake are finally ready,

they finally were able to go to god’s land

In this way the ears of the rabbit became long,

The neck of the horse became long,

and the body of the snake became long.

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