Kismet’s Tale - Chapter 80

Published at 27th of February 2022 09:18:00 PM

Chapter 80

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      Mavin blinked. He raised his upper body, eyes on this gray world where he was lying on a spot where ripples gathered. Gathering himself up, he looked at his body and felt normal.

He hadn’t felt normal for a long time, Mavin thought. Ever since taking in the boons inside his body, there was always a perpetual ache in him that forced his mind to be unreasonably calm. His body had become sturdy and strong that this feeling of losing those feeling were alarming to him.

Mavin looked around him. There was only one that caught his eyes in this lonely lake-world where he stood. With that in mind, he had decided to go to where this ‘person’ was standing. Each step he made ripples on the lake-like path.

The closer Mavin got to this person who sat cross-legged in the middle of the lake. The more he ‘feared’ something was going to happen. The pain was rather deep and seething that it made him wonder if this was what it felt like when staring at a volcano that was going to explode as he came closer to the man.

The man in question has white hair. He was wearing a travel-weary garb. Mavin was about to call out when the man’s eyes opened. There was something eternal about the eyes of this man. His eyes resembled that of a hawk. The man regarded Mavin with deep seething hatred that Mavin wondered if this man would attack. He took a stance, and narrowed his eyes. Seeing that Mavin did not attack or speak, the man’s hawk-like eyes calmed, the emotion that seethed out of his eyes, returning to a still.

The man unclenched his scarred hands, revealing only seven fingers. The last three fingers of this man were made of obsidian. “It seemed like someone had been using my iron for their own benefit,” he spoke slowly. “To have this connection means that there is someone who is turning into a,” the man inspected Mavin with curiosity.

His eyes bore at him. Mavin had looked into the eyes of this man and there was a sense of fear that made him immobilize. Behind the man there were millions, no, there were far too many eyes staring at him. It was the same as looking at the starry skies, but instead of stars there were eyes looking at him.

Mavin had seen the terror of war. He had run through shelling and even faced death so many times in the field that none of it could make him immobilize in fear. But faced with this deathly glare,  he could only shudder, begging that this being would let him go.

“I see...two memories. How long has it been? Someone who resembles the naturale?” the man’s voice became soft and longing. The eyes that stared at him vanished. The lake was then covered with the blue skies.

“To pull the a sight it was...I wonder why you’ve been connected to are going to face a Perhaps the last, the outer shell...who is it? Her perhaps? Yes...maybe...far too long.”

“What are you saying?” Mavin said.

The man looked at the blue skies, he stood up and with a gesture of his hand, as if pulling on strings, created a seat made of wood before him. He threw his hand to where Mavin was and a seat appeared before him as well. 

“Take a seat,” he pointed. “Or do you prefer to stand?”

“No,” Mavin walked around and sat down. He leaned his arms on his lap. “Where am I?”

“Nothing more than a dream...a strange connection...a momentary place where our kismet had collided. It shouldn’t take ten years before you are out of this place.”

“T-ten years!?”

“Yes, it seemed that your body and soul had received quite the damage. Your soul is flickering and your body barely holds on. What have you done?”

“I...had been using boons to enhance my body.  I’m preparing for whatever evil comes out of’s a mountain peak where this one might come out.”

“You would reveal it so casually to me?” the man laughed. “I might have been this evil that you are guarding against.”

“I know what that evil might look like. I’m confident that you are not that evil. So is this an illusion? How can I break out? I don’t think spending ten years here will be interesting.”

“Who knows? Besides, your soul is flickering, friend, and this closed-off world of yours...hmm...were you the one who did this?”

“Did what?”

“Shut the very energy that flows into this world?”

“I am.”

“I see. You have made a mistake then.”


“Your will continue to be the way it is.  That is sealed, can be opened, and there is no meaning to this cage other than isolating your world to the rest of the world…”

Mavin stared at him for a long time. “I don’t want to hear it for some reason.”

“What’s there to not hear about it? If you have memories of that of another person, then isn’t it reasonable to think that as there are many planets, that there are many worlds? Not that you’d ever see any of that world. This is nothing more than a closed-off world. Many could enter but there shall be none that could get out.”

“What are you then?”

“A traveler...nothing more than that.”

Mavin didn’t ask further. He felt like the man before him was not telling the truth.

“Then how are you able to enter?”

“I’m merely a presence...yes...a remnant....a droplet of consciousness that has strayed. I had fought here somewhere and left my iron while I fought. Such a presence has been destroyed, but I remain here...left as a remnant of my battle. I will soon pass...not long….return to my old self.”

There was a melancholy around the man. Mavin didn’t understand what he was feeling nor would he dare. But he felt like this man was hoping to converse with someone other than himself.

“Still...why am I here? Did I pass away?”

“No, you are merely unconscious. Your mind, body, and soul has merely been disconnected for a moment. It will take ten years but only 2 weeks in your world. You are unfortunate to meet me...but considering that you have attuned with my iron then you should be glad that I had not invaded yours.”


“To steal yours and reform myself into you. Yes, yours would be convenient no? I sense that your body is quite sturdy, it would make a fine vessel. I might have done it if this wasn’t such a closed-off unfortunate, really.”

Mavin swallowed. The man stared at Mavin with this dull stare before giving a teasing smile. “Calm yourself, I do not intend to steal yours. Be thankful that you have met me and not any wanderers that are eager to return to the living.”

“You do not need a body?”

“Why would I?” he said. “When  in fact I could conjure my own body if I had more power?  Unfortunately, I have no power at the moment. I can only speak before I pass on, and when this connection is over...I shall return...perhaps I would wander the void no?”

“That’s...seems to be a bleak ending for you.”

“For you...yes, to me it's nothing more than another end. Perhaps, in a way we are not so different. You chased after this ‘evil’ and hoped that your body could take the toll. This ‘boon’ of yours will certainly not be good for your state. If I had been in a somewhat good state...I might have ended this threat for you and helped someone who possess terran memories.”

“How unfortunate.”

“Isn’t it?” the man shook his head. “Nonetheless, it is a problem that yours would have to face...and readily as well.”

Mavin leaned back on his chair. He looked at the calm blue skies. He wondered why he was truly here, meeting this man.  Was he going to be stuck here for ten years, Mavin thought.

“Staring at these artificial skies will do you no good,” the man insisted. “It’s time for a quick scenery, no?”

The world changed suddenly. It was a cabin next to a river floating down. Mavin stood next to the river bank, he stared at awe at this world where a grand tower pierces the skies. “What is this?”

“A memory of a place where I had stayed. The only place where I feel calm.  Or did you prefer the empty world where there is only a sky and lake?”

“What is that?” Mavin pointed at the pole-like trees.

“That is a bamboo...have you not seen it?”

“Maybe there’s something like that...hmm...a tree that bends,” he traveled his gaze behind the bamboo trees. “Those are not wheat aren't they?”

“Rice, they are called. Are you interested in them?”

“I am. Ten years....can you change these things willingly?”

“Maybe...but are you not willing to train instead? I may not look like it, but I have been quite a hunter myself...and I have met almost every creature there is to face. We do not have a physical body so there is no toll when we do. Your soul will remember it, but I recommend that you go through this. Your soul needs tempering, and you would need such skills if you dare to test your mettle against this evil. Or are you confident that you can take this evil without any form of fighting?”

“I don’t know,” Mavin thought about it. “I don’t feel superhuman...and none of my strength is here.”

“Is that your problem? Do not worry, my skills...are closely related to overcoming gaps. How about I give you a demonstration?” he said with his hand held out.

It was then that the man suddenly turned into a ten foot giant clad in obsidian armor. Before Mavin could react, he saw the man extend black tendril-like spears that threatened his body.

Mavin rolled back, and tumbled to avoid the spears, only for one to piece him right in the neck. Mavin gagged and the pain that he felt made him tear up and panic. Before long the world before him vanished.


Mavin blinked. He found himself lying on the grass. He touched his neck and saw that the wound was not around.

“You just died, friend.”

“W-what the hell was what?” Mavin looked at the man warily.

“I had tested you...and you badly. Were you trying to face this ‘evil’ with only this much? Then again, your world is rather inferior when it comes to battling monsters like me. Hmm...your soul is not tested. I had planned to make you see through the worlds that I have seen...but’s important that you learned how to face this evil,” he regarded Mavin as if he was a half-nuisance. He acted like he was looking at a poor student who needed to work harder.

“Ten years should be enough to prepare you.”

“You’re kidding me.”

“What is there to do here? Don’t worry...I shall have you molded properly.”

Despair momentarily took hold of Mavin’s heart.

Then it began.

The slaughter.

The constant defeat and death.

The man would constantly take him into the path of battle. Leading him to constantly avoid everything that this man had to offer.

Mavin thought for a moment that the man was looking at him as if seeing something annoying on him. As if he was looking at a reflection that he hated to see. It reminded him of something that he wanted to get rid off.

Mavin began to doubt whether this was a nightmare or hell.

Days become weeks.

Weeks become months.

Months became years.

Each 'death' caused him to revive slowly.

Although he somewhat landed scratch on this traveler. There was no victory that Mavin had achieved.

The scratch was merely a fluke.

A shot in the dark that managed to land.

“You did well...for a mortal.”

“Did well? You’ve spent years killing me!”

“You sound fine.”

Mavin glared hatefully at this man. Then he calmed himself down and eyed him with wariness, surely the result of the years that had passed. Mavin didn’t know what to feel other than time indeed passed.

“Your soul has been tempered, you should at least be able to hold on. “

“Did you do this so that time passed? You put me into a death trance?”

“Didn’t you want to get out? I couldn’t do it forcibly, but at least I can make it so that you think that it passed by putting you to sleep. A momentary death, and the fastest way to quicken time.”

Mavin snorted. “I’m not forgiving you for this.”

“I didn’t ask for your forgiveness. It’s not like I need it.”

His body started to fade. A part of him was starting to become like dots of faded gray light. He raised his hand and widened his eyes. “Ah, it seemed like this was a bad idea after all.”

“What is happening?”

“My time had passed,” he nodded slowly. “Good luck on your mission, friend.

“Wait,” Mavin stopped him from speaking. “Your name...tell me. You’ve not mentioned it at all!”

“That’s what you wanted to know? I thought you had no interest in it? Besides,” the man’s body started to scatter like fireflies, “why would you need the name of a dead man?”

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