Lantern Against the Wind - Chapter 101

Published at 25th of July 2022 05:40:33 AM

Chapter 101

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With her hands on her stomach, Elena whispered into the candlelight that was swaying in the wind. “You say it first. Tell me what I want to hear.” He was the wind, and she was the swaying light. She wasn’t sure if the light that had already been extinguished by the wind should be lit up again.

“You’ll have to say it. I can’t do it anymore. I love you, but I don’t want to be hurt anymore.”

Tears continued to wet her face.

* * *

At dawn, Madel woke up with a stretch and quickly rose from the hall floor. Knowing that Gareth and Giggs were leaving this morning, she wanted to prepare a hearty breakfast for them before they began their journey. Without even washing her face, Madel entered the kitchen, then stopped right at the entrance. The kitchen was already full of warmth; the delicious aroma of soup boiling in the pot as well as bread baking in the oven filled her olfactory senses.

“Madam!” Madel exclaimed out of joy. However, Elena beckoned Madel without even looking back.

“Madam…” Madel trailed off, unable to say anything else. She was simply glad to see Elena again. Tears welled up in her eyes from the overwhelming gratefulness she felt from Elena coming back despite what had happened.

“Ask Lord Gareth to come into the kitchen once he wakes up, and tell Giggs to come down later.”

“Yes, Madam.”

Elena smiled faintly as she watched Madel bow and turn around. She had learned why the people in this estate were so obsessed with rumors and became hung up on what they saw; it was because this place was isolated from other estates. Gareth only visited them once a year, and the people stayed together as a group, waiting for their lord. It was a good thing in a sense, but like anything, there were bad aspects as well. Everything was bound to rot if welled up in one place for too long. This was the case for Gareth’s people as well.

Gareth was like the wind to these people; a wind that blew pass once in a while before disappearing. Elena realized that these people had subconsciously closed themselves off from the outside world since Gareth didn’t protect them. The people had been—in a way—anxiously waiting for some existence to keep Gareth rooted to this estate. Lydia had noticed this desire and used it to her advantage, making the people carry out her plan. Realizing this, Elena couldn’t simply blame the people. She decided that unless Gareth started acting like a true lord of this estate, then nothing was going to change.

Elena continued to stir the boiling pot with a ladle, deep in thought. At that moment, she heard Gareth’s rough voice from the hall.

“Where’s Elena?” the man was asking around. Before Elena could even think about why he was desperately looking for her, Gareth came into the kitchen, approached her in one step, and hugged her tightly. He was so close to her that she could feel his irregularly pounding heart.

“Dear me. I just thought you might have…” Without saying any more, Gareth tightened his arms around Elena as he breathed heavily. His heart sank when he woke up and realized that he was alone in bed, since the woman hadn’t gone anywhere on her own after the incident in the blizzard. But to his surprise, the person who hadn’t budged an inch for the past few days, unless forced to, had disappeared from his side. Gareth had hurriedly threw on his clothes and rushed down the hall to search for her. In his hurry, he had run into Madel while running down the stairs, but proceeded to the warm kitchen before she could say anything. Gareth felt as if he might have gone crazy if she wasn’t there. If she wasn’t there…

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