Leveling God - Chapter 11

Published at 10th of July 2019 10:19:49 PM

Chapter 11

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William left the Hunter's guild after he passed the assessment.

He held the Hunter's Guild card in his hand, this is his hunter's ID. He's officially a hunter at rank E. Hunter's are classified from rank A to E, the strongest are A and the newbie are E.

There are special hunter who are above the rank A and those are rank S, SS, and SSS hunter. Those hunter that have S in their rank are legend they're extremely powerful existence that guard the Hunter's Main Guild. That's why no one dared to mess with the Hunter's guild. There was once a kingdom in the past who tried to control the Hunter's guild, but that said kingdom burn down in a single day all members of the royal family died even those old ancestor that guarded that kingdom died.

There are twelve rank S, six rank SS, and three rank SSS currently in the main guild. In the past William was only rank A hunter, it's not that those hunter were powerful than him, he just don't want to be bound in the Hunter's Guild.

William arrived at his home. He entered the door and heard his sister.

"Brother, welcome"

"I'm home" William replied.

"Brother I heard some rumors that a girl bothering you" Claire asked William as her face got closer to him.

"Oh? That's Alice" William replied as he take a few step backwards.

"So her name is Alice" Claire put her finger in her chin and said.

"Brother you need to tell me everything" after Claire said that she dragged William in his room.


William went to school late this time. Yesterday his sister Claire interrogate him all night about Alice.

William arrived at the classroom and found that there's no students here.

"Where are my classmate?" William said to himself. He spread his mana and scanned the whole room.

"It's seems they're not pranking me" William said.

Suddenly the door slam open. James entered the room and when he saw William his expression brigthen.

"Ahhh!! William quick come with me" James said to William.

"What's happening? Atleast tell me" William asked in suspicious.

"I'll tell you on the way" James dragged William.

"Tell me?" William said while they were running.

"Alice is fighting a third year ranker" James replied to him.

"What?" William was shocked. Based on his understanding towards Alice, he know she wouldn't fight a battle she couldn't win.

"She thought you're absent today and couldn't keep your word. She became restless and angry at the same time, when some people challenge her to a duel she decline, she said she have an scheduled duel with you" James narrated the event that happened.

"And then?" William asked as started to guess what happened next.

"Those people provoked her and finally Alice accepted their challenge. I tried to stop her but she's so stubborn." James sighed at Alice stubbornness.

"Alice successfully beaten those bastard but their boss arrived and he is a third year ranker at rank 21. Their boss challenged Alice and she accepted." James said bitterly. He too knows that he was too weak to challenge their boss to a duel. The gap between him and the third year was too large. Even Alice a rank 12 on the first year is no match to a third year ranker, the majority of third is level 30 and up.

"Oh?" A glint of light flash in William's eyes.

William and James arrived at the scene. William saw Alice state, her body was full of injuries and she could barely stand.

William vanished in his place and appear in front of Alice. He held her in his arm's.

"What!? William!!" Alice voice was coarse. She was shocked by the sudden appearance of William. She was dumbfounded when William held her in his arm's, she tried to struggle but she didn't have the strength to do so.

He looked at the man who made Alice like this. He is a huge man about seven feet and his body is bulky, broad muscle could be seen through his uniform, he's hair is very short and have a thick brows.

William coldly looked at the man in front of him.

"Brat did you know that in the middle of the duel no one could interfere or else they will receive the punishment of the disciplinary committee." The man paused for a while before he continue, "Unless she give up you can take her away but she clearly haven't given up or loose consciousness."

"Oh? Is that so?" William replied coldly.

He turned his head to Alice who was in his arm's and said two word's, "Give up"

Alice was shaken by William's tone, she felt William wasn't asking her to give up instead she felt like he was ordering her.

"I.. I give.. up" Alice tried her best to speak those words.

He walked over to James. He patted Alice back before he said, "Leave it to me"

The bulky man just watched. After he saw William turned his head to him he asked, "Are you finished?"

William ignore him and he started to checked the device in his wrist. This device was given to every student of Hebrei Academy, it have the information about the academy and the student's ranking. He saw the information of the man in front of him.

Name: Jack Rilie

Rank: 21(third year)

Overall rank: 452

Win: 67

Lose: 51


William saw the big word challenge and pressed it.

Jack received a message in his device. He saw that the brat in front of him dared to challenge him to a duel this made him furious.

He accept the challenge and immediately shot a powerful punch. An image of a four meter giant bear appeared behind him, it's aura was terrifying. The giant bear slap it's palm to William. A large amount of mana burst fort from Jack as he shot a punch.

William swept out his mana and scanned Jack. Jack's level was 45 and currently William was level 18.

Alice and James looked worriedly at William even at their place they could feel that Jack's aura was powerful that it made their scalp numb. Then how about William was directly facing that powerful aura and skill.



Jack roared as an incomparable dreadful aura burst fort from him and smashed down at William.

A shockwave swept across in all direction. This power was simply too terrifying, he deserve to be rank 21 in the third year.

When Alice and James saw this, their face immediately turned deathly pale, that force even if William was strong he could only fight a second year but this man was a third year and he was also a ranker.

The onlookers were also shocked by Jack's powerful attack. They felt pity at William even at this distance they could felt that attack was extremely powerful. They could only imagine how would he become after he was hit by that attack.

Soon, the smoke dissipated. A figure appeared shocking everyone and his cold indifferent voice echoed in the surroundings.

"Is this all you've got?"

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