Published at 14th of April 2022 09:56:27 AM

Chapter 72

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The Keeper

'The clear blue sky was starting to get darker in shades. The sun was setting

while the moon was slowly rising up.'

'A lone figure was standing in the rows of broken shells.'

'She was only two feet tall

clearly a newborn child

standing naked as her short white hair ruffled by the cold wind. But the child

with a particular blood for an Avian race

did not feel cold at all. For her

and for the rest of her race

this breeze was humid and the strong winds just brought them a tickling sensation in their skin.'


who was left alone in the valley

stared at the horizon. She was cursing inside.'


''Are my parents late? Are they some kind of rich novice who forgot their kid because they were so busy with other responsibilities?''

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