Published at 14th of April 2022 09:56:27 AM

Chapter 94

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The Empty Valley

'With her wings

it only took her half a day to arrive in the valley they stayed in.'

'Liam had various fruits in her arms. She did not bother to change her clothes or made a garment out of leaves since she was sure that Al would make one for her.'

'But when she arrived at the valley

she was stunned to see none of the little one's shadows.'

'This made her heart skipped a bit.'

'But she still calmly surveyed her surroundings.'

'The mattress that Little Al made were left under the shades.'

'Liam walked towards the river. The little ones always played at the shore. But there was nothing as well. Even their footprints was nowhere to be seen.'

'Liam could not see any signs that the little ones abandoned the valley. It looked like they disappeared.'

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