Published at 16th of November 2021 07:41:18 AM

Chapter 893: 893

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Chapter 893 Tang Wanru Is Unwell

"It won’t take long to throw a ‘trash’ at random." The person on the other end of the phone followed her voice, lazily and quite lazy: "Wait for me, I’ll come in to find you."

Qiao Nian raised his eyelids, looked in the direction of Grandpa Jiang, and said in a low voice: "I'll go over and say hello to Grandpa and the others, you can come here directly to find me."

She has all come in, there is no reason why she can talk to Mr. Jiang and the others.

"Well, okay." Ye Wangchuan's tone was soothing and smiling, sultry: "I see, I'll look for you."

Qiao Nian was inexplicably irritated by him, hung up the phone, pressed the brim of his hat again, and walked in the direction of Jiang Zongnan and the others...


At the same time, there is also a person walking over there.

Slightly faster than her.

The man looks very young, about twenty-seven or eighteen years old. He is very tall. He wears only black all over his body. His skin looks very white. His appearance is clean and unremarkable, but he gives people a mysterious aura that makes people pay attention. At the moment he couldn't move his eyes.

He and Wei Lou came in front and back. Most people only noticed Wei Lou, but not him.

He didn't care about this either. After coming in, he found a corner and stood there for a while, seeming to be making a call. After the call was finished, he saw that there was no one in Old Man Jiang and walked over slowly with a bag.

"Wanru? Why haven't I seen her since just now?" Old man Jiang was still talking to Jiang Zongnan.

Speaking of Tang Wanru, Jiang Zongnan’s expression was a little bit embarrassed, and he said calmly: "She is not feeling well, she went outside to rest, and come in later. Dad, are you looking for her? Then I'll call her in."

None of them expected Qiao Nian's entrance banquet to have so many people.

Tang Wanru, as one of the hosts, should be here to greet the guests with him, but she ran away early.

Jiang Zongnan knew why Tang Wanru was ‘unwell,’ but he couldn’t tell him clearly.

He could have guessed the reason, how could Grandpa Jiang couldn't guess. Jiang Weishang lowered his eyelids slightly, put his hand on the armrest of the wheelchair, and called to stop him: "Forget it, if she is not feeling well, let her rest. Anyway, the one who should be here It’s all here, and I don’t need her to greet her. Let’s come in after she’s rested. She is thinking about the college entrance banquet. She always wants to have a meal."

"Well, I'll send a message to her later." Jiang Zongnan's face was hot, but he could only talk dryly.

While talking, he saw the man walking over from the corner of his eye, and suddenly remembered what he had forgotten to say before: "Dad, Ji Nan is here."

"Jinan?" The old man Jiang was originally thinking about why Qiao Nian hadn't come. He was taken aback when he heard the name he mentioned, and his reaction was quite big: "Why would he come?"

"I don't know." Jiang Zongnan shook his head, looked at the young man who came by, and said in a low voice: "I just wanted to tell you about this, but I forgot to tell you when I encountered an interruption later."

"People have come here, what should we do?"

Jinan is really mysterious in Beijing. He rarely interacts with people in the circle. Those guests who came today, although some of them are unfamiliar, at least look up and see, see you down.

But Ji Nan, he really hasn’t come into contact with him.

I only know that Ji Nan is young and famous. Among the younger generation in Beijing, he has extraordinary ability. Buffett in the stock market is not for nothing. How many people want to win this person and can't even see each other. He doesn't understand Ji Nan at all. How can I be here today.

(End of this chapter)

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