Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:42:07 PM

Chapter 1596: 1596

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Chapter 1596 She may have to go back to the city

"But in case..."

The man with a rough voice continued: "Don't beep, let's perform the mission. The plane crashes in one minute and twenty seconds. Get ready, let's parachute."


Qiao Nian heard the messy electric sound again, and never heard the voices of the two people again.

She is propping her chin, ready to take out the black box and listen again.

Just then, the last minute.

She heard a string of clear Morse codes.

Qiao Nian moved his hand for a while, narrowed his eyes, and immediately found a pen and paper to write down what he heard.

The water-based pen writes a series of letter codes on white paper.

The black box has finished playing the last second.

Qiao Nian also just wrote down the last letter. She stopped writing, picked up what she had written on the paper, and looked intently.

The letters of the Morse code require a specific decryption equation.

Unfortunately, she is best at playing these numerical equations.

Especially the permutation and combination of numbers and letters.

Qiao Nian almost memorized it by heart.

She didn’t need to go online to find out the meaning of this series of Morse codes. After reading ten lines at a glance, she had translated them.

——‘I put my things in the library of Luohe County around the city, in the cabinet 2203, the code is 0806. ’

After Joe finished reading this series of Morse codes, it was almost certain that this series of codes was left by her mother.

The two people before were quite stupid, and they all could hear their IQs not high.

They will never have a Morse code of this difficulty, let alone a way to leave information with a Morse code.

Luohe Library, 2203 cabinet?

Qiao Nian pondered for a moment, first turned off Bo Zheng’s playback device, and then took the black box out of it and put it back in his shoulder bag.

Then picked up the phone, flipped through the recordings she had recorded, and saved the recordings first.

After saving the recording, Qiao Nian crumpled the paper she had used to record the Morse code and threw it into the trash can, then zipped up the zipper of the shoulder bag, took the phone, and went out from the storage room.


The old butler had already made tea, brought it out, and put it on the coffee table in the living room.

Bo Zheng saw her come out, raised his eyebrows, and said very gently: "How about Miss Qiao, can that equipment work?"

Qiao Nian walked over, her voice clear and dull: "It works."

"It's fine." Bo Zheng stretched out his eyebrows, waved at her, and gently invited her: "Your tea is ready, stay and have a meal together at noon. Do you have anything you want to eat, I Let the butler go out and buy."

He said so.

The old housekeeper of the Bo family raised his head again, revealing the painful and complicated expression again, which was very difficult to say.

It’s a good thing for the young master to find someone he likes, but...this age is really a bit...he still doesn't think it's right.

But he dare not say.

Qiao Nian noticed the butler’s complicated and entangled reaction. He put his hand in his pocket and declined: "No, my friend is still waiting for me outside."

She paused, raised her eyes again, and spoke politely: "Team Bo, I will invite you to dinner another day."

"Your friend?" Bo Zheng was stunned. He reacted and laughed. He smiled quite a bit, "I think it's your boyfriend, right? Ye Shao is outside?"

Qiao Nian did not say a word, very dry, raised his hand and pulled off his hat, and coughed: "Ah. Hmm."

Bo Zheng had noticed it a long time ago, and when she confessed readily and didn't go around with herself, he laughed and let go: "Okay, then you should be busy. But we have agreed, this time this is even you Last time I checked the favor of Eagle Eye. I didn't thank you for the incident in Shuangjiang City. When you have time another day, I will invite you to dinner with Luo Ming."

(End of this chapter)

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