Published at 18th of August 2021 12:09:26 PM

Chapter 1750: 1750

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Chapter 1750 Sorry, you can't go in

Qiao Nian's dark eyes scanned the email from Zhong Xian, his eyes darkened, and he didn't say anything, and closed the email.

Then she dragged away the chair and looked at it online.

The enthusiasm about Jiang Xianrou on Weibo is still fermenting. It was a big thing, but because too many people participated, it increased the enthusiasm.

There are several hot searches on the hot search list beside   .

Qiao Nian narrowed her eyes, not very interested to read the follow-up Aite’s comments and private messages. She took a look at the public opinion on Weibo and went offline.

It happened that Ye Wangchuan made a WeChat video from Independence Island at this time.

Qiao Nian stared at someone's portrait that popped up on his phone, reached out his hand and pressed his temple, his eyes were dry, he picked up the earphone on the table and put it in the cochlea, put the phone in place, and took the video.


the other side.

At the entrance of   Rhine District, a uniformed doorman was reaching out to stop people, and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, you can't go in if you are not the owner."

Jiang Xianrouchun ran over on an impulse. At the moment, she was standing at the gate of the community, watching the vehicles and people entering and exiting the community, her face was hot and embarrassing.

She clenched the bag in her hand, took a deep breath, looked at the doorman who stopped her, and said with a good temper: "I am a relative living in it, I will come and look for her."

The guard just let a vehicle with a Beijing license pass. He turned around and took a quick look at her. It seemed that she didn't believe that she had relatives living in the Rhine.

Rhine is not an ordinary place after all.

No ordinary people can live here in Beijing.

However, Jiang Xianrou looks glamorous, unlike the kind of people who want to take the opportunity to get in.

After the doorman looked at her, he withdrew his gaze, still stern, and said sternly: "Then you call your relative and ask her to come out to pick you up or ask her to call the doorman's office, and I will let you go. Go in, otherwise you still can't go in."

Jiang family in Beijing is somehow a family with a good face.

Jiang Xianrou, as one of the most beautiful girls in Beijing, has never experienced this kind of bird air.

But she knows exactly where the Rhine is.

Although Jiang’s family has a reputation and status in Beijing, it is not impressive in places like the Rhine.

Although her whole body blood rushed to the brain, she was so angry that she couldn't wait to ask Qiao Nian to ask her questions, and she didn't dare to break in.

The door guard ignored her after he told her to call her relatives out.

Jiang Xian softly lowered his face, walked to the side to open the bag, took out his mobile phone from the inside, turned to Qiao Nian’s phone number, and dialed it out.

The result is obvious.

She had been blacked out by Qiao Nian a long time ago.

Her phone can't get through at all.

Jiang Xianrou's temples were bulging, she took a deep breath, walked to the guard, and asked the guard to borrow her mobile phone: "Sorry, my mobile phone is out of service. Can you borrow your mobile phone? I asked her to come and pick me up. "

The guard saw her with famous brands all over her body. He didn't expect that her mobile phone would be shut down for arrears. He looked at her up and down and said, "You wait for me."

Jiang Xianrou was eager to find a seam to get in when he looked up and down with a surprised look, but she could only stand upright, with a numb face, pretending not to see the contempt in the guard's eyes.

Fortunately, the guard went to get the phone and handed her a black old-fashioned phone: "Oh, you call it quickly, and after you finish the call, let your relatives come down to pick you up."

(End of this chapter)

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