Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:33:02 PM

Chapter 1961: 1961

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  Chapter 1961 Paranoid, you seem to be prying the corner

  Across the road, a black Buick was quietly parked under a large leafy tree.

  In the car.

  Qin Si put his hands on the steering wheel, and accidentally watched the excitement: "Master, that kid prying the corner. I think he also stuffed Sister Joe with something. When Sister Joe comes back, would you like to ask?"

  Ye Wangchuan sat in the co-pilot, rolled down the car window, and saw the girl walking across the road. She looked calm and relaxed, as if she didn’t worry: “Don’t ask.”

  "Hey." Qin Si glanced at him, wondering if he was too confident or too trusting in Qiao Nian, and was about to say that Qiao Nian had also accepted the ‘gift’ from the other party.

  Ye Wangchuan said faintly: "A woman who has been seen by a lion will not fall in love with a wild dog."

   "..." Qin Si was stunned for a second before realizing what he meant.

  He was stuffed with dog food inexplicably, and he just wanted to ridicule that the guy looks good, and he belongs to the First Research Institute, how can he be a ‘wild dog’.

  But before Qin Si could speak, the rear door was pulled open from the outside.

  Then the girl who was on the other side of the road just got in the car.

  "What are you talking about?" Qiao Nianshun pulled up the car door, and casually opened the car windows to let in the fresh air outside.

   "It's nothing, just a few words."

  Ye Wangchuan handed over the fresh orange juice that he had bought a long time ago, and changed the subject: "How did the group test result today?"

   "By the way, I almost forgot." Qin Si also took the conversation next to him and turned to look at her: "Sister Qiao, how did you get on the group exam today?"

  Qiao Nian took the water from his hand, inserted the straw in, took a sip, relaxed his shoulders, slumped in position, half-squinted his eyes, a little lazy and casual: "First."

   "Good luck, just A+."

  The last sentence she added was specifically to answer Qin Si’s question about the test results.

  She said that she was foolish, as if she took an A+ just for good luck.

  But Qin Si believed in a ghost, looked at her, and was already convinced: "Don't tell me, the highest score in the group test of the First Institute is just A+..."

  He doesn’t know if there are any better grades than A, such as S.

   Ke Qiao Nian only got an A+, he is more inclined to believe that the first research institute group assessment does not have an S score, and the highest is the A category.

  At this time, Qiao Nian's phone just vibrated.

  She thought it was Xue Zhu and they were looking for her, but did not answer Qin Si, took out the phone and looked down.

Fortunately, Ye Wangchuan answered his question very thoughtfully: "The highest score in the group test of the First Institute is A. If I remember correctly, no one has scored an A or higher in the group test so far. This time it should be the first group A+ of the First Research Institute."

Qin Si was completely speechless. He looked at Qiao Nian who was sitting behind playing on the phone, and couldn't help muttering: "She broke the record in the first round of the assessment of the institute, and broke the record in the second round. It was the first time that she entered the institute. The group test also broke the record... How do I think that sister Qiao entered the First Research Institute to break the record!"

  Qiao read this result is outrageous!

  Everyone has one nose and two eyes. Why do people’s heads work so well? Why doesn't he have such a useful head.

  While Qin Si was still angered and depressed, Ye Wangchuan knocked on the steering wheel and reminded him: "Don't stop here, go back first."

  (End of this chapter)

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