Published at 16th of February 2022 09:43:05 AM

Chapter 2533: Help me tell my grandpa, I'm going home later

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   Chapter 2533 Help me tell my grandpa, I'm going home later

   The seven or eight people sitting at the small round table drinking coffee suddenly quieted down, and instinctively looked at him and Yu Xinlan, thinking they knew each other.

   Someone else asked directly: "Xinlan, your friend?"

   Yu Xinlan seemed to be strangled by the neck, her throat was dry, unable to say a word: "…"

   She didn't expect that the other party was really coming at her!

   Her face was surprisingly ugly, her eyes flickered, and there was a ghost in her heart: "You recognized the wrong person."

"Oh?" Ji Lin didn't get angry either, and looked her up and down, still smiling, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, his tone was a faint threat: "Miss Yu, my master wants to see you, but I don't know if you are willing to. Not willing to reward the light?"

   Yu Xinlan clenched her fingertips, her fair face turned slightly blue, just about to refuse: "I'm going to play ball with my friends later, another day..."

"Miss Yu, I see that your friends are all here, so please go. If you don't want to, I can only use my own method to 'please' you to move." Ji Lin interrupted her. Very welcome.

  Yu Xinlan saw that the man in front of her was not joking, took a deep breath, quickly weighed the pros and cons, and gritted her teeth: "Where is the person you are talking about?"

   Ji Lin made a gesture of invitation and said to her, "It's in this hotel."

  Yu Xinlan calmed down, picked up her bag, turned around and said to a few of her friends, "Tell me to my grandfather and say that I might be going back later today."

   Several of her friends are not fools. In just a few minutes, she has seen the turbulent undercurrent between the two, and she can also see that Yu Xinlan and Ji Lin are obviously not friends.

  Someone bit the bullet and nodded: "Don't worry."

  Yu Xinlan thought of the Yu family and the hidden family behind her, and became calmer, and said to Ji Lin, "Let's go."

   Ji Lin didn't take Yu Xinlan's small act of asking someone to tip off, so he didn't mean to stop her.

   He watched Yu Xinlan calm down quickly, and even seemed a little fearless, so he twitched the corners of his mouth in a sarcastic arc.

   Ji Lin didn't say a word of nonsense, and led the way directly ahead. .


   In the suite on the top floor of the hotel, just as Yu Xinlan followed Ji Lin in, a strong smell of blood rushed to her face.

   Her heart skipped a beat.

   heard the man who brought her here respectfully say: "Master, I brought someone here for you."


   A cold and quiet voice sounded young and very pleasant to the ear.

   Yu Xinlan was one step behind Ji Lin, so she took a step to see the tragic situation in the living room of the suite.

I saw that the two killers who had just been dragged in had fallen to the ground like a mass of mud, their bodies were covered in blood, and in the living room, in addition to the people she saw under the hotel, there was a man who was wearing a white handkerchief. Wipe the blood on your hands.

   At first glance, she saw a string of bright red Buddha beads on the man's wrist. The Buddha beads were wrapped around his wrist three times, setting off his vigorous and white wrist, which was very eye-catching.

   She followed the man's hand and looked up, and saw an oriental face that was even more stunning than what she saw just now.

   The other party looked no more than twenty-five or sixteen years old, with black hair, very white skin, a pair of beautiful eyes that seemed like a deep night, thick as inkstone, thin lips, and extremely deep and three-dimensional contours, no worse than Westerners.

   Yu Xinlan was stunned for a moment, and she forgot to look away for a long time.

   Ye Wangchuan threw the blood-wiped handkerchief to Ji Lin and sat on the sofa: "Yu Xinlan?"

   (end of this chapter)

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