Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:28:37 AM

Chapter 3486: If you really don't care, you won't meddle in these nosy things

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  As soon as the email came out today, she also heard the gossip about Qiao Nian in the First Research Institute.

  She is not a new bird like Xue Zhu.

  When hearing those people's irresponsible remarks, Xue Zhu was not impulsive, but she was also very angry.

  Those people speak too badly.

  Some people even found out what happened to Xie Xinyao back then, saying that it was wrong for Xie Xinyao to be expelled from the No. 1 Research Institute at that time, and it was all because of Qiao Nian's frame and exclusion of her.

  She ha ha ha ha!

  Xie Xinyao was expelled from the First Research Institute at the time and did it purely by herself, and had half a dime relationship with Sun!

  Besides, Xie Xinyao was not only kicked out of the First Research Institute, but even Xie's family sent her abroad overnight, so she didn't even dare to return to Independent Island.

   Is this not enough to explain the good deeds Xie Xinyao has done?

   It’s just that she can’t use a loudspeaker to argue with people every day in the research institute. It’s meaningless. Human prejudice is like a mountain.

   Even the most perfect people can find fault as long as they see people with prejudice.

   Besides, she knew that Qiao Nian didn't care what these people thought!


  When Zhou Zhou heard the girl's casual voice, his heartbeat calmed down a lot.

   "Be careful yourself."

  She always felt that Qiao Nian's expulsion from the First Research Institute had something to do with the recent storm in Ji's family, but she was a researcher.

  The First Research Institute has an extraordinary status in Independent Continent, but it is different from other forces.

  They don't have thugs and weapons supported by major family forces. They rely more on their brains and research results that are at the forefront of the world.

   All forces want to gain benefits from them, so naturally they should be regarded as honored guests and respectful to them at ordinary times.

  It can involve these real power struggles, and there is very little they can do.

  Zhou Zhou: "Anyway, be careful yourself."


  Qiao Nian left Jinan's apartment and went to the hospital first.

  Zhong Yiliu is in full charge of Ji Lingfeng's body.

   Qiao Nian went directly to the second floor.

  The entire first floor here is guarded by the staff of Ji's family, and only a few people can go in and visit.

  Qiao Nian is one of the few people.


  Elevator doors open.

  The girl pressed down her peaked cap, put her hands in her pockets and walked straight to the ward area where Ji Lingfeng was.

  He Lin's people are everywhere here.

  He Lin had already told them to let Qiao Nian go without asking.

  So when those tall and burly bodyguards saw the girl coming in, they just lowered their heads slightly to make way for the girl to pass without saying a word of unnecessary nonsense.

   This makes the scene look weird.

  Qiao Nian walked outside the ward but didn't go in to see him. Instead, he stood in the corridor and sent a message to Zhong Liuliu.

   After a while, a little old man came out of it.

  Seeing her coming, he looked her up and down, and said angrily, "Aren't you going in to have a look?"

  Seeing him coming out, Qiao Nian put the phone back into his pocket without stretching out his hand, with a lazy attitude: "No. I'll just come and ask, how is he?"

   "I woke up once in the morning, for about ten minutes. I just opened my eyes, and my consciousness hasn't recovered much. It will take some time to really wake up."

  Zhong Liuliu kept talking and shooting the machine gun.

"I said you obviously cared about him, why didn't you go into the ward to have a look, anyway, he didn't wake up, even if you went in to have a look, he wouldn't know. If you hadn't called me over in advance, he would have died that day, and he wouldn't have died if he didn't die." It's good now. You're already like this, and you're still stubborn, acting like you don't care about his life! If you really don't care, you'll meddle in these nosy things!"

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