Published at 27th of April 2021 12:28:42 PM

Chapter 744: 744

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Chapter 744 Nian sister: I don’t know who she is

"Well, that's the one, Miss Qiao, how do you know the iris technology? Yesterday Luo Qing took your USB flash drive back, the people on the technical department were crazy. I heard that they were studying your technology all night..."

Iris technology is the most powerful verification technology of the nine institutes today.

Qiao Nian's shot is a technology that is one level higher than Zhou Wei's most successful technology. Although it is not as powerful as the strongest defense system that appeared in the pan three years ago, it is also very powerful...

Nine technical departments are all workaholics. They have the same virtue as Luo Qing. It is strange not to be crazy to see this kind of thing!

Gu San was looking forward to it, thinking that Qiao Nian would surprise him again. Who knew it was a pot of cold water splashing down.

"I just downloaded it online."

Gu San: "?"

Gu San couldn't believe it, and went one step forward: "You just downloaded it online?"

What the hell?

"Just download it on the Internet. There is a website dedicated to software downloads on the Internet. There are links to various software. I found a download at random." Qiao Nian said, went to the table and sat down, opened a lunch box, See the crystal shrimp dumplings inside.

The white and transparent skin is wrapped with shrimps with Q bombs, and it is still steaming, which seems to make people have the desire to move their index fingers.

Gu San was struck for a long time without regaining his senses. He still looked at her in a daze, and asked indifferently: "You didn’t write the programming?"

He and Luo Qing both thought that the verification system was written by Qiao Nian himself!

Qiao Nian's eyes were extremely dark, leaning on the chair, with one hand on the back of the chair, glanced at him, then retracted his gaze, shook his head, and faintly denied: "No. I have to find review materials for the class, no Time to write that."

She picked up the chopsticks on the side, picked up one and tried it. The fresh-scented shrimp dumplings were wrapped in various fillings, and there was soup after a bite. The shrimp meat was especially tender and refreshing, and the temperature was kept just right.

The taste is very good.

No wonder Qin Si specifically mentioned Yufu’s breakfast.

Gu San watched the girl open the other lunch boxes and started to eat breakfast. She looked left and right. She really didn’t want to give up. But after watching for a long time, the girls couldn’t calm down and didn’t pay attention to him at all. They lowered their heads and ate themselves. s things.

He couldn't help but retracted his gaze in disappointment, and said with a full face, "I thought that system was written by you. Team Leader Luo also told me that your system is very similar to the one that Hongmeng's SUN once put on the Internet three years ago. ..."

Qiao Nian paused with the chopsticks in his hand, and said quietly, "Really, it may be a coincidence."

Gu San noticed that she paused for the small details, and nodded in agreement: "I guess so."

As he said, he couldn't help looking forward to Qiao Nian, with an eager look: "By the way, Miss Qiao, do you know who that person is?"

Qiao Nian had just picked up a crab yellow bag and was almost choked by his sudden problem. Fortunately, she reacted quickly, took a sip of water and pressed it down, her slender and beautiful hands tapped the rim of the cup, and her eyes were dark.

"…do not know."

Gu San slapped his lips and said regretfully: "I don't know who wrote this software. It would be nice if I could come to the nine. Even if he imitates SUN,'he' can write this, it is considered top in China. Level up."

Qiao Nian imitating SUN:...


After breakfast, Gu Sanling took her to find a master.

Yesterday, Qiao Nian took the plane and car again. When he arrived at the Jiu Institute, his condition was particularly bad, and he didn't pay attention to what the Jiu Institute was like.

(End of this chapter)

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