Magic Gems Gourmet - Chapter 291

Published at 27th of July 2022 11:10:30 AM

Chapter 291: The power of the Demon King and plans for Baltic's last day.

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The second night dawns when I'm done talking to Sylvia and I'm about to decide on a variety of directions.

On the third day, the four of us enjoyed a meal or tea, Ain allocated time to training with Cain, etc., and didn't do any particularly investigative work.

The two of us at Demon King's Castle wanted this leisure time, and Ein and Chris responded honestly.

And that night.

After dinner, one last time - and I'm talking about when the two of them were crossing swords.

"Ha... ha... I'm here..."

A constant breath Ain sat on the floor and said to the end of the sword that was directed at him - to the king of the sword there.

The place is the backyard of Demon King Castle. The atmosphere is different from that of Wang Du's castle, but the flowers glowing like blue fireroses fantastically colour the battle between the two.

"Enough strength, enough hegemony. At least when you put me in front of you, you don't seem to have any bad habits."

"Well, I don't care what you think."

Bad habits are habits that peek into Ain's own appearance and another word, the sword forgiven by the mighty.

It's just that neither of them makes sense in this guy opponent, they just keep on fighting desperately.

"Enough growth, though. There's not a single thing to mourn, and you might be chasing me for a long time to come."

"Long time - is it?

"I'm naming the World Tree. We don't know how long it lasts, but it's got to be more than an elf."

But I don't know about such a distant future.

Because this year at the very latest, Ain't fifteen years old doesn't have more life expectancy than normal humans yet than you can imagine.

Return with a hard grin without words and wake up slowly and heavily hips.

He walked straight in his breath and sat on the edge of a flowerbed loaded with nearby snow.

"Ain't you tired enough?


How could Cain, who stood in front of himself, say such a thing?

No matter how you look at it, you can't be tired enough, and I want you to take a good look at how tired you are.

It's no exaggeration to say that I'm already satisfied...

"I'm pretty tired, too, right? I can't believe I'm not tired enough..."

"Let's change the way we say it. You're not gonna get busted, are you?

"... I see, does that mean"

An uncomfortable and rampant experience for Ain is only a few times if it goes out of its purpose and heart.

Roughly on three occasions, the Sea Dragon, the runaway Marco and the Heim War.

At an early age... and before demonizing, there were beings like Lloyd and Chris. However, it is also imperative that you do not speak directly, but now you do not deal with them.

Training with Marco and others also gives a sense of fulfilment, but not a part similar to liberation.

"I don't care if you work hard for me like a fool. You know what I mean? You're not gonna run off from there, are you?

"No, no, no... I don't think that's gonna be stupid,"

"Does your body move? Now I'm going out with you."

"... moves"

"The decision is yes... don't do too vicious moves in vain. I wonder if it's like destroying the old king's capital."

Fight as the Demon King. And keep Ain rammed and refreshed, too. This is what Cain's words mean.

"This neighborhood is on the property of Demon King Castle. With Sylvia's connections, it doesn't matter if it's too flashy."

Concerns that could affect your surroundings are also dispensed with, and the stage is well prepared.

Think of it, this is the first time you fight (,) as a demon king.

Although I have shown off one end of that power several times, it was still sweet to call them demon kings.

Breathe for another few dozen seconds or so, exhale loudly in your white breath and look up into the sky.

The full night sky was beautiful and seemed like a starry sky with blooming flowers on the ground.

Then when I get up shortly, I get a glossy grin somewhere, unlike my usual Ain.

"Mr. Cain, too, it's gonna be a different way to fight, isn't it?

"Ah. The work of the King of Swords, he will be opponent with a sword that will also cleave heaven"

"- Okay. Then I too..."

A gladiator of war. King of swords. He who lays the sea dragon down with one sword.

Which of Cain's aliases is a testament to the very pinnacle, and I only feel as much as I count the fearful fears of being born.

What he felt from Ain was a running stream of power that almost frightened him, as if the night sky were even Ain's thing.

He mostly distances himself from Ain and catches his mouth challengingly.

Then the name he preferred leaked out of his mouth naturally.

"- Scratch it. He is the king of swords without men."

His original sword shows up, covered in pitch-black armor all over his body, and unlike for training.

A being that stands out like an eclipse, whether at night, avoiding even the falling grains of snow.

He grabbed the sword that floated in the universe and swung it as if to threaten him several times.

"- Scratch it. Don't allow anything to stand in front of it"

I've only made this name a few times for Kane, too.

These days, it was during the Heim war, and if it was before that, it dates back to the time of the founding of the former Ishtarika.

I am the Demon King. It's special. That's what the Demon King Ein tells you, but the aura released from the cain in front of you is extraordinary.

Bring nature and tension together throughout your body.

Eventually, Cain's arming also comes to an end, where Durahan Cain stands majestically.

Feeling like they could fight each other for the first time, Ain felt delighted inside.

"I feel like I have something to do with the demon king breaking out at Demon King Castle."

"It's family anyway. It would be the same thing."

"... if you ask me, you sure are"

Ein also pulled out his sword late.

I suck the magic out of my mouth for a few seconds, giving it a glare that reminds me of the Holy Sword.

"Come at any time. Show me the power of a sensible demon king.

"Yes. Then... don't hesitate - ugh!

A flash of stepping in from the side, too, is a speed that ends with an eye for both of us.

Proceeding directly from the front, Ain creates a few fantasy hands on his back, feeding him whatever magic he wants, which can be considered inexhaustible.

It should possess exactly what can be termed the hand of a giant, naturally becoming a threat to Cain - but

"Hmm? I didn't know someone called the Demon King was even bothering to put his hands around the back...... duh!

It was behind Cain's guard first.

At a moment when several twats from the ground appeared on the ground, he noticed without even looking back.

Then he also created a fantasy hand, transforming his hand like a sharp knife and cleaving it.

"Huh, lie...!?

"What lies! You can't possibly use your powers!

I was wondering if I could do that, Ain't I learned at this time.

I'm surprised for a moment, but you're dealing with a fierce man named Cain, so it can't be that easy.

But the next moment Cain disappeared.

To disappear into the black everlasting darkness everywhere, leaving only the black jaws and disappearing without a trace.

"And that move... you had it... ugh!

"I didn't expect you to react at first sight. Let's be honest with you."

I manage to stop Kane, who was behind me at some point, on the verge of being swept down.

The current situation is that he grabbed the sword with many fantasy hands and forced it to go away.

The disadvantage increases and with Cain's fantasy hand attack, Ain is blown a few meters away.

"... yeah. That guy... he's so strong..."

The demonization ban also makes a difference in physical abilities and skills used.

but as always, he is just amazed that he was strong and still had hidden powers. Cain opens his mouth a little further away where Ain grumbled like that.

"Hey, what do you think I am?"

"Oh well... I'm a stronger swordsman than anyone..."

"No, it isn't. You think I'm a soft town girl? It's like touching my biological daughter. It's just disgusting even when it's pointed at me."

"... Yes?

Words that didn't clap made Ain's face look right.

"I won't break. Even when you were running wild, we couldn't help but die. So use your power more, more like it."


This may be a unique sensibility, but the words conveyed deep and broad inclusiveness.

The feeling of not being shy, like a father playing with his son, pierces my heart.

"I'm not trying to be modest..."

"Then it's a matter of consciousness. If you're doing this with the intention of training, change your mind. This is a fight. It's supposed to be a life-taking thing, but if it means something different to us, it's enough."

"Oh yeah...?

"Let the secret power weep. You don't have to wake him up classy."

Sooo...... ha. Repeat calm breathing several times, rebutting the words conveyed.

What is required is a battle that follows instincts. Instead of fighting as a swordsman, it's only Ein the Demon King.

At the same time, I could trust him to use his power.

Switching feelings is infinitely quick, with a first-star presence in the eye.

When a fantasy hand disappears from his back, he also weakens his hand and slows it down.

"That's right. Show me what you just made me feel again."

"Even if you fail to add or subtract power, you forgive me, don't you?

"Ha! You should say it great after you get the results"

When Cain releases a deliberate word of incitement, he can put his strength into his sword-shaking hand.

Now let's set up a hand here. I just stepped on the accumulated snow and noticed the strangeness around me.

"It's a little harsh, isn't it? He likes the way he fights, or he takes the same attitude."


"I'm sorry, I'm talking about this one.... I'm talking about a guy in that world who doesn't like me very much."


"Thank you for waiting. The world tree of bulimia - it looks like it's finally back."

At the same time as the words are finished, all the darkness around them is absorbed.

It's dark at night. I wonder why it is. A darker giant force floated over Ain's head and a black aura splashed like purple electricity running.

Then, too, the coat of Prince Wang, which Ain wore, was dyed strangely black.

"I try to win with my sword because I can't win with my sword. I'm sure this is the same emotion I had."

"… but there is no need to have custody"

Fu, a glimmer of sweat flowed through Cain's temples.

The array that floats over Ein's head is undoubtedly of a different dimension than its own.

What's more, Ain who stands down is his best friend.

"Numbers, moves, size - and power. Don't be shy."

"Ha ha... ok. Well, I'll be quick."

Ein the Demon King, the strength of the world tree of bulimia is still in its pedigree.

There was an overwhelming presence of a species called the World Tree, more than the special strengthening of demonization.

"Eat it up (,,,,,,)"

Exactly endless vertical and horizontal. Diagonal vertical and horizontal, up and down front and back.

What strikes me from all directions is a burning mass of magic.

Waving his sword, it didn't disappear, and Cain eventually let his body advance toward Ain as he spoiled and wore that attack.

"Eh - that wasn't bad now, Ain't it!

Ain lifts his hand loosely and squeezes his fingertips tightly.

A drop of black Shizukuishi falls zero from overhead, and a black marsh spreads around Ain.

"I won't let it be in the past."

One hand of Ain't got no sword dyed toxicly black.

Eventually, when Cain waved down his sword in time, Ain offered him a black stained hand.

"You stopped my sword with your bare hands - huh!?

"I kind of get it. It embodies the source of the power of the bulimic world tree."

That's why you stopped my sword with your bare hands.

I don't feel like just stopping it.

Phew, and with one breath, force, and throw Cain with each sword.

It's been a long time since she's fallen apart like this, and Cain gets up desperately with her face crooked.

"Finally. I think I finally got the right blow."

Ain't the one in front of you.

Set up a sword and cut it with a huge swing of horizontal giraffes.

"Damn... so easy, I wonder if they'll do it!

Exactly Cain cut up a swing of intent.

Bear the brink of a direct blow and roll further behind to take a distance - to avoid a disadvantage to your posture.

However, Ain gets even more powerful under the night sky, which creates a static air.

"No, I'm sorry, but - I won't allow it"

I will not allow that movement. It's a dialogue where Ain often talks to his enemies.

To say that this came out of your mouth means that Ein is in an overwhelming advantage.

I usually hunt him down with a stepping stone and a sword trident, but Ain't the Demon King of the World Tree today.

Transmitting the ground, black magic sets up a chase on Cain, spreading up and down so that he can devour it.



A giant creature opened its mouth and swallowed it - I have to assume it fits above all to describe it that way.

But the swallowed cain is also a powerful man in the corner. He also calms down again and releases a sword trident that cleaves heaven.

"Ugh, shh...!?

"Are you lying? That's the line over here...... ugh!

Ain thought he had a battle, but he's the king of swords everywhere.

A wave powerful enough to swallow destroys the magic consumed by a wave of his seriousness.

- Looking at the situation, it seems that the two are still antagonizing, but the fruit, the burden pouring down on Cain's body, is immeasurable.

"Chip... not where my hands and feet are, my whole body..."

The demonized Ein attack is too heavy.

One blow is enough to inflict a fatal injury, and if you're caught off guard, you're going to fall without a think gap.

Taking advantage of Ain's surprise, take a deep breath and set up a sword. Then Ain back down -.

"... Mr. Cain. This is my thirst."

Black and dropped clumps of magic rising from the ground.

Gradually gathering against the ball overhead releases what should be called a black sun.

However, it is much smaller than that seen in Ein's spiritual world, and besides the fact that this is the real world, it is nothing short of proof that there is still room.

I just don't expose you to the courage to embrace Cain and use your powers, like the world tree of bulimia then.

Eventually, Ain sent a sword flash over his head with his sword, covering his sword with a black Shizuku that leaked out of his balls.

"That's a good way to use it. Where'd you practice?

"I didn't practice. I'm just trying to do what Lasbos (,,,) was doing."

"Las Boss......?

I didn't know what the word meant. Cain knocked his neck off. But without setting aside, he regains his mind and turns his sword to a mighty enemy named Ain.

The tremor definitely shook the samurai. There is no gap between the front eye and the offense.

"Do we need to go out of our way to receive power? That would be inconvenient."

"Because it's a world tree. In the first place, it's your word because I can move like this."

The black Shizuku dripped from Ain's sword tip.

The silver snow around suddenly evaporates, exposing the blue lawn that was hiding beneath it.

And then another drop of pottery drips onto the floor.

The blue lawn ecstatic, unleashed its hidden vitality and blossomed.

At the end of the day, when one more drop drips to the ground, the grasshopper transforms into a disastrous petal of red and black.

"- I see. You're the Demon King."

A world tree at the apex of nature. Even Cain smiles joyfully, showing off his demon king's testimony seriously.

Until now, it's the power of Ein, the Demon King.

"... I guess so"

A few transformations, but this is the best way to fight that Ein, the Demon King, is attracted to.

And above all, the use of basic powers.

When the black ball above his head flashes red and black as he answers, a strong magic resides in Ain's body.

"I'll finish next"

"Oh, try it - Ain't it!

To add, this is not a battle of hatred, unless it is a taking of life.

Purely one opportunity for Ain, so much so that we feel inwardly entertained by each other.

Nevertheless, the way it was enjoyed was the constant separation, and Ain missed the battle coming to an end.

"If you can take it..."

"Ha... I don't pray to God or anything. I'm only going to win all the time!

Cain rushes out, and Ain lays his sword like a leaning horizontal giraffe.

A sword stained with the power of the Demon King hisses and sprinkles heavy pressure to absorb even the surrounding air. The heavy pressure abruptly subsided and calmed the ambient air back down as if nothing had happened.


The next moment Cain felt only one word: 'lost'.

Standing unconsciously to defend the sword, there is magic in the pitch-black armor as well. Ain't got a loose set up and no strength. Just still, I caught a glimpse of the strength that made me want to laugh.

(I can just use this power lightly... it's amazing power, demonization)

And a flash of horizontal gibberish swung like cutting the sky. Wavy magic dances like a black whirlwind and strikes with momentum as if to mock.

Cain is angry that he felt unconsciously defeated, and waves down exactly the sword that cleaves heaven to Ain.

If you're a regular person, you don't have to worry about the reward of two people who can run out in one breath, or just for this occasion.

"Become - don't stop...... ugh!? But with my sword..."

"No, it's my win - Mr. Cain"

The second time I visited it, I flashed.

A runoff of demonic powers unleashed by Ein, the Demon King, that strikes where it is unprotected.

Play the scrubbing sound of metal to crush the armor, break the armor, and blow off the foot armor.

Eventually, Cain, whose body was supported only by the Great Sword, was finally scattered even that.

"Ha... Damn it! Ain't you really..."

Cain made a noise with Batan and rolled into the big letters.

The power drained heavily, staring up at the starry sky out of breath.

I was lightly wiped of all the gear I could fight, and I can no longer afford a second temptation.

"Oh, that? Didn't you take magic from me......!?

"Don't be an idiot, Runaway Demon King. If we do that, we won't be able to settle it at any time."

Settlement is when Ein's magic runs out.

If so, there is no point in this battle.

"It's okay...?

"Oh. I'm sorry, but I just got some magic from Ain. It's not as good as it sounds, but it's very energetic."

That said, he sits on one knee.

"Remember what it feels like right now. When something happens, it'll be better than using your powers in a bump production."

"Huh... Could you take my opponent for that...?

"Well. It's just that you taught me the sword, and what's more, you said you were the Demon King... and even if you don't know how to use your powers, it doesn't make a lot of difference to be ashamed of."

Many of the first powers to use after a runoff.

Ain looked at his palms for a few seconds, nodding satisfactorily and gripping.

"Thank you. Thanks to you, I think I can remember how much power it will take."

"Oh, that's more than anything.... Let's do this for today's training. Just fine, I'm going to take a bath, so hang out."

"Okay. Shall we go then?"

- And one beautiful elf looking out the window of the castle.

She must have wanted to disprove the term training, if only she had heard the conversation between the two of them.

"A, Dear Ein... I won..."

"Isn't that obvious? Ain't you an awakened demon king? Unfortunately, Cain won't win if he uses his powers."

I don't know how many times I've wiped cloudy windows with my hands.

Chris was blinded by Ain, and shortly after he won, he was filling his heart with joy.

"Ain't the flower you blossomed. Beautiful, too. I'll have to thank you later because I've re-modeled your garden."

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

"Huh... a party?

"Yes... that Sylvia and the others are troublesome..."

Chris was the one who welcomed Ain back to his room in the water.

Today is the usual girlfriend wearing a different shirt than yesterday, but no heart or makeup looks different than usual.

"Count Riselle is hosting a party that Chris and I are attending?

"Apparently. I was lost in gratitude, but she told me to thank her surrogate..."

You can't say no if you say so.

Prince Wang's abrupt participation is indescribable, but Cain and Sylvia will now be in the royal family.

However, if you were inviting the two of us, I don't feel that much different.

Ein glances at the invitation handed to him by Chris as he still wipes his slightly wet hair with a towel.

"Okay. Then let's join Chris and me. I'll let Mr. Warren and the others know afterwards, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

"Right. For once, I was right to have a dress. I'll be by your side as usual."

This word is against Sylvia's.

Instead, Chris spoke based on his position, as usual.

- But the next day I opened my last night at Demon King Castle.

The two still don't know that Chris will be taken away by Sylvia and decorated like a fine noble lady.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!